improve: replace asset text link

charlie 2021-01-14 19:31:25 +08:00
parent e7809900a7
commit 1cf80c9bc8
2 changed files with 20 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -157,12 +157,12 @@
(string/join "/" (reverse parts))))))))
(rum/defc asset-container
[text child]
[src title child]
(rum/with-context [[t] i18n/*tongue-context*]
(let [get-block-id #(and % (.getAttribute (.closest % "[blockid]") "blockid"))
repo (state/get-current-repo)
local-repo? (config/local-db? repo)
sub-feat? (and local-repo? (config/local-asset? text))]
sub-feat? (and local-repo? (config/local-asset? src))]
@ -181,7 +181,8 @@
{:block-id block-id
:force-local (and sub-selected (get sub-selected 0))
:repo repo
:href text}))})]
:href src
:title title}))})]
(state/set-modal! confirm-fn)
(util/stop e)))} svg/trash-sm]]
@ -197,7 +198,7 @@
(p/then (editor-handler/make-asset-url href) #(reset! src %)))
(when @src
(asset-container href
(asset-container href title
{:loading "lazy"
:src @src
@ -208,15 +209,16 @@
(defn image-link [config url href label]
(if (config/local-asset? href)
(asset-link href label)
(let [href (if (util/starts-with? href "http")
(let [title (second (first label))
href (if (util/starts-with? href "http")
(get-file-absolute-path config href))]
(asset-container href
(asset-container href title
{:loading "lazy"
;; :on-error (fn [])
:src href
:title (second (first label))}]))))
:title title}]))))
(defn repetition-to-string
[[[kind] [duration] n]]

View File

@ -1578,26 +1578,23 @@
(defn- replace-asset-link-with-href
[format content href replacement]
(let [part-holder "&§&"]
(and content
(case format
(-> content ;; FIXME: match strategy
(.replace (str "](" href ")") part-holder)
(.replace (js/RegExp. (str "!\\[[^\\]]*" part-holder)) replacement))
(-> content
(.replace (str "[[" href "][") part-holder)
(.replace (js/RegExp. (str part-holder "(.*?)]]")) replacement))))))
[format content href title replacement]
(and content
(case format
(-> content
(string/replace (str "![" title "](" href ")") replacement))
(-> content
(string/replace (str "[[" href "][" title "]]") replacement)))))
(defn delete-asset-of-block!
[{:keys [repo href block-id force-local] :as opts}]
[{:keys [repo href title block-id force-local] :as opts}]
(let [block (db-model/query-block-by-uuid block-id)
_ (or block (throw (str block-id " not exists")))
format (:block/format block)
text (:block/content block)
content (replace-asset-link-with-href format text href "")]
content (replace-asset-link-with-href format text href title "")]
(save-block! repo block content)
(when force-local
;; FIXME: should be relative to current block page path