block shape dnd

Peng Xiao 2022-07-23 20:49:52 +08:00
parent 3198e054e0
commit 30b254ab47
5 changed files with 65 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -97,6 +97,10 @@
;; TODO:
;; add `key`
(defn get-dragging-block
(defn- remove-nils
(remove nil? col))
@ -2332,6 +2336,16 @@
(reset! *move-to nil))
(defn block-drag-end
(block-drag-end _event *move-to))
([_event *move-to]
(reset! *dragging? false)
(reset! *dragging-block nil)
(reset! *drag-to-block nil)
(reset! *move-to nil)
(defn- block-drop
[event uuid target-block *move-to]
(util/stop event)
@ -2341,19 +2355,7 @@
selected (db/pull-many (state/get-current-repo) '[*] lookup-refs)
blocks (if (seq selected) selected [@*dragging-block])]
(dnd/move-blocks event blocks target-block @*move-to)))
(reset! *dragging? false)
(reset! *dragging-block nil)
(reset! *drag-to-block nil)
(reset! *move-to nil)
(defn- block-drag-end
[_event *move-to]
(reset! *dragging? false)
(reset! *dragging-block nil)
(reset! *drag-to-block nil)
(reset! *move-to nil)
(block-drag-end event *move-to))
(defn- block-mouse-over
[e *control-show? block-id doc-mode?]

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
(ns frontend.extensions.tldraw
(:require ["/tldraw-logseq" :as TldrawLogseq]
[ :as page]
[frontend.components.block :as block]
[ :as page]
[frontend.handler.whiteboard :refer [page-name->tldr
[frontend.rum :as r]
[ :as search]
[frontend.state :as state]
@ -24,6 +25,13 @@
(block/breadcrumb {} (state/get-current-repo) (uuid (gobj/get props "blockId")) nil))
(defn create-block-shape-by-id [e]
(when-let [block (block/get-dragging-block)]
(let [uuid (:block/uuid block)
client-x (gobj/get e "clientX")
client-y (gobj/get e "clientY")]
(add-new-block-shape! uuid client-x client-y))))
(rum/defcs tldraw-app < rum/reactive
(rum/local false ::view-mode?)
[state name block-id]
@ -32,6 +40,7 @@
{:style {:overscroll-behavior "none"}
:on-blur #(state/set-block-component-editing-mode! false)
:on-drop create-block-shape-by-id
;; wheel -> overscroll may cause browser navigation
:on-wheel util/stop-propagation}
@ -40,9 +49,5 @@
:onPersist (fn [app]
(let [document (gobj/get app "serialized")]
(transact-tldr! name document)))
:model data
:onMount (fn [app]
(state/set-state! [:ui/whiteboards (::id state)] app)
(gobj/set app "pubEvent"
(fn [type & args]
(state/pub-event! (cons (keyword type) args)))))})])))
:model data})])))

View File

@ -23,9 +23,17 @@
(= (state/get-current-route) :whiteboard))
(defn get-tldr-app
^js js/tln)
(defn get-tldr-api
^js js/tln.api)
(defn create-page!
(when-let [app ^js (state/get-current-whiteboard)]
(when-let [app (get-tldr-app)]
(when-not (string/blank? page-title)
(.createShapes app (clj->js
[{:id (str "logseq-portal-" page-title)
@ -102,13 +110,29 @@
:assets #js []})
(defn create-new-whiteboard-page!
(let [uuid (or (parse-uuid name) (d/squuid))]
(transact-tldr! name (get-default-tldr (str uuid)))
(let [entity (get-whiteboard-entity name)
tx (assoc (select-keys entity [:db/id])
:block/uuid uuid)]
(db-utils/transact! [tx])
(let [page-entity (get-whiteboard-entity name)]
(when (and page-entity (nil? (:block/file page-entity)))
(outliner-file/sync-to-file page-entity)))))))
(let [uuid (or (parse-uuid name) (d/squuid))]
(transact-tldr! name (get-default-tldr (str uuid)))
(let [entity (get-whiteboard-entity name)
tx (assoc (select-keys entity [:db/id])
:block/uuid uuid)]
(db-utils/transact! [tx])
(let [page-entity (get-whiteboard-entity name)]
(when (and page-entity (nil? (:block/file page-entity)))
(outliner-file/sync-to-file page-entity))))))
(defn ->logseq-portal-shape
[block-id point]
{:blockType "B"
:id (d/squuid)
:pageId (str block-id)
:point point
:size [600, 400]
:type "logseq-portal"})
(defn add-new-block-shape!
[block-id client-x client-y]
(let [api (get-tldr-api)
point (js->clj (.. (get-tldr-app) -viewport (getPagePoint #js[client-x client-y])))
shape (->logseq-portal-shape block-id point)]
(.createShapes api (clj->js shape))))

View File

@ -228,7 +228,6 @@
:encryption/graph-parsing? false
:ui/whiteboards {}
;; block uuid -> {content(String) -> ast}
@ -1697,11 +1696,6 @@
(get (sub-config) repo)))
(defn get-current-whiteboard
(second (first (:ui/whiteboards @state))))
;; (defn get-tldraw-api
;; []
;; (some-> (get-current-whiteboard)

View File

@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ import {
} from '@tldraw/core'
import { parse as uuidParse, NIL as NIL_UUID } from 'uuid'
import type { TLReactCallbacks } from '@tldraw/react'
import * as React from 'react'
import { NIL as NIL_UUID } from 'uuid'
import { LogseqPortalShape, Shape } from '~lib'
export function usePaste() {