Make all calls to git require the graph path to operate on

Vladimir Pouzanov 2024-02-18 20:53:59 +00:00 committed by Andelf
parent 0bb7e6d0cc
commit 227f3efc85
5 changed files with 75 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
(def log-error (partial logger/error "[Git]"))
(defn get-graph-git-dir
(when-let [graph-path (some-> (state/get-graph-path)
(when-let [graph-path (some-> graph-path
(string/replace "/" "_")
(string/replace ":" "comma"))]
(let [dir (.join node-path (.homedir os) ".logseq" "git" graph-path ".git")]
@ -22,38 +22,35 @@
(defn run-git!
(when-let [path (state/get-graph-path)]
(when (fs/existsSync path)
(p/let [result (.exec GitProcess commands path)]
(if (zero? (gobj/get result "exitCode"))
(let [result (gobj/get result "stdout")]
(p/resolved result))
(let [error (gobj/get result "stderr")]
(when-not (string/blank? error)
(log-error error))
(p/rejected error)))))))
[graph-path commands]
(when (and graph-path (fs/existsSync graph-path))
(p/let [result (.exec GitProcess commands graph-path)]
(if (zero? (gobj/get result "exitCode"))
(let [result (gobj/get result "stdout")]
(p/resolved result))
(let [error (gobj/get result "stderr")]
(when-not (string/blank? error)
(log-error error))
(p/rejected error))))))
(defn run-git2!
(when-let [path (state/get-graph-path)]
(when (fs/existsSync path)
(p/let [^js result (.exec GitProcess commands path)]
[graph-path commands]
(when (and graph-path (fs/existsSync graph-path))
(p/let [^js result (.exec GitProcess commands graph-path)]
(defn git-dir-exists?
(let [p (.join node-path (state/get-graph-path) ".git")]
(let [p (.join node-path graph-path ".git")]
(.isDirectory (fs/statSync p)))
(catch :default _e
(defn remove-dot-git-file!
(let [graph-path (state/get-graph-path)
_ (when (string/blank? graph-path)
(let [_ (when (string/blank? graph-path)
(utils/send-to-renderer :setCurrentGraph {})
(throw (js/Error. "Empty graph path")))
p (.join node-path graph-path ".git")]
@ -70,23 +67,23 @@
(log-error e))))
(defn init!
(let [_ (remove-dot-git-file!)
separate-git-dir (get-graph-git-dir)
(let [_ (remove-dot-git-file! graph-path)
separate-git-dir (get-graph-git-dir graph-path)
args (cond
(git-dir-exists? graph-path)
["init" (str "--separate-git-dir=" separate-git-dir)]
(p/let [_ (run-git! (clj->js args))]
(p/let [_ (run-git! graph-path (clj->js args))]
(when utils/win32?
(run-git! #js ["config" "core.safecrlf" "false"])))))
(run-git! graph-path #js ["config" "core.safecrlf" "false"])))))
(defn add-all!
(-> (run-git! #js ["add" "--ignore-errors" "./*"])
(-> (run-git! graph-path #js ["add" "--ignore-errors" "./*"])
(p/catch (fn [error]
(let [error (string/lower-case (str error))]
(if (or (string/includes? error "permission denied")
@ -97,34 +94,38 @@
;; git log -100 --oneline -p ~/Desktop/org/pages/
(defn commit!
[graph-path message]
(run-git! #js ["config" "core.quotepath" "false"])
(run-git! #js ["commit" "-m" message])))
(run-git! graph-path #js ["config" "core.quotepath" "false"])
(run-git! graph-path #js ["commit" "-m" message])))
(defn add-all-and-commit-single-graph!
[graph-path message]
(let [message (if (string/blank? message)
"Auto saved by Logseq"
(p/let [_ (init! graph-path)
_ (add-all! graph-path)]
(commit! graph-path message))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(when (and
(string? error)
(not (string/blank? error)))
(if (string/starts-with? error "Author identity unknown")
(utils/send-to-renderer "setGitUsernameAndEmail" {:type "git"})
(utils/send-to-renderer "notification" {:type "error"
:payload (str error "\nIf you don't want to see those errors or don't need git, you can disable the \"Git auto commit\" feature on Settings > Version control.")}))))))))
(defn add-all-and-commit!
(add-all-and-commit! nil))
(let [message (if (string/blank? message)
"Auto saved by Logseq"
(p/let [_ (init!)
_ (add-all!)]
(commit! message))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(when (and
(string? error)
(not (string/blank? error)))
(if (string/starts-with? error "Author identity unknown")
(utils/send-to-renderer "setGitUsernameAndEmail" {:type "git"})
(utils/send-to-renderer "notification" {:type "error"
:payload (str error "\nIf you don't want to see those errors or don't need git, you can disable the \"Git auto commit\" feature on Settings > Version control.")})))))))))
(doseq [path (state/get-all-graph-paths)] (add-all-and-commit-single-graph! path message))))
(defn short-status!
(run-git! #js ["status" "--porcelain"]))
(run-git! graph-path #js ["status" "--porcelain"]))
(defonce quotes-regex #"\"[^\"]+\"")
(defn wrapped-by-quotes?
@ -152,8 +153,8 @@
(remove string/blank?))))
(defn raw!
[graph-path args]
(init! graph-path)
(let [args (if (string? args)
(split-args args)
@ -166,8 +167,8 @@
(p/rejected error)))]
(p/let [_ (when (= (first args) "commit")
result (run-git! (clj->js args))]
(add-all! graph-path))
result (run-git! graph-path (clj->js args))]
(p/resolved result))
(p/catch error-handler))))

