perf enhancement

1. add :block/tx-id to check whether block has been updated
2. avoid rendering blocks if they're not updated
Tienson Qin 2023-09-04 14:15:46 +08:00
parent b7a6b92be0
commit 33f8a24397
7 changed files with 82 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -99,6 +99,9 @@
;; block's file
:block/file {:db/valueType :db.type/ref}
;; latest tx that affected the block
:block/tx-id {}
;; file
:file/path {:db/unique :db.unique/identity}
;; only store the content of logseq's files

View File

@ -2925,19 +2925,7 @@
(defn- block-changed?
[old-block new-block]
(let [ks [:block/uuid :block/content :block/collapsed? :block/link
:block/properties :block.temp/bottom? :block.temp/top?]]
(and (= (select-keys old-block ks)
(select-keys new-block ks))
(= (:db/id (:block/left old-block))
(:db/id (:block/left new-block)))
(= (:db/id (:block/parent old-block))
(:db/id (:block/parent new-block)))
(= (map :db/id (:block/_refs old-block))
(map :db/id (:block/_refs new-block)))
(= (map :db/id (:block/_parent old-block))
(map :db/id (:block/_parent new-block)))))))
(not= (:block/tx-id old-block) (:block/tx-id new-block)))
(rum/defcs block-container < rum/reactive
(rum/local false ::show-block-left-menu?)
@ -2962,16 +2950,6 @@
::control-show? (atom false)
::navigating-block (atom (:block/uuid block))
::blocks-container-id container-id))))
:should-update (fn [old-state new-state]
(let [config-compare-keys [:show-cloze? :hide-children? :own-order-list-type :own-order-list-index]
b1 (second (:rum/args old-state))
b2 (second (:rum/args new-state))
result (or
(block-changed? b1 b2)
;; config changed
(not= (select-keys (first (:rum/args old-state)) config-compare-keys)
(select-keys (first (:rum/args new-state)) config-compare-keys)))]
(boolean result)))
:will-unmount (fn [state]
;; restore root block's collapsed state
(let [[config block] (:rum/args state)
@ -2987,27 +2965,19 @@
edit-input-id (str "edit-block-" blocks-container-id "-" (:block/uuid block))
edit? (state/sub [:editor/editing? edit-input-id])
opts {:edit? edit?
:edit-input-id edit-input-id}
ref? (:ref? config)
custom-query? (boolean (:custom-query? config))]
:edit-input-id edit-input-id}]
[ {:style {:width "100%"}}
[ {:style {:height 24}}
[ {:style {:height 24}}
(if (or ref? custom-query? (:lazy? config))
(fn [] (block-container-inner state repo config block opts))
{:debug-id (str "block-container-ref " (:db/id block))
:fade-in? false
:initial-state edit?})
(block-container-inner state repo config block opts)))))
(block-container-inner state repo config block opts))))
(defn divide-lists
[[f & l]]
@ -3377,31 +3347,56 @@
[config col]
(map #(markup-element-cp config %) col))
(defn- block-item
[config blocks idx item]
(rum/defc block-item <
{:should-update (fn [old-state new-state]
(let [config-compare-keys [:show-cloze? :hide-children? :own-order-list-type :own-order-list-index]
b1 (second (:rum/args old-state))
b2 (second (:rum/args new-state))
result (or
(block-changed? b1 b2)
;; config changed
(not= (select-keys (first (:rum/args old-state)) config-compare-keys)
(select-keys (first (:rum/args new-state)) config-compare-keys)))]
(boolean result)))}
[config item {:keys [top? bottom?]}]
(let [original-block item
linked-block (:block/link item)
item (or linked-block item)
item (cond-> (dissoc item :block/meta)
(not (:block-children? config))
(assoc :block.temp/top? (zero? idx)
:block.temp/bottom? (= (count blocks) (inc idx))))
config (assoc config :block/uuid (:block/uuid item)
:idx idx)
(assoc :block.temp/top? top?
:block.temp/bottom? bottom?))
config (assoc config :block/uuid (:block/uuid item))
config' (if linked-block
(assoc config :original-block original-block)
(rum/with-key (block-container config' item)
(str (:blocks-container-id config')
(:block/uuid item)
(when linked-block
(str "-" (:block/uuid original-block)))))))
ref? (:ref? config)
custom-query? (boolean (:custom-query? config))
lazy? (:lazy? config)
cp-f (fn []
(rum/with-key (block-container config' item)
(str (:blocks-container-id config')
(:block/uuid item)
(when linked-block
(str "-" (:block/uuid original-block))))))]
(if (or ref? custom-query? lazy?)
(ui/lazy-visible cp-f
{:debug-id (str "block-container-ref " (:db/id item))
:fade-in? false})
(defn- block-list
[config blocks]
(for [[idx item] (medley/indexed blocks)]
(block-item config blocks idx item)))
(let [top? (zero? idx)
bottom? (= (count blocks) (inc idx))]
(block-item (assoc config :idx idx) item {:top? top?
:bottom? bottom?})
(str "blocks-" (:blocks-container-id config)
(:block/uuid item))))))
(rum/defcs blocks-container <
{:init (fn [state] (assoc state ::init-blocks-container-id (atom nil)))}

