enhance(plugin): support custom daemon renderer from the plugin sdk

charlie 2024-03-22 15:24:36 +08:00
parent e8fbfb146b
commit 18a1655cac
6 changed files with 259 additions and 226 deletions

View File

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ import { PluginLocal } from '../LSPlugin.core'
import { safeSnakeCase } from '../helpers'
* WARN: These are some experience features and may be adjusted at any time.
* WARN: These are some experience features and might be adjusted at any time.
* These unofficial plugins that use these APIs are temporarily
* not supported on the Marketplace.
* may not be supported on the Marketplace.
export class LSPluginExperiments {
constructor(private ctx: LSPluginUser) {}
@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ export class LSPluginExperiments {
public invokeExperMethod(type: string, ...args: Array<any>) {
const host = this.ensureHostScope()
type = safeSnakeCase(type)?.toLowerCase()
return host.logseq.api['exper_' + type]?.apply(host, args)
const fn = host.logseq.api['exper_' + type] || host.logseq.sdk.experiments[type]
return fn?.apply(host, args)
async loadScripts(...scripts: Array<string>) {
@ -59,23 +60,40 @@ export class LSPluginExperiments {
render: (props: { content: string }) => any
) {
return this.ensureHostScope().logseq.api.exper_register_fenced_code_renderer(
return this.invokeExperMethod(
key: string,
opts: {
sub?: Array<string>,
render: (props: {}) => any
) {
return this.invokeExperMethod(
key: string,
opts: {
name?: string,
path: string,
render: (props: { content: string }) => any
subs?: Array<string>
path: string,
render: (props: {}) => any
) {
return this.ensureHostScope().logseq.api.exper_register_route_renderer(
return this.invokeExperMethod(
@ -97,7 +115,8 @@ export class LSPluginExperiments {
return host.logseq.api.exper_register_extensions_enhancer(
return this.invokeExperMethod(

View File

@ -1431,8 +1431,16 @@
(cond-> routes
(concat (some->> (plugin-handler/hook-routes-renderer)
(concat (some->> (plugin-handler/get-route-renderers)
(mapv #(when-let [{:keys [name path render]} %]
(when (not (string/blank? path))
[path {:name name :view (fn [r] (render r %))}])))
(remove nil?)))))
(remove nil?)))))
(defn hook-daemon-renderers
(when-let [rs (seq (plugin-handler/get-daemon-renderers))]
(for [{:keys [key _pid render]} rs]
(when (fn? render)
[:div.lsp-daemon-container-card {:data-key key} (render)]))]))

