fix(ui): reactive block state for all the order list related items

charlie 2023-04-18 18:24:12 +08:00
parent 339360a3dc
commit 22246fcdb3
2 changed files with 43 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -2804,8 +2804,10 @@
block-id (str "ls-block-" blocks-container-id "-" uuid)
has-child? (first (:block/_parent (db/entity (:db/id block))))
as-list-of (:as-list-of config)
own-order-list-type (some-> properties :logseq.order-list-type str string/lower-case)
own-order-list-index (and own-order-list-type (block-handler/get-idx-of-order-list-block block own-order-list-type))
own-order-list-type (:own-order-list-type config)
own-order-list-index (and own-order-list-type
(or (:own-order-list-index config)
(block-handler/get-idx-of-order-list-block block own-order-list-type)))
own-order-number-list? (= own-order-list-type "number")
attrs (on-drag-and-mouse-attrs block uuid top? block-id *move-to)
children-refs (get-children-refs children)
@ -2893,6 +2895,12 @@
(dnd-separator-wrapper block block-id slide? false false)]))
(defn- attach-order-list-state!
(let [args (:rum/args cp-state)]
(assoc cp-state
:rum/args (assoc (vec args) 0 (block-handler/attach-order-list-state (first args) (second args))))))
(rum/defcs block-container < rum/reactive
(rum/local false ::show-block-left-menu?)
(rum/local false ::show-block-right-menu?)
@ -2909,20 +2917,26 @@
(assoc state
::control-show? (atom false)
::navigating-block (atom (:block/uuid block)))))
(-> (assoc state
::control-show? (atom false)
::navigating-block (atom (:block/uuid block)))
:will-remount (fn [_old-state new-state]
(-> new-state
:should-update (fn [old-state new-state]
(let [compare-keys [:block/uuid :block/content :block/parent :block/collapsed?
:block/properties :block/left :block/children :block/_refs :block/bottom? :block/top?]
(let [compare-keys [:block/uuid :block/content :block/parent :block/collapsed?
:block/properties :block/left :block/children :block/_refs :block/bottom? :block/top?]
config-compare-keys [:show-cloze? :as-list-of :as-index-of :own-order-list-type :own-order-list-index]
b1 (second (:rum/args old-state))
b2 (second (:rum/args new-state))
result (or
(not= (select-keys b1 compare-keys)
(select-keys b2 compare-keys))
(not= (select-keys (first (:rum/args old-state)) config-compare-keys)
(select-keys (first (:rum/args new-state)) config-compare-keys)))]
b1 (second (:rum/args old-state))
b2 (second (:rum/args new-state))
result (or
(not= (select-keys b1 compare-keys)
(select-keys b2 compare-keys))
(not= (select-keys (first (:rum/args old-state)) config-compare-keys)
(select-keys (first (:rum/args new-state)) config-compare-keys)))]
(boolean result)))
:will-unmount (fn [state]
;; restore root block's collapsed state
@ -2932,21 +2946,21 @@
(state/set-collapsed-block! block-id nil)))
[state config block]
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
ref? (:ref? config)
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
ref? (:ref? config)
custom-query? (boolean (:custom-query? config))]
(if (and (or ref? custom-query?) (not (:ref-query-child? config)))
(fn [] (block-container-inner state repo config block)))
(fn [] (block-container-inner state repo config block)))
(block-container-inner state repo config block))))
(defn divide-lists
[[f & l]]
(loop [l l
(loop [l l
ordered? (:ordered f)
result [[f]]]
result [[f]]]
(if (seq l)
(let [cur (first l)
(let [cur (first l)
cur-ordered? (:ordered cur)]
(if (= ordered? cur-ordered?)

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@ -310,3 +310,11 @@
order-parents-count (count (order-parent-list block))]
(if (odd? order-parents-count)
idx (nth (seq "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") (mod (dec idx) 26)))))))
(defn attach-order-list-state
[config block]
(let [own-order-list-type (some-> block :block/properties :logseq.order-list-type str string/lower-case)]
(let [own-order-list-index (some->> own-order-list-type (get-idx-of-order-list-block block))]
(assoc config :own-order-list-type own-order-list-type
:own-order-list-index own-order-list-index
:own-order-number-list? (= own-order-list-type "number")))))