perf: virtualized page references

Tienson Qin 2024-06-17 20:33:26 +08:00
parent 5b0ed592f0
commit 2cacb11422
4 changed files with 85 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -3458,35 +3458,40 @@
(defn- block-list
[config blocks]
(let [first-journal? (:first-journal? config)
virtualized? (or
(= :page (get-in config [:data :name])))
(let [first-journal-or-route-page-container? (or
(:first-journal? config)
(= :page (get-in config [:data :name])))
virtualized? (and (not (:block-children? config))
render-item (fn [idx]
(let [top? (zero? idx)
bottom? (= (dec (count blocks)) idx)]
bottom? (= (dec (count blocks)) idx)
block (nth blocks idx)]
(block-item (assoc config :top? top?)
(nth blocks idx)
{:top? top?
:idx idx
:bottom? bottom?})))]
(if (and virtualized? (or (nil? (:level config)) (= 1 (:level config))))
{:custom-scroll-parent (gdom/getElement "main-content-container")
:total-count (count blocks)
:item-content (fn [idx]
(let [top? (zero? idx)
bottom? (= (dec (count blocks)) idx)
block (nth blocks idx)]
(block-item (assoc config :top? top?)
{:top? top?
:idx idx
:bottom? bottom?})
(str (:container-id config) "-" (:db/id block)))))})
(map-indexed (fn [idx _block]
(render-item idx))
:bottom? bottom?})))
virtual-opts (when virtualized?
{:custom-scroll-parent (gdom/getElement "main-content-container")
:total-count (count blocks)
:item-content (fn [idx]
(let [top? (zero? idx)
bottom? (= (dec (count blocks)) idx)
block (nth blocks idx)]
(block-item (assoc config :top? top?)
{:top? top?
:idx idx
:bottom? bottom?})
(str (:container-id config) "-" (:db/id block)))))})]
(ui/virtualized-list virtual-opts)
(map-indexed (fn [idx block]
(rum/with-key (render-item idx) (str (:container-id config) "-" (:db/id block))))
(rum/defcs blocks-container < mixins/container-id rum/static
@ -3535,6 +3540,31 @@
;; FIXME: what if the source page has been deleted?
(rum/defc ref-block-container
[config [page page-blocks]]
(let [page (hidden-page->source-page page)
alias? (:block/alias? page)
page (db/entity (:db/id page))
;; FIXME: parents need to be sorted
parent-blocks (group-by :block/parent page-blocks)]
[ {:key (str "page-" (:db/id page))}
(page-cp config page)
(when alias? [:span.text-sm.font-medium.opacity-50 " Alias"])]
(for [[parent blocks] parent-blocks]
(let [blocks' (map (fn [b]
;; Block might be a datascript entity
(if (e/entity? b)
(db/pull (:db/id b))
(update b :block/children
(fn [col]
(tree/non-consecutive-blocks->vec-tree col))))) blocks)]
(breadcrumb-with-container blocks' config)
(:db/id parent))))
{:debug-id page})]))
;; headers to hiccup
(defn ->hiccup
[blocks config option]
@ -3569,30 +3599,23 @@
(and (:ref? config) (:group-by-page? config) (vector? (first blocks)))
(let [blocks (sort-by (comp :block/journal-day first) > blocks)]
(for [[page page-blocks] blocks]
(let [page (hidden-page->source-page page)
alias? (:block/alias? page)
page (db/entity (:db/id page))
;; FIXME: parents need to be sorted
parent-blocks (group-by :block/parent page-blocks)]
[ {:key (str "page-" (:db/id page))}
(page-cp config page)
(when alias? [:span.text-sm.font-medium.opacity-50 " Alias"])]
(for [[parent blocks] parent-blocks]
(let [blocks' (map (fn [b]
;; Block might be a datascript entity
(if (e/entity? b)
(db/pull (:db/id b))
(update b :block/children
(fn [col]
(tree/non-consecutive-blocks->vec-tree col))))) blocks)]
(breadcrumb-with-container blocks' config)
(:db/id parent))))
{:debug-id page})])))]
(let [blocks (sort-by (comp :block/journal-day first) > blocks)
scroll-container (or
(when-let [*ref (:scroll-container config)]
(rum/deref *ref))
(gdom/getElement "main-content-container"))]
(if (:sidebar? config)
(for [block blocks]
(ref-block-container config block)
(str "ref-" (:container-id config) "-" (:db/id (first block)))))
{:custom-scroll-parent scroll-container
:total-count (count blocks)
:item-content (fn [idx]
(ref-block-container config (nth blocks idx))
(str "ref-" (:container-id config) "-" idx)))})))]
(and (:group-by-page? config)
(vector? (first blocks)))

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
(when (seq latest-journals)
{:custom-scroll-parent (gdom/getElement "main-content-container")
:initial-item-count 1
:total-count (count latest-journals)

View File

@ -47,16 +47,18 @@
(rum/defc references-inner
[page-name filters filtered-ref-blocks]
(let [ref-hiccup (block/->hiccup filtered-ref-blocks
{:id page-name
:ref? true
:breadcrumb-show? true
:group-by-page? true
:editor-box editor/box
:filters filters}
(content/content page-name {:hiccup ref-hiccup}))])
(let [*ref (rum/use-ref nil)]
[:div.references-blocks.faster.fade-in {:ref *ref}
(let [ref-hiccup (block/->hiccup filtered-ref-blocks
{:id page-name
:scroll-container *ref
:ref? true
:breadcrumb-show? true
:group-by-page? true
:editor-box editor/box
:filters filters}
(content/content page-name {:hiccup ref-hiccup}))]))
(rum/defc references-cp
[page-entity page-name *filters total filter-n filtered-ref-blocks *ref-pages]

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
(defonce transition-group (r/adapt-class TransitionGroup))
(defonce css-transition (r/adapt-class CSSTransition))
(defonce textarea (r/adapt-class (gobj/get TextareaAutosize "default")))
(defonce virtuoso (r/adapt-class Virtuoso))
(defonce virtualized-list (r/adapt-class Virtuoso))
(def resize-provider (r/adapt-class (gobj/get Resize "ResizeProvider")))
(def resize-consumer (r/adapt-class (gobj/get Resize "ResizeConsumer")))