View File

@ -57,10 +57,10 @@
(defn load-plugin-preferences
(-> (invoke-exported-api "load_user_preferences")
(p/then #(bean/->clj %))
(p/then #(state/set-state! :plugin/preferences %))
#(js/console.error %))))
(p/then #(bean/->clj %))
(p/then #(state/set-state! :plugin/preferences %))
#(js/console.error %))))
(defn save-plugin-preferences!
([input] (save-plugin-preferences! input true))
@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
(reject nil)))]
(if (state/http-proxy-enabled-or-val?)
(-> (ipc/ipc :httpFetchJSON plugins-url)
(p/then on-ok)
(p/catch reject))
(p/then on-ok)
(p/catch reject))
(util/fetch plugins-url on-ok reject)))))
(p/resolved (:plugin/marketplace-pkgs @state/state))))
@ -111,33 +111,33 @@
[k (assoc stat
(reduce (fn [a b] (+ a (get b 2))) 0 (:releases stat)))])
(resolve nil))
(reject nil)))]
(if (state/http-proxy-enabled-or-val?)
(-> (ipc/ipc :httpFetchJSON stats-url)
(p/then on-ok)
(p/catch reject))
(p/then on-ok)
(p/catch reject))
(util/fetch stats-url on-ok reject)))))
(p/resolved nil)))
(defn check-or-update-marketplace-plugin!
[{:keys [id] :as pkg} error-handler]
(when-not (and (:plugin/installing @state/state)
(not (plugin-common-handler/installed? id)))
(not (plugin-common-handler/installed? id)))
(state/set-state! :plugin/installing pkg)
(-> (load-marketplace-plugins false)
(p/then (fn [mfts]
(let [mft (some #(when (= (:id %) id) %) mfts)]
;;TODO: (throw (js/Error. [:not-found-in-marketplace id]))
(ipc/ipc :updateMarketPlugin (merge (dissoc pkg :logger) mft)))
(p/catch (fn [^js e]
(error-handler e)
(state/set-state! :plugin/installing nil)
(js/console.error e))))))
(p/then (fn [mfts]
(let [mft (some #(when (= (:id %) id) %) mfts)]
;;TODO: (throw (js/Error. [:not-found-in-marketplace id]))
(ipc/ipc :updateMarketPlugin (merge (dissoc pkg :logger) mft)))
(p/catch (fn [^js e]
(error-handler e)
(state/set-state! :plugin/installing nil)
(js/console.error e))))))
(defn get-plugin-inst
@ -163,12 +163,12 @@
(defn open-updates-downloading
(when (and (not (:plugin/updates-downloading? @state/state))
(seq (state/all-available-coming-updates)))
(seq (state/all-available-coming-updates)))
(->> (:plugin/updates-coming @state/state)
(map #(if (state/coming-update-new-version? (second %1))
(update % 1 dissoc :error-code) %1))
(into {})
(state/set-state! :plugin/updates-coming))
(map #(if (state/coming-update-new-version? (second %1))
(update % 1 dissoc :error-code) %1))
(into {})
(state/set-state! :plugin/updates-coming))
(state/set-state! :plugin/updates-downloading? true)))
(defn close-updates-downloading
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
(defn setup-install-listener!
(let [channel (name :lsp-updates)
(let [channel (name :lsp-updates)
listener (fn [_ ^js e]
(when-let [{:keys [status payload only-check]} (bean/->clj e)]
(case (keyword status)
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
(t :plugin/installed-plugin name) :success)))))
(let [error-code (keyword (string/replace (:error-code payload) #"^[\s\:\[]+" ""))
(let [error-code (keyword (string/replace (:error-code payload) #"^[\s\:\[]+" ""))
fake-error? (contains? #{:no-new-version} error-code)
[msg type] (case error-code
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
[(t :plugin/up-to-date ":)") :success]
[error-code :error])
pending? (seq (:plugin/updates-pending @state/state))]
pending? (seq (:plugin/updates-pending @state/state))]
(if (and only-check pending?)
