fix(ui): overflow of block context menu popup

charlie 2021-08-12 16:57:56 +08:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent 2167c9d382
commit 1d419fe38b
1 changed files with 105 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.mixins :as mixins]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
[frontend.config :as config]
[goog.dom :as gdom]
[goog.object :as gobj]
@ -134,100 +135,121 @@
(reset! edit? true))}
"Make template"))))
(defn calc-delta-rect-offset
[^js/HTMLElement target ^js/HTMLElement container]
(let [target-rect (bean/->clj (.toJSON (.getBoundingClientRect target)))
viewport-rect {:width (.-clientWidth container)
:height (.-clientHeight container)}]
{:y (- (:height viewport-rect) (:bottom target-rect))
:x (- (:width viewport-rect) (:right target-rect))}))
(rum/defc block-context-menu-content
[target block-id]
(rum/with-context [[t] i18n/*tongue-context*]
(when-let [block (db/entity [:block/uuid block-id])]
(let [properties (:block/properties block)
heading? (true? (:heading properties))]
(for [color block-background-colors]
{:on-click (fn [_e]
(editor-handler/set-block-property! block-id "background-color" color))}
[:div.heading-bg {:style {:background-color color}}]])]
{:title (t :remove-background)
:style {:margin-right 14
:margin-top 4}
:on-click (fn [_e]
(editor-handler/remove-block-property! block-id "background-color"))}
{:key "Convert heading"
:on-click (fn [_e]
(if heading?
(editor-handler/remove-block-property! block-id :heading)
(editor-handler/set-block-property! block-id :heading true)))}
(if heading?
"Convert back to a block"
"Convert to a heading"))
(let [*el-ref (rum/use-ref nil)]
{:key "Open in sidebar"
:on-click (fn [_e]
(editor-handler/open-block-in-sidebar! block-id))}
"Open in sidebar")
(fn []
(let [^js el (rum/deref *el-ref)
{:keys [x y]} (calc-delta-rect-offset el js/document.documentElement)]
(set! (.. el -style -transform)
(str "translate3d(" (if (neg? x) x 0) "px," (if (neg? y) (- y 10) 0) "px" ",0)")))
{:key "Copy block ref"
:on-click (fn [_e]
(editor-handler/copy-block-ref! block-id #(str "((" % "))")))}
"Copy block ref")
(rum/with-context [[t] i18n/*tongue-context*]
(when-let [block (db/entity [:block/uuid block-id])]
(let [properties (:block/properties block)
heading? (true? (:heading properties))]
{:ref *el-ref}
(for [color block-background-colors]
{:on-click (fn [_e]
(editor-handler/set-block-property! block-id "background-color" color))}
[:div.heading-bg {:style {:background-color color}}]])]
{:title (t :remove-background)
:style {:margin-right 14
:margin-top 4}
:on-click (fn [_e]
(editor-handler/remove-block-property! block-id "background-color"))}
(block-template block-id)
{:key "Copy as"
:on-click (fn [_]
(state/set-modal! #(export/export-blocks [block-id])))}
"Copy as")
(if (srs/card-block? block)
{:key "Preview Card"
:on-click #(srs/preview [(db/pull [:block/uuid block-id])])}
"Preview Card")
{:key "Convert heading"
:on-click (fn [_e]
(if heading?
(editor-handler/remove-block-property! block-id :heading)
(editor-handler/set-block-property! block-id :heading true)))}
(if heading?
"Convert back to a block"
"Convert to a heading"))
{:key "Make a Card"
:on-click #(srs/make-block-a-card! block-id)}
"Make a Card"))
{:key "Open in sidebar"
:on-click (fn [_e]
(editor-handler/open-block-in-sidebar! block-id))}
"Open in sidebar")
{:key "Cut"
:on-click (fn [_e]
(editor-handler/cut-block! block-id))}
(when (state/sub [:plugin/simple-commands])
(when-let [cmds (state/get-plugins-commands-with-type :block-context-menu-item)]
(for [[_ {:keys [key label] :as cmd} action pid] cmds]
{:key key
:on-click #(commands/exec-plugin-simple-command!
pid (assoc cmd :uuid block-id) action)}
(when (state/sub [:ui/developer-mode?])
{:key "(Dev) Show block data"
:on-click (fn []
(let [block-data (with-out-str (pprint/pprint (db/pull [:block/uuid block-id])))]
(println block-data)
[:pre.code block-data]
(ui/button "Copy to clipboard"
:on-click #(.writeText js/navigator.clipboard block-data))]
"(Dev) Show block data"))]]))))
{:key "Copy block ref"
:on-click (fn [_e]
(editor-handler/copy-block-ref! block-id #(str "((" % "))")))}
"Copy block ref")
(block-template block-id)
{:key "Copy as"
:on-click (fn [_]
(state/set-modal! #(export/export-blocks [block-id])))}
"Copy as")
(if (srs/card-block? block)
{:key "Preview Card"
:on-click #(srs/preview [(db/pull [:block/uuid block-id])])}
"Preview Card")
{:key "Make a Card"
:on-click #(srs/make-block-a-card! block-id)}
"Make a Card"))
{:key "Cut"
:on-click (fn [_e]
(editor-handler/cut-block! block-id))}
(when (state/sub [:plugin/simple-commands])
(when-let [cmds (state/get-plugins-commands-with-type :block-context-menu-item)]
(for [[_ {:keys [key label] :as cmd} action pid] cmds]
{:key key
:on-click #(commands/exec-plugin-simple-command!
pid (assoc cmd :uuid block-id) action)}
(when (state/sub [:ui/developer-mode?])
{:key "(Dev) Show block data"
:on-click (fn []
(let [block-data (with-out-str (pprint/pprint (db/pull [:block/uuid block-id])))]
(println block-data)
[:pre.code block-data]
(ui/button "Copy to clipboard"
:on-click #(.writeText js/navigator.clipboard block-data))]
"(Dev) Show block data"))]])))))
;; TODO: content could be changed
;; Also, keyboard bindings should only be activated after