Add timestamp properties when setting a block marker

Tienson Qin 2020-10-22 22:51:54 +08:00
parent ddb5bc0b08
commit 2710cbac06
3 changed files with 78 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns frontend.commands
(:require [frontend.util :as util]
[ :as date]
[frontend.text :as text]
[frontend.state :as state]
[ :as search]
[clojure.string :as string]
@ -350,7 +351,10 @@
new-value (str (subs edit-content 0 pos)
(string/replace-first (subs edit-content pos)
(str marker " ")))]
(str marker " ")))
new-value (if (string/blank? marker)
(text/insert-property new-value marker (util/time-ms)))]
(state/set-edit-content! input-id new-value)))))
(defmethod handle-step :editor/set-priority [[_ priority] format]

View File

@ -791,50 +791,63 @@
(defn- with-marker-time
[block marker]
(let [properties (:block/properties block)]
(assoc (into {} properties)
(string/lower-case marker)
(defn check
[{:block/keys [uuid marker content meta file dummy? repeated?] :as block}]
(let [new-content (string/replace-first content marker "DONE")
new-content (if repeated?
(update-timestamps-content! block content)
(save-block-if-changed! block new-content)))
(save-block-if-changed! block new-content
{:custom-properties (with-marker-time block "DONE")})))
(defn uncheck
[{:block/keys [uuid marker content meta file dummy?] :as block}]
(let [new-content (string/replace-first content "DONE"
(if (= :now (state/get-preferred-workflow))
(save-block-if-changed! block new-content)))
(let [marker (if (= :now (state/get-preferred-workflow))
new-content (string/replace-first content "DONE" marker)]
(save-block-if-changed! block new-content
{:custom-properties (with-marker-time block marker)})))
(defn cycle-todo!
(when-let [block (state/get-edit-block)]
(let [edit-input-id (state/get-edit-input-id)
content (state/get-edit-content)
new-content (->
(util/starts-with? content "TODO")
(string/replace-first content "TODO" "DOING")
(util/starts-with? content "DOING")
(string/replace-first content "DOING" "DONE")
(util/starts-with? content "LATER")
(string/replace-first content "LATER" "NOW")
(util/starts-with? content "NOW")
(string/replace-first content "NOW" "DONE")
(util/starts-with? content "DONE")
(string/replace-first content "DONE" "")
(str (if (= :now (state/get-preferred-workflow))
"TODO ") (string/triml content)))
[new-content marker] (cond
(util/starts-with? content "TODO")
[(string/replace-first content "TODO" "DOING") "DOING"]
(util/starts-with? content "DOING")
[(string/replace-first content "DOING" "DONE") "DONE"]
(util/starts-with? content "LATER")
[(string/replace-first content "LATER" "NOW") "NOW"]
(util/starts-with? content "NOW")
[(string/replace-first content "NOW" "DONE") "DONE"]
(util/starts-with? content "DONE")
[(string/replace-first content "DONE" "") nil]
(let [marker (if (= :now (state/get-preferred-workflow))
[(str marker " " (string/triml content)) marker]))
new-content (string/triml new-content)
new-content (if marker
(text/insert-property new-content (string/lower-case marker) (util/time-ms))
(state/set-edit-content! edit-input-id new-content))))
(defn set-marker
[{:block/keys [uuid marker content meta file dummy?] :as block} new-marker]
[{:block/keys [uuid marker content meta file dummy? properties] :as block} new-marker]
(let [new-content (string/replace-first content marker new-marker)]
(save-block-if-changed! block new-content)))
(save-block-if-changed! block new-content
(with-marker-time block marker))))
(defn set-priority
[{:block/keys [uuid marker priority content meta file dummy?] :as block} new-priority]

View File

@ -85,3 +85,38 @@
(-> (remove-properties! content)
(rejoin-properties properties))))
(defn insert-property
[content key value]
(when (and (not (string/blank? key))
(not (string/blank? value)))
(let [key (string/lower-case key)
[title body] (util/safe-split-first "\n" content)]
(if-not (contains-properties? content)
(let [properties (build-properties-str {key value})]
(str title "\n" properties body))
(let [lines (string/split-lines content)
[title-lines properties-and-body] (split-with (fn [l] (not (string/starts-with? (string/upper-case (string/triml l)) ":PROPERTIES:"))) lines)
properties? (fn [l]
(string/starts-with? (string/triml l) ":") ; kv
(string/starts-with? (string/upper-case (string/triml l)) ":end:")))
properties (take-while properties? properties-and-body)
exists? (atom false)
new-line (util/format ":%s: %s" key value)
new-properties (doall
(map (fn [l]
(if (string/starts-with? (string/triml l) (str ":" key ":"))
(reset! exists? true)
(util/format ":%s: %s" key value))
l)) properties))
new-properties (if @exists?
(drop-last new-properties)
[(util/format ":%s: %s" key value)
(last new-properties)]))
body (drop-while properties? properties-and-body)]
(->> (concat title-lines new-properties body)
(string/join "\n")))))))