(state/consume-updates-from-coming-plugin! payload false)
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
(when-let [pid (keyword pid)]
(when (contains? (:plugin/installed-plugins @state/state) pid)
(swap! state/state update-in [:plugin/installed-slash-commands pid]
(fnil merge {}) (hash-map cmd (mapv #(conj % {:pid pid}) actions)))
(fnil merge {}) (hash-map cmd (mapv #(conj % {:pid pid}) actions)))
(state/pub-event! [:rebuild-slash-commands-list])
@ -276,36 +276,36 @@
(state/pub-event! [:rebuild-slash-commands-list]))
(def keybinding-mode-handler-map
{:global :shortcut.handler/editor-global
{:global :shortcut.handler/editor-global
:non-editing :shortcut.handler/global-non-editing-only
:editing :shortcut.handler/block-editing-only})
:editing :shortcut.handler/block-editing-only})
(defn simple-cmd->palette-cmd
[pid {:keys [key label type desc keybinding] :as cmd} action]
(let [palette-cmd {:id (keyword (str "plugin." pid "/" key))
:desc (or desc label)
:shortcut (when-let [shortcut (:binding keybinding)]
(if util/mac?
(or (:mac keybinding) shortcut)
(let [palette-cmd {:id (keyword (str "plugin." pid "/" key))
:desc (or desc label)
:shortcut (when-let [shortcut (:binding keybinding)]
(if util/mac?
(or (:mac keybinding) shortcut)
:handler-id (let [mode (or (:mode keybinding) :global)]
(get keybinding-mode-handler-map (keyword mode)))
:action (fn []
[:exec-plugin-cmd {:type type :key key :pid pid :cmd cmd :action action}]))}]
:action (fn []
[:exec-plugin-cmd {:type type :key key :pid pid :cmd cmd :action action}]))}]
(defn simple-cmd-keybinding->shortcut-args
[pid key keybinding]
(let [id (keyword (str "plugin." pid "/" key))
(let [id (keyword (str "plugin." pid "/" key))
binding (:binding keybinding)
binding (some->> (if (string? binding) [binding] (vec binding))
(remove string/blank?)
(map shortcut-utils/undecorate-binding))
(remove string/blank?)
(map shortcut-utils/undecorate-binding))
binding (if util/mac?
(or (:mac keybinding) binding) binding)
mode (or (:mode keybinding) :global)
mode (get keybinding-mode-handler-map (keyword mode))]
mode (or (:mode keybinding) :global)
mode (get keybinding-mode-handler-map (keyword mode))]
[mode id {:binding binding}]))
(defn register-plugin-simple-command
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
(when-let [pid (keyword pid)]
(when (contains? (:plugin/installed-plugins @state/state) pid)
(swap! state/state update-in [:plugin/simple-commands pid]
(fnil conj []) [type cmd action pid])
(fnil conj []) [type cmd action pid])
(defn unregister-plugin-simple-command
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
(let [items (or (get-in @state/state [:plugin/installed-ui-items pid]) [])
items (filter #(not= key (:key (second %))) items)]
(swap! state/state assoc-in [:plugin/installed-ui-items pid]
(conj items [type opts pid])))
(conj items [type opts pid])))
(defn unregister-plugin-ui-items
@ -427,10 +427,20 @@
(def register-route-renderer
:route-renderers *route-renderer-providers))
(def hook-routes-renderer
(def get-route-renderers
:route-renderers *route-renderer-providers true))
(defonce *daemon-renderer-providers (atom #{}))
(def register-daemon-renderer
;; [pid key payload]
:daemon-renderers *daemon-renderer-providers))
(def get-daemon-renderers
;; [key]
:daemon-renderers *daemon-renderer-providers true))
(defn select-a-plugin-theme
(when-let [themes (get (group-by :pid (:plugin/installed-themes @state/state)) pid)]
