Ben Yorke 2023-10-21 16:28:04 +02:00
parent a967c8b6fe
commit 3325f47136
3 changed files with 39 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
[clojure.string :as string]))
(rum/defc root < rum/reactive
[{:keys [theme color text depth size icon interactive shortcut tiled on-click muted class]
[{:keys [theme color text depth size icon interactive shortcut tiled on-click muted class href]
:or {theme :color depth 1 size :md interactive true muted false class ""}} context]
(let [color-string (or (some-> color name) (some-> context :state rum/react :ui/radix-color name) "custom")
theme-class (str "shui__button-theme-" (name theme))
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
size-class (str "shui__button-size-" (name size))
tiled-class (when tiled "shui__button-tiled")]
[:button.shui__button {:class (str theme-class " " depth-class " " color-class " " size-class " " tiled-class " " muted-class " " class)
:on-click (when on-click on-click)}
:on-click (cond on-click on-click href #(js/window.open href "_blank"))}
(if-not tiled text
(for [[index tile] (map-indexed vector (rest (string/split text #"")))]

View File

@ -564,6 +564,30 @@
:on-change (partial handle-input-change state)
:value input}]]))
(rum/defc resize-preview < rum/reactive
(let [on-pointer-down (fn [e]
(js/console.log "pointer down")
(reset! (::resizing? state) true)
(.setPointerCapture ^js (.-currentTarget e) (.-pointerId e)))
; (.. e -currentTarget -setPointerCapture (.-pointerId e))
on-pointer-move (fn [e]
(when @(::resizing? state)
(when-let [cmdk (.closest ^js (.-target e) ".cp__cmdk")]
(let [rect (.getBoundingClientRect ^js cmdk)
left (.-left rect)
width (.-width rect)
percentage (-> (.-clientX e) (- left) (* -1) (+ width) (/ width) (* 100))]
(when-let [preview (.closest ^js (.-target e) ".cp__cmdk-preview")]
(js/console.log "pointer move" percentage)
(set! (.. preview -style -width) (str percentage "%")))))))
on-pointer-up (fn [e]
(reset! (::resizing? state) false))]
[:div {:on-pointer-down on-pointer-down
:on-pointer-move on-pointer-move
:on-pointer-up on-pointer-up
:class "bg-transparent border-l border-r border-gray-06 w-2 h-full hover:cursor-col-resize"}]))
(rum/defcs cmdk <
(rum/local "" ::input)
@ -579,6 +603,7 @@
(rum/local [:close :filter] ::actions)
(rum/local nil ::scroll-container-ref)
(rum/local nil ::input-ref)
(rum/local false ::resizing?)
{:did-mount (fn [state]
(let [next-keydown-handler (partial keydown-handler state)
next-keyup-handler (partial keyup-handler state)]
@ -627,8 +652,8 @@
; (rum/use-effect! #(load-results :initial state) [])
[:div.cp__cmdk {:class "-m-8 max-w-[90dvw] max-h-[90dvh] w-[60rem] h-[30.7rem] "}
(input-row state all-items)
[:div {:class (str "grid" (if preview? " grid-cols-2" " grid-cols-1"))}
[:div {:class "pt-1 overflow-y-auto h-96"
[:div {:class "flex w-full"} ;;#_(str "grid" (if preview? " grid-cols-2" " grid-cols-1"))}
[:div {:class "pt-1 overflow-y-auto h-96 flex-1"
:ref #(when % (some-> state ::scroll-container-ref (reset! %)))
:style {:background "var(--lx-gray-02)"}}
(filter-row state filter)
@ -637,12 +662,15 @@
:when (if-not group-filter true (= group-filter group-key))]
(result-group state group-name group-key group-items first-item))]
(when preview?
[:div {:class "h-96 overflow-y-auto bg-gray-01 dark:bg-gray-02 border-l border-gray-07"}
(:source-page highlighted-item)
(page-preview state highlighted-item)
(:source-block highlighted-item)
(block-preview state highlighted-item))])]
[:div {:class "h-96 bg-gray-01 dark:bg-gray-02 cp__cmdk-preview w-1/2 flex relative"}
(resize-preview state)
[:div {:class "flex-1 h-full shrunk-0 relative"}
[:div {:class "w-[200%] h-[200%] overflow-y-auto absolute scale-50 origin-top-left px-4 py-8"}
(:source-page highlighted-item)
(page-preview state highlighted-item)
(:source-block highlighted-item)
(block-preview state highlighted-item))]]])]
[:div {:class "flex justify-between w-full px-4"
:style {:background "var(--lx-gray-03)"

View File

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
align-items: start;
label {
height: 28px;
min-height: 28px;
line-height: 28px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;