fix: validation of single value for a :many property

Single value of a :many property wasn't being rolled up as a set,
in CLI or in app validation
Gabriel Horner 2024-04-15 17:15:42 -04:00
parent eb9f422a6b
commit 1e1a17aaf4
3 changed files with 34 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -85,21 +85,36 @@
(defn datoms->entity-maps
"Returns entity maps for given :eavt datoms indexed by db/id"
(->> datoms
(reduce (fn [acc {:keys [a e v]}]
(if (contains? db-schema/card-many-attributes a)
(update acc e update a (fnil conj #{}) v)
;; TODO: Only do this for property pair ents. Is there a way to
;; confirm property's cardinality w/o more ent lookups?
;; If there's already a val, automatically start collecting it as a :many
(if-let [existing-val (get-in acc [e a])]
(if (set? existing-val)
(update acc e assoc a (conj existing-val v))
(update acc e assoc a #{existing-val v}))
(update acc e assoc a v))))
"Returns entity maps for given :eavt datoms indexed by db/id. Optional keys:
* :entity-fn - Optional fn that given an entity id, returns entity. Defaults
to just doing a lookup within entity-maps to be as performant as possible"
[datoms & {:keys [entity-fn]}]
(let [ent-maps
(reduce (fn [acc {:keys [a e v]}]
(if (contains? db-schema/card-many-attributes a)
(update acc e update a (fnil conj #{}) v)
;; If there's already a val, don't clobber it and automatically start collecting it as a :many
(if-let [existing-val (get-in acc [e a])]
(if (set? existing-val)
(update acc e assoc a (conj existing-val v))
(update acc e assoc a #{existing-val v}))
(update acc e assoc a v))))
entity-fn' (or entity-fn #(get ent-maps %))]
(-> ent-maps
(fn [v]
(let [pair-ent (when (:property/pair-property v) (entity-fn' (:property/pair-property v)))]
(if-let [prop-value
(and pair-ent
(= :db.cardinality/many (:db/cardinality pair-ent))
(get v (:db/ident pair-ent)))]
(if-not (set? prop-value)
;; Fix :many property values that only had one value
(assoc v (:db/ident pair-ent) #{prop-value})
(defn datoms->entities
"Returns a vec of entity maps given :eavt datoms"

View File

@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
boolean indicating if db is valid"
[{:keys [db-after tx-data tx-meta]} validate-options]
(let [changed-ids (->> tx-data (map :e) distinct)
ent-maps* (->> changed-ids (mapcat #(d/datoms db-after :eavt %)) db-malli-schema/datoms->entity-maps vals)
ent-maps* (-> (mapcat #(d/datoms db-after :eavt %) changed-ids)
(db-malli-schema/datoms->entity-maps {:entity-fn #(d/entity db-after %)})
ent-maps (db-malli-schema/update-properties-in-ents db-after ent-maps*)
db-schema (update-schema db-malli-schema/DB db-after validate-options)
invalid-ent-maps (remove #(m/validate db-schema [%]) ent-maps)]

View File

@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
(upsert-property! repo property-id (assoc property-schema :type property-type) {})
(let [pair-id (:db/id (db-property/get-pair-e block property-id))
tx-data (concat
[(when pair-id [:db/retract pair-id property-id])]
(when pair-id [[:db/retract pair-id property-id]])
(build-property-value-tx-data block property-id values' false))]
(db/transact! repo tx-data {:outliner-op :save-block})))))))))