Improve contributing-to-translations doc

hasecilu 2023-04-16 14:08:46 -06:00 committed by Gabriel Horner
parent c2fe81022c
commit 20b2e06427
1 changed files with 63 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -14,43 +14,51 @@ In order to run the commands in this doc, you will need to install
## Where to Contribute
Language translations are in two files,
## Language Overview
First, let's get an overview of Logseq's languages and how many translations your
language has compared to others:
$ bb lang:list
| :locale | :percent-translated | :translation-count | :language |
| :en | 100 | 494 | English |
| :nb-NO | 90 | 445 | Norsk (bokmål) |
| :zh-CN | 87 | 432 | 简体中文 |
| :ru | 85 | 422 | Русский |
| :pt-BR | 77 | 382 | Português (Brasileiro) |
| :pt-PT | 76 | 373 | Português (Europeu) |
| :es | 71 | 349 | Español |
| :zh-Hant | 55 | 272 | 繁體中文 |
| :af | 51 | 253 | Afrikaans |
| :de | 48 | 238 | Deutsch |
| :fr | 39 | 195 | Français |
Total: 11
| :es | 100 | 492 | Español |
| :tr | 100 | 492 | Türkçe |
| :en | 100 | 492 | English |
| :uk | 95 | 466 | Українська |
| :ru | 95 | 466 | Русский |
| :ko | 93 | 459 | 한국어 |
| :de | 93 | 459 | Deutsch |
| :fr | 92 | 453 | Français |
| :pt-PT | 92 | 453 | Português (Europeu) |
| :pt-BR | 92 | 451 | Português (Brasileiro) |
| :sk | 90 | 445 | Slovenčina |
| :zh-CN | 90 | 441 | 简体中文 |
| :nb-NO | 75 | 370 | Norsk (bokmål) |
| :ja | 75 | 368 | 日本語 |
| :pl | 72 | 353 | Polski |
| :nl | 72 | 353 | Dutch (Nederlands) |
| :zh-Hant | 71 | 349 | 繁體中文 |
| :it | 71 | 349 | Italiano |
| :af | 22 | 106 | Afrikaans |
Total: 19
Let's try to get your language translated as close to 100% as you can!
## Edit a Language
To see what translations are missing:
To see what translations are missing for your language use:
$ bb lang:missing LOCALE
$ bb lang:missing
| :translation-key | :string-to-translate |
| :cards-view | View cards |
@ -59,20 +67,50 @@ $ bb lang:missing
| :export-page | Export page |
| :graph-search | Search graph |
| :open-new-window | New window |
Now, add keys for your language to the translation files, save and rerun the above command. Over time
you're hoping to have this list drop to zero.
Now, manually, add keys for your language to the translation files, save and rerun the above command.
Over time you're hoping to have this list drop to zero.
Almost all translations are pretty quick. The only exceptions to this are the keys `:tutorial/text` and `:tutorial/dummy-notes`. These reference files that are part of the onboarding tutorial. Most languages don't have this translated. If you are willing to do this, we would be happy to have this translated.
## Fix Untranslated
### \*nix-like command
There is a lot to translate and sometimes we forget to translate a string. To see what translation keys are still left in English:
For \*nix translators, since this process is a LITTLE tedious to do it manually, here is a small **command** to process the output of `bb lang:missing` command and leave it almost ready to paste it on the dict files.
bb lang:missing LOCALE | awk -F '|' '{print $2 "\"" $3 "\""}' | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/ :/:/g' > untranslated_strings.txt
transforms the output from:
| :settings-page/tab-features | Features | frontend/dicts.cljs |
| :whiteboard/link-whiteboard-or-block | Link whiteboard/page/block | frontend/dicts.cljs |
| | Auto-complete: Choose selected item | shortcut/dicts.cljs |
| | Auto-complete: Select next item | shortcut/dicts.cljs |
$ bb lang:duplicates
:settings-page/tab-features "Features "
:whiteboard/link-whiteboard-or-block "Link whiteboard/page/block " " Auto-complete: Choose selected item " " Auto-complete: Select next item "
The translator just need to:
0. Ignore garbage at the beggining and end of the `untranslated_strings.txt` file.
1. In the `untranslated_strings.txt` file check which strings go to which file and since the `bb` output is ordered it is only need to split the strings in *half*.
2. After splitting the strings, copy a bunch of strings to their corresponding file and translate them. Repeat until finish.
3. Make the proper indentation.
## Fix Untranslated
There is a lot to translate and sometimes we forget to translate a string. To see what translation keys are still left for your language use :
$ bb lang:duplicates LOCALE
Keys with duplicate values found:
| :translation-key | :duplicate-value |