@ -440,10 +450,10 @@
(defn update-plugin-settings-state
[id settings]
(state/set-state! [:plugin/installed-plugins id :settings]
;; TODO: force settings related ui reactive
;; Sometimes toggle to `disable` not working
;; But related-option data updated?
(assoc settings :disabled (boolean (:disabled settings)))))
;; TODO: force settings related ui reactive
;; Sometimes toggle to `disable` not working
;; But related-option data updated?
(assoc settings :disabled (boolean (:disabled settings)))))
(defn open-settings-file-in-default-app!
@ -487,8 +497,8 @@
(and (string/blank? (string/trim content)) (throw nil))
(state/set-state! :plugin/active-readme [content item])
(shui/dialog-open! (fn [_] (display)) {:label "plugin-readme"}))
(p/catch #(do (js/console.warn %)
(notification/show! "No README content." :warning))))
(p/catch #(do (js/console.warn %)
(notification/show! "No README content." :warning))))
;; market
(shui/dialog-open! (fn [_] (display repo nil)) {:label "plugin-readme"}))))
@ -508,12 +518,12 @@
(when config/lsp-enabled?
(js-invoke js/LSPluginCore
(str "hook" (string/capitalize (name tag)))
(name type)
(if (coll? payload)
(bean/->js (normalize-keyword-for-json payload))
(if (keyword? plugin-id) (name plugin-id) plugin-id))
(str "hook" (string/capitalize (name tag)))
(name type)
(if (coll? payload)
(bean/->js (normalize-keyword-for-json payload))
(if (keyword? plugin-id) (name plugin-id) plugin-id))
(catch :default e
(log/error :invoke-hook-exception e)))))
@ -532,8 +542,8 @@
(defn hook-plugin-block-changes
[{:keys [blocks tx-data tx-meta]}]
(let [tx-data' (group-by first tx-data)
blocks' (filter #(when-let [uuid (:block/uuid %)]
(db-block-hook-installed? uuid)) blocks)]
blocks' (filter #(when-let [uuid (:block/uuid %)]
(db-block-hook-installed? uuid)) blocks)]
(doseq [b blocks']
(let [type (str "block:" (:block/uuid b))]
(hook-plugin-db type {:block b :tx-data (get tx-data' (:db/id b)) :tx-meta tx-meta})))))
@ -551,13 +561,13 @@
[dirname default]
(fn [key]
(when-let [key (and key (name key))]
(p/let [repo ""
path (get-ls-dotdir-root)
(p/let [repo ""
path (get-ls-dotdir-root)
exist? (fs/file-exists? path dirname)
_ (when-not exist? (fs/mkdir! (util/node-path.join path dirname)))
path (util/node-path.join path dirname (str key ".json"))
_ (fs/create-if-not-exists repo nil path (or default "{}"))
json (fs/read-file nil path)]
_ (when-not exist? (fs/mkdir! (util/node-path.join path dirname)))
path (util/node-path.join path dirname (str key ".json"))
_ (fs/create-if-not-exists repo nil path (or default "{}"))
json (fs/read-file nil path)]
[path (js/JSON.parse json)]))))
(defn make-fn-to-save-dotdir-json
@ -594,11 +604,11 @@
(defn- get-user-default-plugins
(p/let [files ^js (ipc/ipc "getUserDefaultPlugins")
files (js->clj files)]
(map #(hash-map :url %) files))
(fn [e]
(js/console.error e))))
(p/let [files ^js (ipc/ipc "getUserDefaultPlugins")
files (js->clj files)]
(map #(hash-map :url %) files))
(fn [e]
(js/console.error e))))
(defn set-auto-checking!
@ -621,7 +631,7 @@
(defn cancel-user-checking!
(when (and (get-user-checking?)
(not (get-auto-checking?)))
(not (get-auto-checking?)))
(state/set-state! :plugin/updates-pending {})))
(defn user-check-enabled-for-updates!
@ -634,22 +644,22 @@
;; TODO: too many requests may be limited by Github api
(when-let [plugins (seq (take 32 (state/get-enabled?-installed-plugins theme?)))]
(->> plugins
