Allow outliner transaction to be used for both UI and worker

Tienson Qin 2024-01-01 22:46:56 +08:00
parent 7f21ff7193
commit 31c3b7a3af
9 changed files with 88 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
[frontend.db.model :as db-model]
[ :as haptics]
[frontend.modules.outliner.core :as outliner-core]
[frontend.modules.outliner.transaction :as outliner-tx]
[frontend.modules.outliner.ui :as ui-outliner-tx]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.util :as util]
[goog.dom :as gdom]
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
(defn indent-outdent-block!
[block direction]
{:outliner-op :move-blocks}
(outliner-core/indent-outdent-blocks! [block] (= direction :right))))

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
[ :as pu]
[frontend.handler.repo-config :as repo-config-handler]
[frontend.modules.outliner.core :as outliner-core]
[frontend.modules.outliner.transaction :as outliner-tx]
[frontend.modules.outliner.ui :as ui-outliner-tx]
[frontend.schema.handler.repo-config :as repo-config-schema]
[promesa.core :as p]
[logseq.db.frontend.content :as db-content]))
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
(defn batch-set-heading!
[repo block-ids heading]
{:outliner-op :save-block}
(doseq [block-tx (keep #(set-heading-aux! % heading) block-ids)]
(outliner-core/save-block! block-tx))

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
[ :as property-handler]
[frontend.modules.outliner.core :as outliner-core]
[logseq.outliner.tree :as otree]
[frontend.modules.outliner.transaction :as outliner-tx]
[frontend.modules.outliner.ui :as ui-outliner-tx]
[logseq.graph-parser.util.block-ref :as block-ref]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.db :as db]))
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
(every? map? (conj blocks' target-block))
(let [target-node (outliner-core/block target-block)]
{:outliner-op :move-blocks}
(if top?

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
[frontend.handler.file-based.editor :as file-editor-handler]
[ :as mobile-util]
[frontend.modules.outliner.core :as outliner-core]
[frontend.modules.outliner.transaction :as outliner-tx]
[frontend.modules.outliner.ui :as ui-outliner-tx]
[frontend.modules.outliner.tree :as tree]
[logseq.outliner.tree :as otree]
[ :as search]
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
(let [original-block (db/entity (:db/id block))
original-props (:block/properties original-block)
{:keys [tx-data]}
(outliner-core/save-block! block')
;; page properties changed
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
(not has-children?))]
{:outliner-op :insert-blocks}
(save-current-block! {:current-block current-block
:insert-block? true})
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@
(let [ids (->> (distinct (map #(when-let [id (dom/attr % "blockid")]
(uuid id)) blocks))
(remove nil?))]
{:outliner-op :cycle-todos}
(doseq [id ids]
(let [block (db/pull [:block/uuid id])]
@ -702,7 +702,7 @@
(let [repo (or repo (state/get-current-repo))
block (db/pull repo '[*] [:block/uuid uuid])]
(when block
{:outliner-op :delete-blocks}
(outliner-core/delete-blocks! [block] (merge
@ -794,7 +794,7 @@
(assoc :concat-data
{:last-edit-block (:block/uuid block)}))
db-based? (config/db-based-graph? repo)]
(and prev-block (:block/name prev-block)
@ -863,7 +863,7 @@
block (first blocks)
block-parent (get uuid->dom-block (:block/uuid block))
sibling-block (when block-parent (util/get-prev-block-non-collapsed-non-embed block-parent))]
{:outliner-op :delete-blocks}
(outliner-core/delete-blocks! blocks {}))
(when sibling-block
@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@
(map #(block/page-name->map % true) tags)
(map :db/id existing-tags))
opts {:outliner-op :save-block}]
(outliner-core/save-block! {:db/id (:db/id block)
:block/tags tag-pages})))))
@ -1294,7 +1294,7 @@
(defn save-blocks!
{:outliner-op :save-block}
(doseq [[block value] blocks]
(save-block-if-changed! block value))))
@ -1749,7 +1749,7 @@
(let [edit-block-id (:block/uuid (state/get-edit-block))
move-nodes (fn [blocks]
{:outliner-op :move-blocks}
(outliner-core/move-blocks-up-down! blocks up?))
(when-let [block-node (util/get-first-block-by-id (:block/uuid (first blocks)))]
@ -1786,7 +1786,7 @@
(let [blocks (get-selected-ordered-blocks)]
(when (seq blocks)
{:outliner-op :move-blocks
:real-outliner-op :indent-outdent}
(outliner-core/indent-outdent-blocks! blocks (= direction :right))))))
@ -2076,11 +2076,11 @@
(when has-unsaved-edits
{:outliner-op :save-block}
(outliner-core/save-block! editing-block)))
{:outliner-op :insert-blocks
:additional-tx revert-cut-txs}
(when target-block'
@ -2194,7 +2194,7 @@
{:outliner-op :insert-blocks
:created-from-journal-template? journal?}
@ -2262,7 +2262,7 @@
block (:data node)]
(when target
{:outliner-op :move-blocks
:real-outliner-op :indent-outdent}
(outliner-core/move-blocks! [block] target true))
@ -2538,7 +2538,7 @@
"Insert block"
{:outliner-op :insert-blocks}
(insert-new-block! state))))))))))
@ -2715,7 +2715,7 @@
repo (state/get-current-repo)
delete-block (if next-block-has-refs? edit-block next-block)
keep-block (if next-block-has-refs? next-block edit-block)]
{:outliner-op :delete-blocks
:concat-data {:last-edit-block (:block/uuid edit-block)
:end? true}}
@ -2860,7 +2860,7 @@
{:keys [block]} (get-state)]
(when block
(state/set-editor-last-pos! pos)
{:outliner-op :move-blocks
:real-outliner-op :indent-outdent}
(outliner-core/indent-outdent-blocks! [block] indent?)))
@ -3527,7 +3527,7 @@
value (boolean value)]
(when repo
(save-current-block!) ;; Save the input contents before collapsing
(outliner-tx/transact! ;; Save the new collapsed state as an undo transaction (if it changed)
(ui-outliner-tx/transact! ;; Save the new collapsed state as an undo transaction (if it changed)
{:outliner-op :collapse-expand-blocks}
(doseq [block-id block-ids]
(when-let [block (db/entity [:block/uuid block-id])]

