fix(ui): close all for the shui popups

charlie 2024-04-14 11:18:11 +08:00
parent 956f380ddc
commit 1e6a7f9010
1 changed files with 7 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -100,9 +100,11 @@
(defn hide!
([] (when-let [id (some-> (get-popups) (last) :id)] (hide! id 0)))
([id] (hide! id 0))
([id delay]
(let [f #(update-popup! id :open? false)]
([id] (hide! id 0 {}))
([id delay] (hide! id delay {}))
([id delay {:keys [all?]}]
(let [f #(do (update-popup! id :open? false)
(when (true? all?) (update-popup! id :all? true)))]
(if (and (number? delay) (> delay 0))
(js/setTimeout f delay)
@ -110,7 +112,7 @@
(defn hide-all!
(doseq [{:keys [id]} @*popups]
(hide! id)))
(hide! id 0 {:all? true})))
(rum/defc x-popup
[{:keys [id open? content position as-dropdown? as-content? force-popover?
@ -195,5 +197,5 @@
(for [config popups
:when (and (map? config) (:id config))]
:when (and (map? config) (:id config) (not (:all? config)))]
(rum/with-key (x-popup config) (:id config)))]))