fix: property handler with the new properties pair storage

Tienson Qin 2024-04-12 01:17:37 +08:00
parent 89b40b4ad8
commit 1a9608bda1
6 changed files with 67 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -33,9 +33,10 @@
(if (db-based-graph? db)
(let [result (lookup-entity e k default-value)]
(map (fn [pair-e]
(let [pid (:db/ident (lookup-entity pair-e :property/pair-property nil))]
{pid (lookup-entity pair-e pid nil)})) result)
(keep (fn [pair-e]
(when pair-e
(let [pid (:db/ident (lookup-entity pair-e :property/pair-property nil))]
{pid (lookup-entity pair-e pid nil)}))) result)
(into {})))
(lookup-entity e :block/properties nil)))

View File

@ -102,22 +102,24 @@
;; Main malli schemas
;; ==================
;; These schemas should be data vars to remain as simple and reusable as possible
(def property-tuple
"Represents a tuple of a property and its property value. This schema
(def property-tuple
"Represents a tuple of a property and its property value. This schema
has 2 metadata hooks which are used to inject a datascript db later"
[:multi {:dispatch ^:add-db (fn [db property-tuple]
(get-in (d/entity db (first property-tuple))
[:block/schema :type]))}]
(map (fn [[prop-type value-schema]]
^:property-value [prop-type (if (vector? value-schema) (last value-schema) value-schema)])
(def block-properties
"Validates a slightly modified version of :block/properties. Properties are
[:multi {:dispatch ^:add-db (fn [db property-tuple]
(get-in (d/entity db (first property-tuple))
[:block/schema :type]))}]
(map (fn [[prop-type value-schema]]
^:property-value [prop-type (if (vector? value-schema) (last value-schema) value-schema)])
(def block-properties
"Validates a slightly modified version of :block/properties. Properties are
expected to be a vector of tuples instead of a map in order to validate each
property with its property value that is valid for its type"
[:sequential property-tuple])
[:sequential property-tuple]))
(def page-or-block-attrs
"Common attributes for page and normal blocks"
@ -125,7 +127,8 @@
[:block/created-at :int]
[:block/updated-at :int]
[:block/format [:enum :markdown]]
[:block/properties {:optional true} block-properties]
[:block/properties {:optional true} [:set :int]]
[:property/pair-property {:optional true} :int]
[:block/refs {:optional true} [:set :int]]
[:block/tags {:optional true} [:set :int]]
[:block/collapsed-properties {:optional true} [:set :int]]

View File

@ -241,6 +241,10 @@
[repo coll db-ident]
(get coll (get-pid repo db-ident)))
(defn get-pair-e
[block db-ident]
(first (filter #(some? (db-ident %)) (:block/raw-properties block))))
(defn get-block-property-value
"Get the value of built-in block's property by its db-ident"
[repo db block db-ident]

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
(when entity
(block db entity))))
(defn- block-with-timestamps
(defn ^:api block-with-timestamps
(let [updated-at (common-util/time-ms)
block (cond->

View File

@ -14,26 +14,13 @@
;; Fns used between menus and commands
(defn show-entity-data
[& pull-args]
(let [result* (apply db/pull pull-args)
;; handles page uuids and closed values w/o knowing type
get-uuid-prop-value (fn [v]
(or (db-pu/get-property-name v)
(get-in (db/entity [:block/uuid v]) [:block/schema :value])))
(let [result* (db/entity eid)
;; ;; handles page uuids and closed values w/o knowing type
;; get-uuid-prop-value (fn [v]
;; (or (db-pu/get-property-name v)
;; (get-in (db/entity [:block/uuid v]) [:block/schema :value])))
result (cond-> result*
(and (seq (:block/properties result*)) (config/db-based-graph? (state/get-current-repo)))
(assoc :block.debug/properties
(->> (update-keys (:block/properties result*) db-pu/get-property-name)
(map (fn [[k v]]
(and (set? v) (uuid? (first v)))
(set (map get-uuid-prop-value v))
(uuid? v)
(get-uuid-prop-value v)
(into {})))
(seq (:block/refs result*))
(assoc :block.debug/refs
(mapv #(or (:block/original-name (db/entity (:db/id %))) %) (:block/refs result*))))
@ -97,4 +84,4 @@
(notification/show! "Graph updated!" :success)))
(defn ^:export replace-graph-with-db-file []
(state/set-state! :ui/open-select :db-graph-replace))
(state/set-state! :ui/open-select :db-graph-replace))

View File

@ -27,6 +27,27 @@
;; schema -> type, cardinality, object's class
;; min, max -> string length, number range, cardinality size limit
(defn- build-property-pair
[db-ident value]
{:property/pair-property db-ident
db-ident value}))
(defn- build-property-value-tx-data
[block property-id value status?]
(when value
(let [property-pair-e (db-property/get-pair-e block property-id)
property-tx-data (outliner-core/block-with-updated-at
(if property-pair-e
{:db/id (:db/id property-pair-e)
property-id value}
{:db/id (:db/id block)
:block/properties (build-property-pair property-id value)}))
block-tx-data (when status?
{:db/id (:db/id block)
:block/tags :logseq.class/task})]
[property-tx-data block-tx-data])))
(defn built-in-validation-schemas
"A frontend version of built-in-validation-schemas that adds the current database to
schema fns"
@ -193,11 +214,11 @@
(notification/show! msg' :warning))
(when-not tags-or-alias? (upsert-property! repo property-id (assoc property-schema :type property-type) {}))
(db/transact! repo
[[:db/retract (:db/id block) property-id]
{:db/id block-eid
property-id values'}]
{:outliner-op :save-block}))))))))
(let [pair-id (:db/id (db-property/get-pair-e block property-id))
tx-data (concat
[(when pair-id [:db/retractEnitty pair-id])]
(build-property-value-tx-data block property-id values' false))]
(db/transact! repo tx-data {:outliner-op :save-block})))))))))
(defn- resolve-tag
"Change `v` to a tag's db id if v is a string tag, e.g. `#book`"
@ -276,18 +297,14 @@
;; don't modify maps
;; don't modify maps
new-value (if (or (sequential? new-value) (set? new-value))
(if (= :coll property-type)
(vec (remove string/blank? new-value))
(set (remove string/blank? new-value)))
block (cond->
{:block/uuid (:block/uuid block)
property-id new-value}
(assoc :block/tags [:logseq.class/task]))]
(db/transact! repo [block] {:outliner-op :save-block})))))))))))
tx-data (build-property-value-tx-data block property-id new-value status?)]
(db/transact! repo tx-data {:outliner-op :save-block})))))))))))
(defn class-add-property!
[repo class-uuid property-id]
@ -356,10 +373,7 @@
(catch :default e
(notification/show! (str e) :error false)
[{:block/uuid (:block/uuid block)
property-id v*}
(when status?
[:db/add (:db/id block) :block/tags :logseq.class/task])]))))
(build-property-value-tx-data block property-id v* status?)))))
(remove nil?))]
(when (seq txs)
@ -385,9 +399,11 @@
(outliner-core/->Block property-block)
{:children? true})
pair-id (:db/id (db-property/get-pair-e block property-id))]
[[:db/retract (:db/id block) property-id]]
(when pair-id
[[:db/retractEntity pair-id]])
(when (seq txs)