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.modules.outliner.core :as outliner-core]
[frontend.modules.outliner.transaction :as outliner-tx]
[frontend.modules.outliner.ui :as ui-outliner-tx]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.util :as util]))
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
:block/properties {key value}
:block/pre-block? true}
page-properties-tx [(assoc page-id :block/properties {key value})]]
{:outliner-op :insert-blocks
:additional-tx page-properties-tx}
(outliner-core/insert-blocks! block page {:sibling? false}))))))))

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
[frontend.handler.block :as block-handler]
[ :as property-util]
[frontend.modules.outliner.core :as outliner-core]
[frontend.modules.outliner.transaction :as outliner-tx]
[frontend.modules.outliner.ui :as ui-outliner-tx]
[frontend.state :as state]
[logseq.graph-parser.util :as gp-util]))
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"col: a collection of [block-id property-key property-value]."
(let [col' (group-by first col)]
{:outliner-op :save-block}
(doseq [[block-id items] col']
(let [block-id (if (string? block-id) (uuid block-id) block-id)

View File

@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
(ns frontend.modules.outliner.datascript
(:require [logseq.graph-parser.util :as gp-util]
[logseq.graph-parser.util.block-ref :as block-ref]
[lambdaisland.glogi :as log]
[clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.worker.util :as worker-util]
[logseq.db.sqlite.util :as sqlite-util]
[ :as wpu]
[datascript.core :as d]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.db :as db]))
[clojure.string :as string]))
(defn new-outliner-txs-state [] (atom []))
@ -36,7 +32,7 @@
(defn update-refs-and-macros
"When a block is deleted, refs are updated and macros associated with the block are deleted"
[txs db repo opts]
[txs db repo opts set-state-fn]
(if (= :delete-blocks (:outliner-op opts))
(let [retracted-block-ids (->> (keep (fn [tx]
(when (and (vector? tx)
@ -75,18 +71,16 @@
(vector :db.fn/retractEntity (:db/id %)))
(:block/macros b)))
(when (seq retracted-tx')
(state/set-state! [:editor/last-replace-ref-content-tx repo]
{:retracted-block-ids retracted-block-ids
(when (and (seq retracted-tx') (fn? set-state-fn))
(set-state-fn [:editor/last-replace-ref-content-tx repo]
{:retracted-block-ids retracted-block-ids
:revert-tx revert-tx}))
(concat txs retracted-tx' macros-tx))
(defn transact!
[txs opts before-editor-cursor]
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
conn (db/get-db repo false)
db-based? (sqlite-util/db-based-graph? repo)
[txs tx-meta {:keys [repo conn unlinked-graph? after-transact-fn set-state-fn] :as opts}]
(let [db-based? (sqlite-util/db-based-graph? repo)
txs (map (fn [m]
(if (map? m)
(dissoc m :block/children :block/meta :block/top? :block/bottom? :block/anchor
@ -95,27 +89,17 @@
m)) txs)
txs (remove-nil-from-transaction txs)
txs (cond-> txs
(= :delete-blocks (:outliner-op opts))
(update-refs-and-macros @conn repo opts)
(= :delete-blocks (:outliner-op tx-meta))
(update-refs-and-macros @conn repo tx-meta set-state-fn)
(when (and (seq txs)
(or db-based?
(not (contains? (:file/unlinked-dirs @state/state)
