fix: page/block refs and refs count

Tienson Qin 2024-01-30 17:10:38 +08:00
parent 3fd30736b5
commit 1e6daf6563
12 changed files with 184 additions and 100 deletions

View File

@ -528,6 +528,42 @@
'[:db/id :block/name :block/original-name]
(defn get-page-alias
[db page-id]
'[:find [?e ...]
:in $ ?page %
(alias ?page ?e)]
(:alias rules/rules))
(defn get-page-refs
[db id]
(let [alias (->> (get-page-alias db id)
(cons id)
refs (->> (mapcat (fn [id] (:block/_path-refs (d/entity db id))) alias)
(d/pull-many db '[*] (map :db/id refs))))
(defn get-block-refs
[db id]
(let [block (d/entity db id)]
(if (:block/name block)
(get-page-refs db id)
(let [refs (:block/_refs (d/entity db id))]
(d/pull-many db '[*] (map :db/id refs))))))
(defn get-block-refs-count
[db id]
(some-> (d/entity db id)
(defn db-based-graph?
"Whether the current graph is db-only"

View File

@ -816,7 +816,7 @@
(db-async/<get-block-and-children (state/get-current-repo) block-id))
[config uuid]
(if (state/sub-block-unloaded? (str uuid))
(if (state/sub-async-query-loading (str uuid))
[:span "Loading..."]
(when-let [block (db/entity [:block/uuid uuid])]
@ -850,7 +850,7 @@
[ svg/page]
(page-cp config {:block/name page-name})]
(if (state/sub-block-unloaded? page-name)
(if (state/sub-async-query-loading page-name)
[:span "Loading..."]
(when (and
(not= (util/page-name-sanity-lc (or current-page ""))
@ -898,7 +898,7 @@
[config id label]
(if-let [block-id (if (uuid? id) id (parse-uuid id))]
(if (state/sub-block-unloaded? (str block-id))
(if (state/sub-async-query-loading (str block-id))
[:span "Loading..."]
(let [block (db/entity [:block/uuid block-id])
db-id (:db/id block)
@ -2499,10 +2499,16 @@
current-block-page? (= (str (:block/uuid block)) (state/get-current-page))
embed-self? (and (:embed? config)
(= (:block/uuid block) (:block/uuid (:block config))))
default-hide? (not (and current-block-page? (not embed-self?) (state/auto-expand-block-refs?)))]
(assoc state ::hide-block-refs? (atom default-hide?))))}
default-hide? (not (and current-block-page? (not embed-self?) (state/auto-expand-block-refs?)))
*refs-count (atom nil)]
(p/let [count (db-async/<get-block-refs-count (state/get-current-repo) (:db/id block))]
(reset! *refs-count count))
(assoc state
::hide-block-refs? (atom default-hide?)
::refs-count *refs-count)))}
[state config {:block/keys [uuid format] :as block} edit-input-id block-id edit? hide-block-refs-count? selected? *ref]
(let [*hide-block-refs? (get state ::hide-block-refs?)
*refs-count (get state ::refs-count)
hide-block-refs? (rum/react *hide-block-refs?)
editor-box (get config :editor-box)
editor-id (str "editor-" edit-input-id)
@ -2527,7 +2533,7 @@
:format format
:on-hide (fn [value event]
(let [select? (and (= event :esc)
(not (string/includes? value "```")))]
(not (string/includes? value "```")))]
(p/let [_ (editor-handler/save-block! (editor-handler/get-state) value)]
(editor-handler/escape-editing select?))))}
@ -2537,7 +2543,9 @@
(tags config block)]
(let [refs-count (count (:block/_refs block))]
(let [refs-count (if (seq (:block/_refs block))
(count (:block/_refs block))
(rum/react *refs-count))]
[:div.flex-1.w-full {:style {:display (if (:slide? config) "block" "flex")}}
@ -2574,7 +2582,7 @@
(block-refs-count block refs-count *hide-block-refs?)])]
(when (and (not hide-block-refs?) (> refs-count 0))
(let [refs-cp (state/get-component :block/linked-references)]
(when-let [refs-cp (state/get-component :block/linked-references)]
(refs-cp uuid)))]))]))
(rum/defc single-block-cp
@ -3132,7 +3140,7 @@
*navigating-block (get state ::navigating-block)
navigating-block (rum/react *navigating-block)
navigated? (and (not= (:block/uuid block) navigating-block) navigating-block)]
(when-not (state/sub-block-unloaded? (:block/uuid block))
(when-not (state/sub-async-query-loading (:block/uuid block))
(let [[original-block block] (build-block config block {:navigating-block navigating-block :navigated? navigated?})
config' (if original-block
(assoc config :original-block original-block)