(map (fn [v] [(keyword (:id v)) v]))
(into {})
(state/set-state! :plugin/updates-pending))
(map (fn [v] [(keyword (:id v)) v]))
(into {})
(state/set-state! :plugin/updates-pending))
(state/pub-event! [:plugin/consume-updates])))))
(defn auto-check-enabled-for-updates!
(when (and (not (get-updates-downloading?))
(not (get-auto-checking?))
(not (get-user-checking?)))
(not (get-auto-checking?))
(not (get-user-checking?)))
;; TODO: take some plugins used recently
(when-let [plugins (seq (take 16 (shuffle (state/get-enabled?-installed-plugins nil))))]
(->> plugins
(map (fn [v] [(keyword (:id v)) v]))
(into {})
(state/set-state! :plugin/updates-pending))
(map (fn [v] [(keyword (:id v)) v]))
(into {})
(state/set-state! :plugin/updates-pending))
(state/pub-event! [:plugin/consume-updates])
(set-auto-checking! true))))
@ -708,8 +718,8 @@
(state/set-state! :plugin/indicator-text "LOADING")
(-> (p/let [root (get-ls-dotdir-root)
_ (.setupPluginCore js/LSPlugin (bean/->js {:localUserConfigRoot root :dotConfigRoot root}))
(-> (p/let [root (get-ls-dotdir-root)
_ (.setupPluginCore js/LSPlugin (bean/->js {:localUserConfigRoot root :dotConfigRoot root}))
clear-commands! (fn [pid]
;; commands
@ -720,97 +730,97 @@
(unregister-plugin-resources pid)
(unregister-plugin-search-services pid))
_ (doto js/LSPluginCore
(.on "registered"
(fn [^js pl]
(bean/->clj (.parse js/JSON (.stringify js/JSON pl))))))
_ (doto js/LSPluginCore
(.on "registered"
(fn [^js pl]
(bean/->clj (.parse js/JSON (.stringify js/JSON pl))))))
(.on "reloaded"
(fn [^js pl]
(bean/->clj (.parse js/JSON (.stringify js/JSON pl))))))
(.on "reloaded"
(fn [^js pl]
(bean/->clj (.parse js/JSON (.stringify js/JSON pl))))))
(.on "unregistered" (fn [pid]
(let [pid (keyword pid)]
;; effects
(unregister-plugin-themes pid)
;; plugins
(swap! state/state medley/dissoc-in [:plugin/installed-plugins pid])
;; commands
(clear-commands! pid))))
(.on "unregistered" (fn [pid]
(let [pid (keyword pid)]
;; effects
(unregister-plugin-themes pid)
;; plugins
(swap! state/state medley/dissoc-in [:plugin/installed-plugins pid])
;; commands
(clear-commands! pid))))
(.on "unlink-plugin" (fn [pid]
(let [pid (keyword pid)]
(ipc/ipc "uninstallMarketPlugin" (name pid)))))
(.on "unlink-plugin" (fn [pid]
(let [pid (keyword pid)]
(ipc/ipc "uninstallMarketPlugin" (name pid)))))
(.on "beforereload" (fn [^js pl]
(let [pid (.-id pl)]
(clear-commands! pid)
(unregister-plugin-themes pid false))))
(.on "beforereload" (fn [^js pl]
(let [pid (.-id pl)]
(clear-commands! pid)
(unregister-plugin-themes pid false))))
(.on "disabled" (fn [pid]
(clear-commands! pid)
(unregister-plugin-themes pid)))
(.on "disabled" (fn [pid]
(clear-commands! pid)
(unregister-plugin-themes pid)))
(.on "themes-changed" (fn [^js themes]
(swap! state/state assoc :plugin/installed-themes
(vec (mapcat (fn [[pid vs]] (mapv #(assoc % :pid pid) (bean/->clj vs))) (bean/->clj themes))))))
(.on "themes-changed" (fn [^js themes]
(swap! state/state assoc :plugin/installed-themes
(vec (mapcat (fn [[pid vs]] (mapv #(assoc % :pid pid) (bean/->clj vs))) (bean/->clj themes))))))
(.on "theme-selected" (fn [^js theme]
(let [theme (bean/->clj theme)
url (:url theme)
mode (:mode theme)]
(when mode
(state/set-custom-theme! mode theme)
(state/set-theme-mode! mode))
(state/set-state! :plugin/selected-theme url)
(hook-plugin-app :theme-changed theme))))
(.on "theme-selected" (fn [^js theme]
(let [theme (bean/->clj theme)
url (:url theme)
