refactor: remove unused code

Tienson Qin 2021-04-16 23:22:48 +08:00
parent 4571723694
commit 1712fef15a
1 changed files with 3 additions and 109 deletions

View File

@ -345,115 +345,6 @@
snd-block-text (string/triml (subs value pos))]
[fst-block-text snd-block-text]))
;; TODO: remove later
;; (defn insert-block-to-existing-file!
;; [repo block file page file-path file-content value fst-block-text snd-block-text pos format input {:keys [create-new-block? ok-handler new-level current-page blocks-container-id]}]
;; (let [{:block/keys [meta pre-block?]} block
;; original-id (:block/uuid block)
;; block-has-children? (seq (:block/children block))
;; edit-self? (and block-has-children? (zero? pos))
;; ;; Compute the new value, remove id property from the second block if exists
;; value (if create-new-block?
;; (str fst-block-text "\n" snd-block-text)
;; value)
;; snd-block-text (text/remove-id-property snd-block-text)
;; text-properties (if (zero? pos)
;; {}
;; (text/extract-properties fst-block-text))
;; old-hidden-properties (select-keys (:block/properties block) text/hidden-properties)
;; properties (merge old-hidden-properties
;; text-properties)
;; value (if create-new-block?
;; (str
;; (->
;; (re-build-block-value block format fst-block-text properties)
;; (string/trimr))
;; "\n"
;; (string/triml snd-block-text))
;; (re-build-block-value block format value properties))
;; value (rebuild-block-content value format)
;; [new-content value] (new-file-content block file-content value)
;; parse-result (block/parse-block (assoc block :block/content value))
;; id-conflict? (= original-id (:block/uuid (:block parse-result)))
;; {:keys [block pages start-pos end-pos]}
;; (if id-conflict?
;; (let [new-value (string/replace
;; value
;; (re-pattern (str "(?i):(custom_)?id: " original-id))
;; "")]
;; (block/parse-block (assoc block :block/content new-value)))
;; parse-result)
;; blocks [block]
;; after-blocks (rebuild-after-blocks repo file (:end-pos meta) end-pos)
;; files [[file-path new-content]]
;; block-retracted-attrs (when-not pre-block?
;; (when-let [id (:db/id block)]
;; [[:db/retractEntity id]]))
;; _ (prn "transact-nf"
;; [block-retracted-attrs
;; pages
;; (mapv (fn [b] {:block/uuid (:block/uuid b)}) blocks)
;; blocks
;; after-blocks])
;; _ (prn " (first blocks) (first after-blocks)" (first blocks) (first after-blocks))
;; transact-fn
;; (fn []
;; (let [tx (concat
;; block-retracted-attrs
;; pages
;; (mapv (fn [b] {:block/uuid (:block/uuid b)}) blocks)
;; blocks
;; after-blocks)
;; opts {:key :block/insert
;; :data (map (fn [block] (assoc block :block/page page)) blocks)}]
;; (do (state/update-last-edit-block)
;; #_(build-outliner-relation (first blocks) (first after-blocks))
;; (db/refresh! repo opts)
;; (let [files (remove nil? files)]
;; (when (seq files)
;; (file-handler/alter-files repo files opts)))))
;; (state/set-editor-op! nil))]
;; ;; Replace with batch transactions
;; (state/add-tx! transact-fn)
;; (let [blocks (remove (fn [block]
;; (nil? (:block/content block))) blocks)
;; page-blocks-atom (db/get-page-blocks-cache-atom repo (:db/id page))
;; first-block-id (:block/uuid (first blocks))
;; [before-part after-part] (and page-blocks-atom
;; (split-with
;; #(not= first-block-id (:block/uuid %))
;; @page-blocks-atom))
;; after-part (rest after-part)
;; blocks-container-id (and blocks-container-id
;; (util/uuid-string? blocks-container-id)
;; (medley/uuid blocks-container-id))]
;; ;; WORKAROUND: The block won't refresh itself even if the content is empty.
;; (when edit-self?
;; (gobj/set input "value" ""))
;; (when ok-handler
;; (ok-handler
;; (if edit-self? (first blocks) (last blocks))))
;; ;; update page blocks cache if exists
;; (when page-blocks-atom
;; (reset! page-blocks-atom (->> (concat before-part blocks after-part)
;; (remove nil?))))
;; ;; update block children cache if exists
;; (when blocks-container-id
;; (let [blocks-atom (db/get-block-blocks-cache-atom repo blocks-container-id)
;; [before-part after-part] (and blocks-atom
;; (split-with
;; #(not= first-block-id (:block/uuid %))
;; @blocks-atom))
;; after-part (rest after-part)]
;; (and blocks-atom
;; (reset! blocks-atom (->> (concat before-part blocks after-part)
;; (remove nil?)))))))))
(defn outliner-insert-block!
[current-block new-block child?]
(let [dummy? (:block/dummy? current-block)
@ -568,6 +459,9 @@
(profile "update cache " (update-cache-for-block-insert! repo config block blocks))
(state/add-tx! refresh-fn)))
;; WORKAROUND: The block won't refresh itself even if the content is empty.
(when block-self?
(gobj/set input "value" ""))
(profile "ok handler" (ok-handler next-block))
(state/set-editor-op! nil))))