(config/get-repo-dir repo)))))
(or db-based? (not unlinked-graph?)))
(let [rs (d/transact! conn txs (assoc opts :outliner/transact? true))
tx-id (get-tx-id rs)]
(state/update-state! :history/tx->editor-cursor
(fn [m] (assoc m tx-id before-editor-cursor)))
;; update the current edit block to include full information
(when-let [block (state/get-edit-block)]
(when (and (:block/uuid block) (not (:db/id block)))
(state/set-state! :editor/block (d/pull @conn '[*] [:block/uuid (:block/uuid block)]))))
(let [tx-report (d/transact! conn txs (assoc tx-meta :outliner/transact? true))]
(when (fn? after-transact-fn) (after-transact-fn tx-report opts))
(catch :default e
(log/error :exception e)
(js/console.error e)
(throw e))))))

View File

@ -31,14 +31,13 @@
_# (assert (or (map? opts*#) (symbol? opts*#)) (str "opts is not a map or symbol, type: " (type opts*#)))
opts# (if transact-data#
(assoc opts*# :nested-transaction? true)
before-editor-cursor# (frontend.state/get-current-edit-block-and-position)]
(if transact-data#
(when transaction-opts#
(conj! transaction-opts# opts#))
(let [repo# (frontend.state/get-current-repo)
(let [repo# (get-in opts# [:transact-opts :repo])
transaction-args# (cond-> {:repo repo#}
(and (frontend.config/db-based-graph? repo#)
(get opts*# :persist-op? true))
@ -59,7 +58,7 @@
(when (seq all-tx#) ;; If it's empty, do nothing
(when-not (:nested-transaction? opts#) ; transact only for the whole transaction
(let [result# (frontend.modules.outliner.datascript/transact! all-tx# opts## before-editor-cursor#)]
(let [result# (frontend.modules.outliner.datascript/transact! all-tx# (dissoc opts## :transact-opts) (:transact-opts opts##))]
{:tx-report result#
:tx-data all-tx#
:tx-meta tx-meta#})))))))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
(ns frontend.modules.outliner.ui
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [frontend.modules.outliner.transaction]))
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [frontend.modules.outliner.ui]))
#?(:cljs (:require [frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.db :as db])))
(defn unlinked-graph?
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(contains? (:file/unlinked-dirs @state/state)
(config/get-repo-dir repo))))
(def set-state-fn state/set-state!)
(defn get-tx-id
(get-in tx-report [:tempids :db/current-tx]))
(defn after-transact-fn
[tx-report opts]
(let [tx-id (get-tx-id tx-report)]
(state/update-state! :history/tx->editor-cursor
(fn [m] (assoc m tx-id (:before-editor-cursor opts)))))
;; update the current edit block to include full information
(when-let [block (state/get-edit-block)]
(when (and (:block/uuid block) (not (:db/id block)))
(state/set-state! :editor/block (db/pull [:block/uuid (:block/uuid block)])))))))
(defmacro transact!
[opts & body]
`(let [transact-opts# {:repo (state/get-current-repo)
:conn (db/get-db false)
:before-editor-cursor (state/get-current-edit-block-and-position)
:unlinked-graph? frontend.modules.outliner.ui/unlinked-graph?
:set-state-fn frontend.modules.outliner.ui/set-state-fn
:after-transact-fn frontend.modules.outliner.ui/after-transact-fn}]
(frontend.modules.outliner.transaction/transact! (assoc ~opts :transact-opts transact-opts#)