fix: separate page/create impl for db and file graphs

Also, move rtc page create impl to its own fn.
Tienson Qin 2024-06-12 04:15:45 +08:00
parent 1b51d28682
commit 1dc72d79f2
3 changed files with 166 additions and 130 deletions

View File

@ -297,58 +297,59 @@
(defn page-name->map
"Create a page's map structure given a original page name (string).
map as input is supported for legacy compatibility.
with-id?: if true, assign uuid to the map structure.
`with-id?`: if true, assign uuid to the map structure.
if the page entity already exists, no-op.
else, if with-id? is a uuid, the uuid is used.
otherwise, generate a uuid.
with-timestamp?: assign timestampes to the map structure.
`with-timestamp?`: assign timestampes to the map structure.
Useful when creating new pages from references or namespaces,
as there's no chance to introduce timestamps via editing in page"
as there's no chance to introduce timestamps via editing in page
`skip-existing-page-check?`: if true, allows pages to have the same name"
[original-page-name with-id? db with-timestamp? date-formatter
& {:keys [from-page class?]}]
& {:keys [from-page class? skip-existing-page-check?]}]
(let [db-based? (ldb/db-based-graph? db)]
(and original-page-name (string? original-page-name))
(let [original-page-name (common-util/remove-boundary-slashes original-page-name)
[original-page-name page-name journal-day] (convert-page-if-journal original-page-name date-formatter)
namespace? (and (not db-based?)
(not (boolean (text/get-nested-page-name original-page-name)))
(text/namespace-page? original-page-name))
page-entity (when db
(if class?
(ldb/get-case-page db original-page-name)
(ldb/get-page db original-page-name)))
original-page-name (or from-page (:block/original-name page-entity) original-page-name)]
{:block/name page-name
:block/original-name original-page-name}
(when with-id?
(let [new-uuid (or
(cond page-entity (:block/uuid page-entity)
(uuid? with-id?) with-id?)
{:block/uuid new-uuid}))
(when namespace?
(let [namespace (first (common-util/split-last "/" original-page-name))]
(when-not (string/blank? namespace)
{:block/namespace {:block/name (common-util/page-name-sanity-lc namespace)}})))
(when (and with-timestamp? (not page-entity)) ;; Only assign timestamp on creating new entity
(let [current-ms (common-util/time-ms)]
{:block/created-at current-ms
:block/updated-at current-ms}))
(if journal-day
{:block/type "journal"
:block/journal-day journal-day}
(and original-page-name (string? original-page-name))
(let [original-page-name (common-util/remove-boundary-slashes original-page-name)
[original-page-name page-name journal-day] (convert-page-if-journal original-page-name date-formatter)
namespace? (and (not db-based?)
(not (boolean (text/get-nested-page-name original-page-name)))
(text/namespace-page? original-page-name))
page-entity (when (and db (not skip-existing-page-check?))
(if class?
(ldb/get-case-page db original-page-name)
(ldb/get-page db original-page-name)))
original-page-name (or from-page (:block/original-name page-entity) original-page-name)]
{:block/name page-name
:block/original-name original-page-name}
(when with-id?
(let [new-uuid (or
(cond page-entity (:block/uuid page-entity)
(uuid? with-id?) with-id?)
{:block/uuid new-uuid}))
(when namespace?
(let [namespace (first (common-util/split-last "/" original-page-name))]
(when-not (string/blank? namespace)
{:block/namespace {:block/name (common-util/page-name-sanity-lc namespace)}})))
(when (and with-timestamp? (not page-entity)) ;; Only assign timestamp on creating new entity
(let [current-ms (common-util/time-ms)]
{:block/created-at current-ms
:block/updated-at current-ms}))
(if journal-day
{:block/type "journal"
:block/journal-day journal-day}
(and (map? original-page-name) (:block/uuid original-page-name))
(and (map? original-page-name) (:block/uuid original-page-name))
(and (map? original-page-name) with-id?)
(assoc original-page-name :block/uuid (d/squuid))
(and (map? original-page-name) with-id?)
(assoc original-page-name :block/uuid (d/squuid))
(defn- with-page-refs-and-tags
[{:keys [title body tags refs marker priority] :as block} with-id? db date-formatter]

