improve(pdf): support context menu for pdf highlight region

charlie 2021-08-06 17:55:59 +08:00
parent b7b0822152
commit 1bfd1203a4
1 changed files with 26 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -94,12 +94,10 @@
(let [mounted (rum/use-ref false)]
(fn []
(let [cb #(if-not (rum/deref mounted)
(rum/set-ref! mounted true)
(js/document.addEventListener "click" cb)
(let [cb #(clear-ctx-tip!)]
(js/setTimeout #(js/document.addEventListener "click" cb))
#(js/document.removeEventListener "click" cb)))
;; TODO: precise position
;;(when-let [
@ -169,14 +167,17 @@
(let [id (:id hl)
{:keys [rects]} (:position vw-hl)
{:keys [color]} (:properties hl)]
(fn [^js/MouseEvent e]
(let [x (.-clientX e)
y (.-clientY e)]
{:keys [color]} (:properties hl)
open-tip! (fn [^js/MouseEvent e]
(.preventDefault e)
(let [x (.-clientX e)
y (.-clientY e)]
(show-ctx-tip! viewer hl {:x x :y y})))}
(show-ctx-tip! viewer hl {:x x :y y})))]
{:on-click open-tip!
:on-context-menu open-tip!}
(fn [idx rect]
@ -191,7 +192,14 @@
{:keys [show-ctx-tip! upd-hl!]}]
(let [*el (rum/use-ref nil)
*dirty (rum/use-ref nil)]
*dirty (rum/use-ref nil)
open-tip! (fn [^js/MouseEvent e]
(.preventDefault e)
(when-not (rum/deref *dirty)
(let [x (.-clientX e)
y (.-clientY e)]
(show-ctx-tip! viewer hl {:x x :y y}))))]
;; resizable
@ -275,15 +283,11 @@
(when-let [vw-bounding (get-in vw-hl [:position :bounding])]
(let [{:keys [color]} (:properties hl)]
{:ref *el
:style vw-bounding
:data-color color
:on-click (fn [^js/MouseEvent e]
(when-not (rum/deref *dirty)
(let [x (.-clientX e)
y (.-clientY e)]
(show-ctx-tip! viewer hl {:x x :y y}))))}]))))
{:ref *el
:style vw-bounding
:data-color color
:on-click open-tip!
:on-context-menu open-tip!}]))))
(rum/defc pdf-highlights-region-container
[^js viewer page-hls ops]