View File

@ -457,10 +457,9 @@
(let [page-name (:page-name (first (:rum/args state)))
page-name' (get-sanity-page-name state page-name)]
(db-async/<get-block-and-children (state/get-current-repo) page-name')
(assoc state
::page-name page-name')))}
(assoc state ::page-name page-name')))}
[state {:keys [repo page-name preview? sidebar?] :as option}]
(when-not (state/sub-block-unloaded? (::page-name state))
(when-not (state/sub-async-query-loading (::page-name state))
(when-let [path-page-name (get-path-page-name state page-name)]
(let [current-repo (state/sub :git/current-repo)
repo (or repo current-repo)
@ -549,12 +548,13 @@
(when-not block?
(tagged-pages repo page-name page-original-name))
;; referenced blocks
;; referenced blocks
(when-not block-or-whiteboard?
[:div {:key "page-references"}
(reference/references route-page-name)
(str route-page-name "-refs"))])
(when page
[:div {:key "page-references"}
(reference/references route-page-name)
(str route-page-name "-refs"))]))
(when-not block-or-whiteboard?
(when (not journal?)
@ -577,7 +577,7 @@
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(when-not (state/sub-block-unloaded? "contents")
(when-not (state/sub-async-query-loading "contents")
(page-blocks-cp repo page {:sidebar? true}))))
(defonce layout (atom [js/window.innerWidth js/window.innerHeight]))

View File

@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
[config value opts]
(when value
(if (state/sub-block-unloaded? value)
(if (state/sub-async-query-loading value)
[:div.text-sm.opacity-70 "loading"]
(when-let [entity (db/sub-block (:db/id (db/entity [:block/uuid value])))]
(let [properties-cp (:properties-cp opts)]
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@
(let [*template-instance (::template-instance state)
template-instance @*template-instance]
(when value
(if (state/sub-block-unloaded? value)
(if (state/sub-async-query-loading value)
[:div.text-sm.opacity-70 "loading"]
(when-let [v-block (db/sub-block (:db/id (db/entity [:block/uuid value])))]
(let [class? (contains? (:block/type v-block) "class")
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
[value {:keys [page-cp inline-text icon?]}]
(when value
(if (state/sub-block-unloaded? value)
(if (state/sub-async-query-loading value)
[:div.text-sm.opacity-70 "loading"]
(when-let [block (db/sub-block (:db/id (db/entity [:block/uuid value])))]
(let [value' (get-in block [:block/schema :value])