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
[ :as db-property-build]
[logseq.db.frontend.class :as db-class]))
(defn properties-block
(defn file-based-properties-block
[repo conn config date-formatter properties format page]
(let [content (gp-property/insert-properties repo format "" properties)
refs (gp-block/get-page-refs-from-properties properties @conn date-formatter config)]
@ -55,7 +55,6 @@
(into (vals property-vals-tx-m))
(conj (merge {:block/uuid (:block/uuid page)}
;; FIXME: Add refs for properties?
(db-property-build/build-properties-with-ref-values property-vals-tx-m)))))
(let [file-page (merge page'
@ -63,7 +62,7 @@
(if (and (seq properties)
(not whiteboard?)
(ldb/page-empty? @conn (:block/name page)))
[file-page (properties-block repo conn config date-formatter properties format page-entity)]
[file-page (file-based-properties-block repo conn config date-formatter properties format page-entity)]
(defn get-title-and-pagename
@ -76,6 +75,120 @@
page-name (common-util/page-name-sanity-lc title)]
[title page-name]))
(defn- build-first-block-tx
[page-uuid format]
(let [page-id [:block/uuid page-uuid]]
{:block/uuid (ldb/new-block-id)
:block/page page-id
:block/parent page-id
:block/order (db-order/gen-key nil nil)
:block/content ""
:block/format format})]))
(defn- file-based-create!
[repo conn config title {:keys [create-first-block? format properties uuid persist-op? whiteboard? class? today-journal?]
:or {create-first-block? true
format nil
properties nil
uuid nil
persist-op? true}
:as options}]
(let [date-formatter (common-config/get-date-formatter config)
split-namespace? (not (or (string/starts-with? title "hls__")
(date/valid-journal-title? date-formatter title)))
[title page-name] (get-title-and-pagename title)
with-uuid? (if (uuid? uuid) uuid true)]
(when-not (ldb/get-page @conn page-name)
(let [pages (if split-namespace?
(common-util/split-namespace-pages title)
format (or format (common-config/get-preferred-format config))
pages (map (fn [page]
;; only apply uuid to the deepest hierarchy of page to create if provided.
(-> (gp-block/page-name->map page (if (= page title) with-uuid? true) @conn true date-formatter :class? class?)
(assoc :block/format format)))
txs (->> pages
;; for namespace pages, only last page need properties
(mapcat #(build-page-tx repo conn config date-formatter format nil % {}))
(remove nil?))
txs (map-indexed (fn [i page]
(if (zero? i)
(assoc page :block/namespace
[:block/uuid (:block/uuid (nth txs (dec i)))])))
page-uuid (:block/uuid (last pages))
page-txs (build-page-tx repo conn config date-formatter format properties (last pages) (select-keys options [:whiteboard? :class? :tags]))
page-txs (if (seq txs)
(update page-txs 0
(fn [p]
(assoc p :block/namespace [:block/uuid (:block/uuid (last txs))])))
first-block-tx (when (and
(not (or whiteboard? class?))
(build-first-block-tx (:block/uuid (first page-txs)) format))
txs (concat
[page-uuid result] (when (seq txs)
[page-uuid (ldb/transact! conn txs (cond-> {:persist-op? persist-op?
:outliner-op :create-page}
(assoc :create-today-journal? true
:today-journal-name page-name)))])]
[result page-name page-uuid]))))
(defn db-based-create!
[repo conn config title
{:keys [create-first-block? properties uuid persist-op? whiteboard? class? today-journal?]
:or {create-first-block? true
properties nil
uuid nil
persist-op? true}
:as options}]
(let [date-formatter (common-config/get-date-formatter config)
[title page-name] (get-title-and-pagename title)
with-uuid? (if (uuid? uuid) uuid true)]
(when-not (ldb/get-page @conn page-name)
(let [format :markdown
page (-> (gp-block/page-name->map title with-uuid? @conn true date-formatter :class? class?)
(assoc :block/format format))
page-uuid (:block/uuid page)
page-txs (build-page-tx repo conn config date-formatter format properties page (select-keys options [:whiteboard? :class? :tags]))
first-block-tx (when (and
(not (or whiteboard? class?))
(build-first-block-tx (:block/uuid (first page-txs)) format))
txs (concat
[page-uuid result] (when (seq txs)
[page-uuid (ldb/transact! conn txs (cond-> {:persist-op? persist-op?
:outliner-op :create-page}
(assoc :create-today-journal? true