mode (:mode theme)]
(when mode
(state/set-custom-theme! mode theme)
(state/set-theme-mode! mode))
(state/set-state! :plugin/selected-theme url)
(hook-plugin-app :theme-changed theme))))
(.on "reset-custom-theme" (fn [^js themes]
(let [themes (bean/->clj themes)
custom-theme (dissoc themes :mode)
mode (:mode themes)]
(state/set-custom-theme! {:light (if (nil? (:light custom-theme)) {:mode "light"} (:light custom-theme))
:dark (if (nil? (:dark custom-theme)) {:mode "dark"} (:dark custom-theme))})
(state/set-theme-mode! mode))))
(.on "reset-custom-theme" (fn [^js themes]
(let [themes (bean/->clj themes)
custom-theme (dissoc themes :mode)
mode (:mode themes)]
(state/set-custom-theme! {:light (if (nil? (:light custom-theme)) {:mode "light"} (:light custom-theme))
:dark (if (nil? (:dark custom-theme)) {:mode "dark"} (:dark custom-theme))})
(state/set-theme-mode! mode))))
(.on "settings-changed" (fn [id ^js settings]
(let [id (keyword id)]
(when (and settings
(contains? (:plugin/installed-plugins @state/state) id))
(update-plugin-settings-state id (bean/->clj settings))))))
(.on "settings-changed" (fn [id ^js settings]
(let [id (keyword id)]
(when (and settings
(contains? (:plugin/installed-plugins @state/state) id))
(update-plugin-settings-state id (bean/->clj settings))))))
(.on "ready" (fn [^js perf-table]
(when-let [plugins (and perf-table (.entries perf-table))]
(->> plugins
(fn [[_k ^js v]]
(when-let [end (and (some-> v (.-o) (.-disabled) (not))
(.-e v))]
(when (and (number? end)
;; valid end time
(> end 0)
;; greater than 6s
(> (- end (.-s v)) 6000))
((fn [perfs]
(doseq [perf perfs]
(state/pub-event! [:plugin/loader-perf-tip (bean/->clj perf)])))))))))
(.on "ready" (fn [^js perf-table]
(when-let [plugins (and perf-table (.entries perf-table))]
(->> plugins
(fn [[_k ^js v]]
(when-let [end (and (some-> v (.-o) (.-disabled) (not))
(.-e v))]
(when (and (number? end)
;; valid end time
(> end 0)
;; greater than 6s
(> (- end (.-s v)) 6000))
((fn [perfs]
(doseq [perf perfs]
(state/pub-event! [:plugin/loader-perf-tip (bean/->clj perf)])))))))))
default-plugins (get-user-default-plugins)
_ (.register js/LSPluginCore (bean/->js (if (seq default-plugins) default-plugins [])) true)])
_ (.register js/LSPluginCore (bean/->js (if (seq default-plugins) default-plugins [])) true)])
(fn []
(state/set-state! :plugin/indicator-text "END")
;; wait for the plugin register async messages
(js/setTimeout #(callback) 64)))
(fn [^js e]
(log/error :setup-plugin-system-error e)
(state/set-state! :plugin/indicator-text (str "Fatal: " e))))))
(fn []
(state/set-state! :plugin/indicator-text "END")
;; wait for the plugin register async messages
(js/setTimeout #(callback) 64)))
(fn [^js e]
(log/error :setup-plugin-system-error e)
(state/set-state! :plugin/indicator-text (str "Fatal: " e))))))
(defn setup!
"setup plugin core handler"
@ -820,8 +830,8 @@
(init-plugins! callback)))
{:pending (count (:plugin/updates-pending @state/state))
{:pending (count (:plugin/updates-pending @state/state))
:auto-checking? (boolean (:plugin/updates-auto-checking? @state/state))
:coming (count (:plugin/updates-coming @state/state))
:installing (:plugin/installing @state/state)
:downloading? (boolean (:plugin/updates-downloading? @state/state))})
:coming (count (:plugin/updates-coming @state/state))
:installing (:plugin/installing @state/state)
:downloading? (boolean (:plugin/updates-downloading? @state/state))})

