enhance: Property pages can configure from their page

In publishing, users see a read-only version of configure page. Fixed
multiple inputs in property-config missing disabled?
Gabriel Horner 2023-09-13 11:18:09 -04:00
parent 0d3e90d681
commit 1e1fb0f67f
2 changed files with 29 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
[frontend.components.reference :as reference]
[frontend.components.svg :as svg]
[frontend.components.scheduled-deadlines :as scheduled]
[frontend.components.select :as select]
[frontend.components.property :as property]
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.context.i18n :refer [t]]
[frontend.date :as date]
@ -484,7 +484,8 @@
:block/namespace [:block/uuid (uuid value)]}])
[[:db.fn/retractAttribute (:db/id page) :block/namespace]]))))])])])
(when (and config/publishing? (= type "property"))
(property/property-config (state/get-current-repo) page {}))
(when-not show-properties?
(let [edit-input-id (str "edit-block-" (:block/uuid page))]
@ -526,7 +527,7 @@
(rum/local false ::all-collapsed?)
(rum/local false ::control-show?)
(rum/local nil ::current-page)
;; Make class pages reader friendly by default in publishing as they are usually blank
;; Make class + property pages reader friendly by default in publishing as they are usually blank
(rum/local (if config/publishing? true false) ::configure-show?)
[state {:keys [repo page-name preview? sidebar?] :as option}]
(when-let [path-page-name (get-path-page-name state page-name)]
@ -608,10 +609,13 @@
(plugins/hook-ui-slot :page-head-actions-slotted nil)
(plugins/hook-ui-items :pagebar)]))])
(when (and db-based? (not built-in-property?)
(when (and db-based? (not built-in-property?) @*configure-show?)
(if (and (= "property" (:block/type page)) (not config/publishing?))
(state/set-modal! #(property/property-config repo page {}))
(swap! *configure-show? not))
(configure page {:journal? journal?
:show-properties? show-properties?}))
:show-properties? show-properties?})))
(when (and block? (not sidebar?) (not whiteboard?))

View File

@ -23,15 +23,15 @@
[frontend.handler.route :as route-handler]))
(rum/defc icon
[block {:keys [_type id]}] ; only :emoji supported yet
[block {:keys [_type id]} {:keys [disabled?]}] ; only :emoji supported yet
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
icon-property-id (:block/uuid (db/entity [:block/name "icon"]))]
(fn [{:keys [toggle-fn]}]
(if id
[:a {:on-click toggle-fn}
[:a {:on-click #(when-not disabled? (toggle-fn))}
[:em-emoji {:id id}]]
[:a.flex.flex-row.items-center {:on-click toggle-fn}
[:a.flex.flex-row.items-center {:on-click #(when-not disabled? (toggle-fn))}
(ui/icon "point" {:size 16})
[:div.ml-1.text-sm "Pick another icon"]]))
(fn [{:keys [toggle-fn]}]
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
(rum/defcs class-select < (rum/local false ::open?)
[state *property-schema schema-classes {:keys [multiple-choices?]
[state *property-schema schema-classes {:keys [multiple-choices? disabled?]
:or {multiple-choices? true}}]
(let [*open? (::open? state)]
(if @*open?
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
(reset! *open? false))))]
(select/select opts))
{:on-click #(reset! *open? true)}
{:on-click #(when-not disabled? (reset! *open? true))}
(if (seq schema-classes)
(for [class schema-classes]
(when-let [page (db/entity [:block/uuid class])]
@ -104,11 +104,12 @@
(let [*property-name (::property-name state)
*property-schema (::property-schema state)
built-in-property? (contains? db-property/built-in-properties-keys-str (:block/original-name property))
property (db/sub-block (:db/id property))]
property (db/sub-block (:db/id property))
disabled? (or built-in-property? config/publishing?)]
(if built-in-property?
"Built-in property"
(if disabled?
"Property fields"
"Configure property")]
@ -116,14 +117,14 @@
[:label.col-span-1 "Name:"]
{:on-change #(reset! *property-name (util/evalue %))
:disabled built-in-property?
:disabled disabled?
:value @*property-name}]]
[:label.col-span-1 "Icon:"]
(let [icon-value (pu/get-property property :icon)]
(icon property icon-value)])]
(icon property icon-value {:disabled? disabled?})])]
[:label.col-span-1 "Schema type:"]
@ -132,7 +133,7 @@
(map (comp string/capitalize name))
(map (fn [type]
{:label (if (= type "Default") "Text" type)
:disabled built-in-property?
:disabled disabled?
:value type
:selected (= (keyword (string/lower-case type))
(:type @*property-schema))})))]
@ -145,20 +146,20 @@
(when (= :page (:type @*property-schema))
[:label "Specify classes:"]
(class-select *property-schema (:classes @*property-schema) opts)])
(class-select *property-schema (:classes @*property-schema) (assoc opts :disabled? disabled?))])
(when (= :template (:type @*property-schema))
[:label "Specify template:"]
(class-select *property-schema (:classes @*property-schema)
(assoc opts :multiple-choices? false))])
(assoc opts :multiple-choices? false :disabled? disabled?))])
(when-not (contains? #{:checkbox :default :template} (:type @*property-schema))
[:label "Multiple values:"]
(let [many? (boolean (= :many (:cardinality @*property-schema)))]
(ui/checkbox {:checked many?
:disabled built-in-property?
:disabled disabled?
:on-change (fn []
(swap! *property-schema assoc :cardinality (if many? :one :many)))}))])
@ -167,6 +168,7 @@
[:label "Hide by default:"]
(ui/checkbox {:checked hide?
:disabled disabled?
:on-change (fn []
(swap! *property-schema assoc :hide? (not hide?)))})]))
@ -176,11 +178,11 @@
{:on-change (fn [e]
(swap! *property-schema assoc :description (util/evalue e)))
:disabled built-in-property?
:disabled disabled?
:value (:description @*property-schema)})]]
(when-not built-in-property?
(when-not disabled?
:on-click (fn [e]