fix: multiple onboarding issues

Konstantinos Kaloutas 2022-11-28 15:09:25 +02:00
parent ef9075a684
commit 2756f4a8ae
3 changed files with 35 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -157,12 +157,12 @@
:text (h/render-html [:section [:h2 "🖼 Home for your whiteboards"]
[:p "Whiteboards have their own section in the app where you can see them at a glance, create new ones or delete them easily."]])
:attachTo {:element ".nav-header .whiteboard" :on "right"}
:beforeShowPromise #(if (state/sub :ui/sidebar-open?)
(wait-target state/hide-right-sidebar! 700)
(p/resolved true))
:beforeShowPromise (fn []
(when-not (state/sub :ui/left-sidebar-open?)
(wait-target ".nav-header .whiteboard" 500))
:canClickTarget true
:buttons [{:text "Next" :action (do (router-handler/redirect-to-whiteboard-dashboard!)
(.-next jsTour))}]
:buttons [{:text "Next" :action (.-next jsTour)}]
:popperOptions {:modifiers [{:name "preventOverflow"
:options {:padding 20}}
{:name "offset"
@ -172,12 +172,16 @@
{:id "whiteboard-new"
:text (h/render-html [:section [:h2 "🆕️ Create new whiteboard"]
[:p "There is multiple ways of creating a new whiteboard. One of them is always right here in the dashboard."]])
:beforeShowPromise #((if-not (state/sub :ui/left-sidebar-open?)
(wait-target state/toggle-left-sidebar! 500)
(p/resolved true)))
:attachTo {:element "#tl-create-whiteboard" :on "bottom"}
:beforeShowPromise (fn []
(wait-target ".dashboard-create-card" 500))
:attachTo {:element ".dashboard-create-card" :on "bottom"}
:buttons [{:text "Back" :classes "back" :action (.-back jsTour)}
{:text "Finish" :action (.-complete jsTour)}]}])
{:text "Finish" :action (.-complete jsTour)}]
:popperOptions {:modifiers [{:name "preventOverflow"
:options {:padding 20}}
{:name "offset"
:options {:offset [0, 10]}}]}}])
(defn start

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
[frontend.rum :refer [use-bounding-client-rect use-breakpoint
[frontend.state :as state]
[ :as storage]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[frontend.util :as util]
[promesa.core :as p]
@ -298,14 +299,14 @@
(defn onboarding-show
(when (and (user-handler/feature-available? :whiteboard)
(not (or (state/enable-whiteboards?)
(state/sub :whiteboard/onboarding?))))
(not (or (state/sub :whiteboard/onboarding?)
(state/pub-event! [:whiteboard/onboarding])
(state/set-state! [:whiteboard/onboarding?] true)))
(state/set-state! [:whiteboard/onboarding?] true)
(storage/set :whiteboard-onboarding? true)))
(rum/defc onboarding-welcome
@ -321,11 +322,7 @@
(ui/button (t :on-boarding/welcome-whiteboard-modal-start)
:on-click (fn []
(config-handler/set-config! :feature/enable-whiteboards? true)
(do (quick-tour/ready
(fn []
(state/set-state! :whiteboard/onboarding? true)
(throw (js/Error. nil)))))]]
(catch :default e
(js/console.warn "[Whiteboard onboarding SKIP] " (name type) e))))

View File

@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
:graph/importing-state {}
:whiteboard/onboarding-whiteboard? (or (storage/get :ls-onboarding-whiteboard?) false)
:whiteboard/onboarding? (or (storage/get :whiteboard/onboarding?) false)})))
:whiteboard/onboarding? (or (storage/get :whiteboard-onboarding?) false)})))
;; Block ast state
;; ===============