View File

@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
"Provides root component for both Logseq app and publishing build"
(:require [rum.core :as rum]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[frontend.components.container :as container]
[frontend.handler.search :as search-handler]
[frontend.handler.notification :as notification]
[frontend.components.onboarding.quick-tour :as quick-tour]
[frontend.handler.plugin :as plugin-handler]
[frontend.components.plugins :as plugin]
[frontend.context.i18n :refer [t]]))
(rum/defc route-view
@ -102,27 +104,12 @@
(let [route-name (get-in route-match [:data :name])]
(when-let [view (:view (:data route-match))]
(if (= :draw route-name)
(view route-match)
(view route-match))))))))
;; FIXME: disable for now
;; (let [route-name (get-in route-match [:data :name])
;; no-animate? (contains? #{:repos :repo-add :file}
;; route-name)]
;; (when-let [view (:view (:data route-match))]
;; (container/sidebar
;; route-match
;; (if no-animate?
;; (route-view view route-match)
;; (ui/transition-group
;; {:class-name "router-wrapper"}
;; (ui/css-transition
;; {:class-names "pageChange"
;; :key route-name
;; :timeout {:enter 300
;; :exit 200}}
;; (route-view view route-match)))))))
(if (= :draw route-name)
(view route-match)
(view route-match)))
(when config/lsp-enabled?

View File

@ -976,31 +976,6 @@
#(upt-status :done))
#(upt-status :error))))))
(defn ^:export exper_register_fenced_code_renderer
[pid type ^js opts]
(when-let [^js _pl (plugin-handler/get-plugin-inst pid)]
(keyword pid) type (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (aget opts (name %2))) {}
[:edit :before :subs :render]))))
(defn ^:export exper_register_route_renderer
[pid key ^js opts]
(when-let [^js _pl (plugin-handler/get-plugin-inst pid)]
(let [key (util/safe-keyword key)]
(keyword pid) key
(reduce (fn [r k]
(assoc r k (cond-> (aget opts (name k))
(= :name k)
(#(if % (util/safe-keyword %) key)))))
{} [:v :name :path :subs :render])))))
(defn ^:export exper_register_extensions_enhancer
[pid type enhancer]
(when-let [^js _pl (and (fn? enhancer) (plugin-handler/get-plugin-inst pid))]
(keyword pid) type {:enhancer enhancer})))
;; http request
(defonce *request-k (volatile! 0))

View File

@ -1,9 +1,43 @@
(ns logseq.sdk.experiments
(:require [frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.components.page :as page]))
[frontend.components.page :as page]
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.handler.plugin :as plugin-handler]))
(defn ^:export cp_page_editor
[^js props]
(let [p (some-> props (aget "page"))]
(when-let [e (page/get-page-entity p)]
(page/page-blocks-cp (state/get-current-repo) e {}))))
(page/page-blocks-cp (state/get-current-repo) e {}))))
(defn ^:export register_fenced_code_renderer
[pid type ^js opts]
(when-let [^js _pl (plugin-handler/get-plugin-inst pid)]
(keyword pid) type (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (aget opts (name %2))) {}
[:edit :before :subs :render]))))
(defn ^:export register_route_renderer
[pid key ^js opts]
(when-let [^js _pl (plugin-handler/get-plugin-inst pid)]
(let [key (util/safe-keyword key)]
(keyword pid) key
(reduce (fn [r k]
(assoc r k (cond-> (aget opts (name k))
(= :name k)
(#(if % (util/safe-keyword %) key)))))
{} [:v :name :path :subs :render])))))
(defn ^:export register_daemon_renderer
[pid key ^js opts]
(when-let [^js _pl (plugin-handler/get-plugin-inst pid)]
(keyword pid) key (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (aget opts (name %2))) {}
[:before :subs :render]))))
(defn ^:export register_extensions_enhancer
[pid type enhancer]
(when-let [^js _pl (and (fn? enhancer) (plugin-handler/get-plugin-inst pid))]
(keyword pid) type {:enhancer enhancer})))