View File

@ -461,7 +461,6 @@
(let [old-path (state/get-window-graph-path window)]
(when (and old-path graph-path (not= old-path graph-path))
(close-watcher-when-orphaned! window old-path))
(swap! state/state assoc :graph/current graph-path)
(swap! state/state assoc-in [:window/graph window] graph-path)
@ -469,14 +468,14 @@
(when graph-name
(set-current-graph! window (utils/get-graph-dir graph-name))))
(defmethod handle :runGit [_ [_ args]]
(when (seq args)
(git/raw! args)))
(defmethod handle :runGit [_ [_ {:keys [repo command]}]]
(when (seq command)
(git/raw! (utils/get-graph-dir repo) command)))
(defmethod handle :runGitWithinCurrentGraph [_ [_ args]]
(when (seq args)
(git/run-git2! (clj->js args))))
(defmethod handle :runGitWithinCurrentGraph [_ [_ {:keys [repo command]}]]
(when (seq command)
(git/init! (utils/get-graph-dir repo))
(git/run-git2! (utils/get-graph-dir repo) (clj->js command))))
(defmethod handle :runCli [window [_ {:keys [command args returnResult]}]]
@ -499,8 +498,8 @@
(defmethod handle :gitCommitAll [_ [_ message]]
(git/add-all-and-commit! message))
(defmethod handle :gitStatus [_ [_]]
(defmethod handle :gitStatus [_ [_ repo]]
(git/short-status! (utils/get-graph-dir repo)))
(def debounced-configure-auto-commit! (debounce git/configure-auto-commit! 5000))
(defmethod handle :setGitAutoCommit []

View File

@ -8,9 +8,6 @@
(defonce state
(atom {:config (config/get-config)
;; FIXME: replace with :window/graph
:graph/current nil
;; window -> current graph
:window/graph {}
@ -39,15 +36,16 @@
(get-in @state [:config :git/commit-on-close?] false))
(defn get-graph-path
(:graph/current @state))
(defn get-window-graph-path
"Get the path of the graph of a window (might be `nil`)"
(get (:window/graph @state) window))
(defn get-all-graph-paths
"Get the paths of all graphs currently open in all windows."
(set (vals (:window/graph @state))))
(defn get-active-window-graph-path
"Get the path of the graph of the currently focused window (might be `nil`)"

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
(rum/defcs add-commit-message < rum/reactive
(rum/local nil ::git-status)
{:will-mount (fn [state]
(-> (ipc/ipc "gitStatus")
(-> (ipc/ipc "gitStatus" (state/get-current-repo))
(p/then (fn [status]
(reset! (get state ::git-status) status))))

View File

@ -11,11 +11,13 @@
(defn run-git-command!
(ipc/ipc :runGit command))
(ipc/ipc :runGit {:repo (state/get-current-repo)
:command command}))
(defn run-git-command2!
(ipc/ipc :runGitWithinCurrentGraph command))
(ipc/ipc :runGitWithinCurrentGraph {:repo (state/get-current-repo)
:command command}))
(defn run-cli-command!
[command args]