:today-journal-name page-name)))])]
[result page-name page-uuid]))))
(defn rtc-create-page!
[conn config title {:keys [uuid]}]
(assert (uuid? uuid) (str "rtc-create-page! `uuid` is not a uuid " uuid))
(let [date-formatter (common-config/get-date-formatter config)
[title page-name] (get-title-and-pagename title)
page (-> (gp-block/page-name->map title uuid @conn true date-formatter
{:skip-existing-page-check? true})
(assoc :block/format :markdown))
result (ldb/transact! conn [page] {:persist-op? false
:outliner-op :create-page})]
[result page-name (:block/uuid page)]))
(defn create!
"Create page. Has the following options:
@ -86,86 +199,11 @@
* :tags - tag uuids that are added to :block/tags
* :persist-op? - when true, add an update-page op
* :properties - properties to add to the page
* :create-even-page-exists? - create page even same-name page exists
TODO: Add other options"
[repo conn config title
& {:keys [create-first-block? format properties uuid persist-op? whiteboard? class? today-journal?
:or {create-first-block? true
format nil
properties nil
uuid nil
persist-op? true
create-even-page-exists? false}
:as options}]
(let [db-based? (ldb/db-based-graph? @conn)
date-formatter (common-config/get-date-formatter config)
split-namespace? (and
(not db-based?)
(not (or (string/starts-with? title "hls__")
(date/valid-journal-title? date-formatter title))))
[title page-name] (get-title-and-pagename title)
with-uuid? (if (uuid? uuid) uuid true)
[page-uuid result] (when (or create-even-page-exists? (ldb/page-empty? @conn page-name))
(let [pages (if split-namespace?
(common-util/split-namespace-pages title)
format (or format (common-config/get-preferred-format config))
pages (map (fn [page]
;; only apply uuid to the deepest hierarchy of page to create if provided.
(-> (gp-block/page-name->map page (if (= page title) with-uuid? true) @conn true date-formatter :class? class?)
(assoc :block/format format)))
txs (when-not db-based?
(->> pages
;; for namespace pages, only last page need properties
(mapcat #(build-page-tx repo conn config date-formatter format nil % {}))
(remove nil?)))
txs (when-not db-based?
(map-indexed (fn [i page]
(if (zero? i)
(assoc page :block/namespace
[:block/uuid (:block/uuid (nth txs (dec i)))])))
txs (when-not db-based?
(map-indexed (fn [i page]
(if (zero? i)
(assoc page :block/namespace
[:block/uuid (:block/uuid (nth txs (dec i)))])))
page-uuid (:block/uuid (last pages))
page-txs (build-page-tx repo conn config date-formatter format properties (last pages) (select-keys options [:whiteboard? :class? :tags]))
page-txs (if (and (seq txs) (not db-based?))
(update page-txs 0
(fn [p]
(assoc p :block/namespace [:block/uuid (:block/uuid (last txs))])))
first-block-tx (when (and
(not (or whiteboard? class?))
(let [page-id [:block/uuid (:block/uuid (first page-txs))]]
{:block/uuid (ldb/new-block-id)
:block/page page-id
:block/parent page-id
:block/order (db-order/gen-key nil nil)
:block/content ""
:block/format format})]))
txs (concat
(when (seq txs)
[page-uuid (ldb/transact! conn txs (cond-> {:persist-op? persist-op?
:outliner-op :create-page}
(assoc :create-today-journal? true
:today-journal-name page-name)))])))] ;; FIXME: prettier validation
[result page-name page-uuid]))
TODO: Add other options"
[repo conn config title & options]
(if (ldb/db-based-graph? @conn)
(db-based-create! repo conn config title options)
(file-based-create! repo conn config title options)))
(defn db-refs->page
"Replace [[page name]] with page name"

View File

@ -478,11 +478,8 @@
(doseq [{:keys [self _page-name]
original-name :block/original-name
:as op-value} update-page-ops]
(let [create-opts {:create-first-block? false
:uuid self
:persist-op? false
:create-even-page-exists? true}
[_ x y] (worker-page/create! repo conn config (ldb/read-transit-str original-name) create-opts)]
(let [create-opts {:uuid self}
[_ x y] (worker-page/rtc-create-page! conn config (ldb/read-transit-str original-name) create-opts)]
;; TODO: current page-create fn is buggy, even provide :uuid option, it will create-page with different uuid,
;; if there's already existing same name page
(prn :debug-create-page x y self)