View File

@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[frontend.util :as util]
[rum.core :as rum]
[frontend.modules.outliner.tree :as tree]))
[frontend.modules.outliner.tree :as tree]
[frontend.db.async :as db-async]))
(defn- frequencies-sort
@ -96,23 +97,29 @@
(filter-dialog-inner filters-atom *references page-name)))
(rum/defc block-linked-references < rum/reactive db-mixins/query
{:init (fn [state]
(when-let [e (db/entity [:block/uuid (first (:rum/args state))])]
(db-async/<get-block-refs (state/get-current-repo) (:db/id e)))
(let [e (db/entity [:block/uuid block-id])
page? (some? (:block/name e))
ref-blocks (if page?
(-> (db/get-page-referenced-blocks (:block/name e))
(db/get-block-referenced-blocks block-id))
ref-hiccup (block/->hiccup ref-blocks
{:id (str block-id)
:ref? true
:breadcrumb-show? true
:group-by-page? true
:editor-box editor/box}
(content/content block-id
{:hiccup ref-hiccup})]))
(when-let [e (db/entity [:block/uuid block-id])]
(when-not (state/sub-async-query-loading (str (:db/id e) "-refs"))
(let [page? (some? (:block/name e))
ref-blocks (if page?
(-> (db/get-page-referenced-blocks (:block/name e))
(db/get-block-referenced-blocks block-id))]
(when (> (count ref-blocks) 0)
(let [ref-hiccup (block/->hiccup ref-blocks
{:id (str block-id)
:ref? true
:breadcrumb-show? true
:group-by-page? true
:editor-box editor/box}
(content/content block-id
{:hiccup ref-hiccup})]))))))
(rum/defc references-inner
[page-name filters filtered-ref-blocks]
@ -191,59 +198,65 @@
(rum/defcs references* < rum/reactive db-mixins/query
(rum/local nil ::ref-pages)
{:init (fn [state]
(let [page-name (first (:rum/args state))
(let [page-name (->> (first (:rum/args state))
page (db/entity [:block/name page-name])
filters (when page-name (atom nil))]
(when page (db-async/<get-block-refs (state/get-current-repo) (:db/id page)))
(assoc state ::filters filters)))}
[state page-name]
(when page-name
(let [page-name (util/page-name-sanity-lc page-name)
page-props-v (state/sub-page-properties-changed page-name)
*ref-pages (::ref-pages state)
repo (state/get-current-repo)
filters-atom (get state ::filters)
filter-state (rum/react filters-atom)
ref-blocks (db/get-page-referenced-blocks page-name)
page-id (:db/id (db/entity repo [:block/name page-name]))
aliases (db/page-alias-set repo page-name)
aliases-exclude-self (set (remove #{page-id} aliases))
top-level-blocks (filter (fn [b] (some aliases (set (map :db/id (:block/refs b))))) ref-blocks)
top-level-blocks-ids (set (map :db/id top-level-blocks))
filters (when (seq filter-state)
(-> (group-by second filter-state)
(update-vals #(map first %))))
filtered-ref-blocks (->> (block-handler/filter-blocks ref-blocks filters)
(block-handler/get-filtered-ref-blocks-with-parents ref-blocks))
total (count top-level-blocks)
filtered-top-blocks (filter (fn [b] (top-level-blocks-ids (:db/id b))) filtered-ref-blocks)
filter-n (count filtered-top-blocks)
parent->blocks (group-by (fn [x] (:db/id (x :block/parent))) filtered-ref-blocks)
result (->> (group-by :block/page filtered-top-blocks)
(map (fn [[page blocks]]
(let [blocks (sort-by (fn [b] (not= (:db/id page) (:db/id (:block/parent b)))) blocks)
result (map (fn [block]
(let [filtered-children (get-filtered-children block parent->blocks)
refs (when-not (contains? top-level-blocks-ids (:db/id (:block/parent block)))
(block-handler/get-blocks-refed-pages aliases (cons block filtered-children)))
block' (assoc (tree/block-entity->map block) :block/children filtered-children)]
[block' refs])) blocks)
blocks' (map first result)
page' (if (contains? aliases-exclude-self (:db/id page))
{:db/id (:db/id page)
:block/alias? true
:block/journal-day (:block/journal-day page)}
[[page' blocks'] (mapcat second result)]))))
filtered-ref-blocks' (map first result)
ref-pages (->>
(mapcat second result)
(map :block/original-name)
(reset! *ref-pages ref-pages)
(when (or (seq filter-state) (> filter-n 0))
(sub-page-properties-changed page-name page-props-v filters-atom)
(references-cp page-name filters filters-atom filter-state total filter-n filtered-ref-blocks' *ref-pages)]]))))
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
page-name (util/page-name-sanity-lc page-name)
page-entity (db/entity repo [:block/name page-name])]
(when page-entity
(when-not (state/sub-async-query-loading (str (:db/id page-entity) "-refs"))
(let [page-props-v (state/sub-page-properties-changed page-name)
*ref-pages (::ref-pages state)
filters-atom (get state ::filters)
filter-state (rum/react filters-atom)
ref-blocks (db/get-page-referenced-blocks page-name)
page-id (:db/id page-entity)
aliases (db/page-alias-set repo page-name)
aliases-exclude-self (set (remove #{page-id} aliases))
top-level-blocks (filter (fn [b] (some aliases (set (map :db/id (:block/refs b))))) ref-blocks)
top-level-blocks-ids (set (map :db/id top-level-blocks))
filters (when (seq filter-state)
(-> (group-by second filter-state)
(update-vals #(map first %))))
filtered-ref-blocks (->> (block-handler/filter-blocks ref-blocks filters)
(block-handler/get-filtered-ref-blocks-with-parents ref-blocks))
total (count top-level-blocks)
filtered-top-blocks (filter (fn [b] (top-level-blocks-ids (:db/id b))) filtered-ref-blocks)
filter-n (count filtered-top-blocks)
parent->blocks (group-by (fn [x] (:db/id (x :block/parent))) filtered-ref-blocks)
result (->> (group-by :block/page filtered-top-blocks)
(map (fn [[page blocks]]
(let [blocks (sort-by (fn [b] (not= (:db/id page) (:db/id (:block/parent b)))) blocks)
result (map (fn [block]
(let [filtered-children (get-filtered-children block parent->blocks)
refs (when-not (contains? top-level-blocks-ids (:db/id (:block/parent block)))
(block-handler/get-blocks-refed-pages aliases (cons block filtered-children)))
block' (assoc (tree/block-entity->map block) :block/children filtered-children)]
[block' refs])) blocks)
blocks' (map first result)
page' (if (contains? aliases-exclude-self (:db/id page))
{:db/id (:db/id page)
:block/alias? true
:block/journal-day (:block/journal-day page)}
[[page' blocks'] (mapcat second result)]))))
filtered-ref-blocks' (map first result)
ref-pages (->>
(mapcat second result)
(map :block/original-name)
(reset! *ref-pages ref-pages)
(when (or (seq filter-state) (> filter-n 0))
(sub-page-properties-changed page-name page-props-v filters-atom)
(references-cp page-name filters filters-atom filter-state total filter-n filtered-ref-blocks' *ref-pages)]])))))))
(rum/defc references

