fix: ignore binary files and other formats from watcher

Tienson Qin 2023-12-04 23:46:26 +08:00
parent 1861aa1697
commit 17f10edb39
2 changed files with 56 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
(re-find #"^\.[^.]+" relpath))))))
(def ^:private allowed-formats
#{:org :markdown :md :edn :json :js :css :excalidraw :tldr})
#{:org :markdown :md :edn :json :js :css :excalidraw :tldr :pdf})
(defn- get-ext
@ -71,4 +71,4 @@
(->> (readdir graph-dir)
(remove (partial ignored-path? graph-dir))
(filter #(contains? allowed-formats (get-ext %)))))
(filter #(contains? allowed-formats (get-ext %)))))

View File

@ -67,70 +67,71 @@
:else (config/get-local-repo dir))
repo-dir (config/get-local-dir repo)
{:keys [mtime]} stat
db-content (db/get-file repo path)
exists-in-db? (not (nil? db-content))
db-content (or db-content "")]
ext (keyword (path/file-ext path))]
(when (contains? #{:org :md :markdown :css :js :edn :excalidraw :tldr} ext)
(let [db-content (db/get-file repo path)
exists-in-db? (not (nil? db-content))
db-content (or db-content "")]
(when (or content (contains? #{"unlink" "unlinkDir" "addDir"} type))
(and (= "unlinkDir" type) dir)
(state/pub-event! [:graph/dir-gone dir])
(when (or content (contains? #{"unlink" "unlinkDir" "addDir"} type))
(and (= "unlinkDir" type) dir)
(state/pub-event! [:graph/dir-gone dir])
(and (= "addDir" type) dir)
(state/pub-event! [:graph/dir-back repo dir])
(and (= "addDir" type) dir)
(state/pub-event! [:graph/dir-back repo dir])
(contains? (:file/unlinked-dirs @state/state) dir)
(contains? (:file/unlinked-dirs @state/state) dir)
(and (= "add" type)
(not= (string/trim content) (string/trim db-content)))
(let [backup? (not (string/blank? db-content))]
(handle-add-and-change! repo path content db-content mtime backup?))
(and (= "add" type)
(not= (string/trim content) (string/trim db-content)))
(let [backup? (not (string/blank? db-content))]
(handle-add-and-change! repo path content db-content mtime backup?))
(and (= "change" type)
(= dir repo-dir)
(not= (string/trim content) (string/trim db-content))
(not (gp-config/local-asset? path)))
(when-not (and
(string/includes? path (str "/" (config/get-journals-directory) "/"))
(= (string/trim content)
(string/trim (or (state/get-default-journal-template) "")))
(= (string/trim content) "-")
(= (string/trim content) "*")))
(handle-add-and-change! repo path content db-content mtime (not global-dir))) ;; no backup for global dir
(and (= "change" type)
(= dir repo-dir)
(not= (string/trim content) (string/trim db-content))
(not (gp-config/local-asset? path)))
(when-not (and
(string/includes? path (str "/" (config/get-journals-directory) "/"))
(= (string/trim content)
(string/trim (or (state/get-default-journal-template) "")))
(= (string/trim content) "-")
(= (string/trim content) "*")))
(handle-add-and-change! repo path content db-content mtime (not global-dir))) ;; no backup for global dir
(and (= "unlink" type)
(p/let [dir-exists? (fs/file-exists? dir "")]
(when dir-exists?
(when-let [page-name (db/get-file-page path)]
(println "Delete page: " page-name ", file path: " path ".")
(page-handler/delete! page-name #() :delete-file? false))))
(and (= "unlink" type)
(p/let [dir-exists? (fs/file-exists? dir "")]
(when dir-exists?
(when-let [page-name (db/get-file-page path)]
(println "Delete page: " page-name ", file path: " path ".")
(page-handler/delete! page-name #() :delete-file? false))))
;; global config handling
(and (= "change" type)
(= dir (global-config-handler/global-config-dir)))
(when (= path "config.edn")
(global-config-handler/global-config-path) content {:from-disk? true}))
(and (= "change" type)
(= dir (global-config-handler/global-config-dir)))
(when (= path "config.edn")
(global-config-handler/global-config-path) content {:from-disk? true}))
(and (= "change" type)
(not exists-in-db?))
(js/console.error "Can't get file in the db: " path)
(and (= "change" type)
(not exists-in-db?))
(js/console.error "Can't get file in the db: " path)
(and (contains? #{"add" "change" "unlink"} type)
(string/ends-with? path "logseq/custom.css"))
(println "reloading custom.css")
(and (contains? #{"add" "change" "unlink"} type)
(string/ends-with? path "logseq/custom.css"))
(println "reloading custom.css")
(contains? #{"add" "change" "unlink"} type)
(contains? #{"add" "change" "unlink"} type)
(log/error :fs/watcher-no-handler {:type type
:payload payload})))
(log/error :fs/watcher-no-handler {:type type
:payload payload})))))
;; return nil, otherwise the entire db will be transferred by ipc