View File

@ -147,9 +147,7 @@
(not block?)
(empty? (:block/_parent block))
(empty? (:block/_parent block)))
(dummy-block page-name)
@ -164,7 +162,7 @@
hiccup-config (common-handler/config-with-document-mode hiccup-config)
blocks (if block? [block] (db/sort-by-left (:block/_parent block) block))
non-collapsed-blocks-count (count (remove :block/collapsed? (:block/_page (db/entity (:db/id page-e)))))
lazy? (> non-collapsed-blocks-count 300)
lazy? (> non-collapsed-blocks-count 50)
hiccup (component-block/->hiccup blocks (assoc hiccup-config :lazy? lazy?) {})]
(page-blocks-inner page-name block hiccup sidebar? whiteboard? block-id)

View File

@ -227,10 +227,10 @@
(map :e))
blocks (-> (concat blocks other-blocks) distinct)
block-entities (keep (fn [block-id]
(let [block-id (if (and (string? block-id) (util/uuid-string? block-id))
[:block/uuid block-id]
(db-utils/entity block-id))) blocks)
(let [block-id (if (and (string? block-id) (util/uuid-string? block-id))
[:block/uuid block-id]
(db-utils/entity block-id))) blocks)
affected-keys (concat
(fn [block]

View File

@ -114,7 +114,15 @@
(react/refresh! repo tx-report'))
(when (and (config/db-based-graph? repo) (not (:skip-persist? tx-meta)))
(let [upsert-blocks (outliner-pipeline/build-upsert-blocks blocks deleted-block-uuids (:db-after tx-report'))]
(let [upsert-blocks (outliner-pipeline/build-upsert-blocks blocks deleted-block-uuids (:db-after tx-report'))
updated-blocks (remove (fn [b] (contains? (set deleted-block-uuids) (:block/uuid b))) blocks)
tx-id (get-in tx-report' [:tempids :db/current-tx])
update-tx-ids (map (fn [b]
(when-let [db-id (:db/id b)]
{:db/id db-id
:block/tx-id tx-id})) updated-blocks)]
(when (seq update-tx-ids)
(db/transact! repo update-tx-ids {:replace? true}))
(p/let [_transact-result (persist-db/<transact-data repo upsert-blocks deleted-block-uuids)
_ipc-result (comment ipc/ipc :db-transact-data repo

View File

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
:editor/code-block-context {}
:db/last-transact-time {}
:db/last-transact-time (atom {})
;; whether database is persisted
:db/persisted? {}
:cursor-range nil
@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@ Similar to re-frame subscriptions"
(defn set-last-transact-time!
[repo time]
(set-state! [:db/last-transact-time repo] time)
(set-state! :db/last-transact-time time :path-in-sub-atom repo)
;; THINK: new block, indent/outdent, drag && drop, etc.
(set-editor-last-input-time! repo time))
@ -1699,7 +1699,7 @@ Similar to re-frame subscriptions"
(defn db-idle?
(when repo
(when-let [last-time (get-in @state [:db/last-transact-time repo])]
(when-let [last-time (get (:db/last-transact-time @state) repo)]
(let [now (util/time-ms)]
(>= (- now last-time) 3000)))))

View File

@ -1118,15 +1118,18 @@
(rum/defc lazy-loading-placeholder
[ {:style {:height height}}
[:div {:style {:height height}}]
;; [ {:style {:height height}}
;; ;; [
;; ;; [
;; ;; [:div.h-2.rounded]
;; ;; [
;; ;; [
;; ;; [:div.h-2.rounded.col-span-2]
;; ;; [:div.h-2.rounded.col-span-1]]
;; ;; [:div.h-2.rounded]]]]
;; ]
(rum/defc lazy-visible-inner
[visible? content-fn ref fade-in?]