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
tldr (whiteboard-handler/page-name->tldr! page-name)
generate-preview (when loaded?
(resolve 'frontend.extensions.tldraw/generate-preview))]
(when (and generate-preview (not (state/sub-block-unloaded? page-name)))
(when (and generate-preview (not (state/sub-async-query-loading page-name)))
(generate-preview tldr))))
;; TODO: use frontend.ui instead of making a new one

View File

@ -120,13 +120,31 @@
(when-let [^Object sqlite @db-browser/*worker]
(state/update-state! :restore/unloaded-blocks (fn [s] (conj s name')))
(state/update-state! :db/async-queries (fn [s] (conj s name')))
(p/let [result (.get-block-and-children sqlite graph name' children?)
{:keys [block children] :as result'} (edn/read-string result)
conn (db/get-db graph false)
_ (d/transact! conn (cons block children))]
(state/update-state! :restore/unloaded-blocks (fn [s] (disj s name')))
(state/update-state! :db/async-queries (fn [s] (disj s name')))
(react/refresh-affected-queries! graph [[:frontend.worker.react/block (:db/id block)]])
(if children?
(defn <get-block-refs
[graph eid]
(assert (integer? eid))
(when-let [^Object worker @db-browser/*worker]
(state/update-state! :db/async-queries (fn [s] (conj s (str eid "-refs"))))
(p/let [result-str (.get-block-refs worker graph eid)
result (edn/read-string result-str)
conn (db/get-db graph false)
_ (d/transact! conn result)]
(state/update-state! :db/async-queries (fn [s] (disj s (str eid "-refs"))))
(defn <get-block-refs-count
[graph eid]
(assert (integer? eid))
(when-let [^Object worker @db-browser/*worker]
(.get-block-refs-count worker graph eid)))

View File

@ -813,8 +813,7 @@ independent of format as format specific heading characters are stripped"
(react/q repo
[:frontend.worker.react/refs page-id]
{:use-cache? false
:query-fn (fn []
{:query-fn (fn []
(let [entities (mapcat (fn [id]
(:block/_path-refs (db-utils/entity id))) pages)
blocks (map (fn [e]

View File

@ -291,6 +291,16 @@
(when-let [conn (worker-state/get-datascript-conn repo)]
(pr-str (sqlite-common-db/get-block-and-children @conn name children?))))
[_this repo id]
(when-let [conn (worker-state/get-datascript-conn repo)]
(pr-str (ldb/get-block-refs @conn id))))
[_this repo id]
(when-let [conn (worker-state/get-datascript-conn repo)]
(ldb/get-block-refs-count @conn id)))
[_this repo tx-data tx-meta context]
(when repo (worker-state/set-db-latest-tx-time! repo))

View File

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
(db-async/<get-block-and-children (state/get-current-repo) page-name)
[page-name block-id loaded-app set-loaded-app]
(when-not (state/sub-block-unloaded? page-name)
(when-not (state/sub-async-query-loading page-name)
(let [populate-onboarding? (whiteboard-handler/should-populate-onboarding-whiteboard? page-name)
on-mount (fn [^js tln]
(when tln

View File

@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
state/set-state! :sync-graph/init? false))
(defmethod handle :graph/switch [[_ graph opts]]
(state/set-state! :restore/unloaded-blocks #{})
(state/set-state! :db/async-queries #{})
(reset! r/*key->atom {})
(let [^js sqlite @db-browser/*worker]

View File

@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
:system/info {}
;; Whether block is selected
:ui/select-query-cache (atom {})
:restore/unloaded-blocks (atom #{})})))
:db/async-queries (atom #{})})))
;; Block ast state
;; ===============
@ -2305,12 +2305,12 @@ Similar to re-frame subscriptions"
(storage/remove :user-groups))
(defn sub-block-unloaded?
(defn sub-async-query-loading
(assert (some? k))
(r/cached-derived-atom (:restore/unloaded-blocks @state) [(get-current-repo) ::block-unloaded (str block-uuid)]
(fn [s]
(contains? s (str block-uuid))))))
(r/cached-derived-atom (:db/async-queries @state) [(get-current-repo) ::async-query (str k)]
(fn [s] (contains? s (str k))))))
(defn get-color-accent []
(get @state :ui/radix-color))