chore: merge 2 new property fns together

refactor possible since page-name-sanity-lc in common-util
Gabriel Horner 2024-01-29 09:55:34 -05:00
parent 8f736e82c7
commit 28e637e855
5 changed files with 20 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -47,16 +47,6 @@
(assoc :block/type #{"hidden"}
:block/format :markdown))))
(defn new-property-tx
"Provide attributes for a new built-in property given name, schema and uuid.
TODO: Merge this with sqlite-util/build-new-property once common-util/page-name-sanity-lc
is available to deps/db"
[prop-name prop-schema prop-uuid]
{:block/uuid prop-uuid
:block/schema (merge {:type :default} prop-schema)
:block/original-name (name prop-name)
:block/name (common-util/page-name-sanity-lc (name prop-name))})
(defn build-closed-values
"Builds all the tx needed for property with closed values including
the hidden page and closed value blocks as needed"
@ -76,8 +66,7 @@
(:closed-values property)))
property-schema (assoc (:block/schema property)
:values (mapv :block/uuid closed-value-blocks-tx))
property-tx (merge (sqlite-util/build-new-property
(new-property-tx prop-name property-schema (:block/uuid property)))
property-tx (merge (sqlite-util/build-new-property prop-name property-schema (:block/uuid property))
(into [property-tx page-tx]
(when-not closed-value-page-uuids? closed-value-blocks-tx))))

View File

@ -22,10 +22,9 @@
{:block/schema schema :block/uuid (d/squuid) :closed-values closed-values}
{:icon-id (get default-property-uuids :icon)})
{:block/schema schema
:block/original-name (or original-name k-name)
:block/name (common-util/page-name-sanity-lc k-name)
:block/uuid (get default-property-uuids k-keyword (d/squuid))})])))
(or original-name k-name)
(get default-property-uuids k-keyword (d/squuid)))])))
(defn build-db-initial-data

View File

@ -35,12 +35,15 @@
(defn build-new-property
"Build a standard new property so that it is is consistent across contexts"
[prop-name prop-schema prop-uuid]
(merge {:block/type "property"
:block/journal? false
:block/format :markdown}
{:block/type "property"
:block/journal? false
:block/format :markdown
:block/uuid prop-uuid
:block/schema (merge {:type :default} prop-schema)
:block/original-name (name prop-name)
:block/name (common-util/page-name-sanity-lc (name prop-name))}))
(defn build-new-class

View File

@ -176,13 +176,13 @@
{:db/id (or (property-db-ids (name prop-name))
(throw (ex-info "No :db/id for property" {:property prop-name})))}})
(merge (db-property-util/new-property-tx prop-name (get-in properties [prop-name :block/schema]) uuid)
{:db/id (or (property-db-ids (name prop-name))
(throw (ex-info "No :db/id for property" {:property prop-name})))}
(when-let [props (not-empty (get-in properties [prop-name :properties]))]
{:block/properties (->block-properties-tx props uuid-maps)
:block/refs (build-property-refs props property-db-ids)})))]))
(sqlite-util/build-new-property prop-name (get-in properties [prop-name :block/schema]) uuid)
{:db/id (or (property-db-ids (name prop-name))
(throw (ex-info "No :db/id for property" {:property prop-name})))}
(when-let [props (not-empty (get-in properties [prop-name :properties]))]
{:block/properties (->block-properties-tx props uuid-maps)
:block/refs (build-property-refs props property-db-ids)}))]))

View File

@ -105,12 +105,7 @@
:block/uuid property-uuid
:block/type "property"})]
{:outliner-op :save-block})
(db/transact! repo [(sqlite-util/build-new-property
(cond-> {:block/original-name k-name
:block/name (util/page-name-sanity-lc k-name)
:block/uuid property-uuid}
(seq schema)
(assoc :block/schema schema)))]
(db/transact! repo [(sqlite-util/build-new-property k-name schema property-uuid)]
{:outliner-op :insert-blocks}))))
(defn validate-property-value