update apply remote-ops

rcmerci 2023-08-17 18:08:36 +08:00
parent b1d525fb86
commit 343f1f1351
3 changed files with 174 additions and 74 deletions

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
[frontend.config :as config]
[cljs.core.async :as async :refer [<! >! chan go go-loop offer!
poll! timeout]]
[cljs.core.async.interop :refer [p->c]]
[electron.ipc :as ipc]
[malli.core :as m]
[frontend.modules.outliner.transaction :as outliner-tx]
@ -42,23 +43,30 @@
(def data-from-ws-schema
["req-id" :string]
["affected-blocks" {:optional true}
[:map-of :string
[:req-id :string]
[:t {:optional true} :int]
[:affected-blocks {:optional true}
[:map-of :keyword
["op" [:= "move"]]
["parents" [:sequential :string]]
["left" :string]
["self" :string]
["first-child" :string]
["sibling" :string]]
[:op [:= "move"]]
[:parents [:sequential :string]]
[:left [:maybe :string]]
[:self :string]
[:first-child [:maybe :string]]
[:sibling [:maybe :string]]
[:content {:optional true} :string]]
["op" [:= "remove"]]
["block-uuid" :string]]]]]
["blocks-env" {:optional true}
[:map-of :string
[:op [:= "remove"]]
[:block-uuid :string]]
[:op [:= "update-attrs"]]
[:parents [:sequential :string]]
[:left [:maybe :string]]
[:self :string]
[:first-child [:maybe :string]]
[:sibling [:maybe :string]]
[:content {:optional true} :string]]]]]])
(def data-from-ws-validator (m/validator data-from-ws-schema))
@ -67,12 +75,16 @@
;; it is suitable for operations from users(e.g. remove consecutive blocks),
;; but blocks in remove-ops are scattered, even maybe from different pages
(defn apply-remote-remove-ops
[_state remove-ops]
{:persist-op? false}
(doseq [op remove-ops]
(let [block (db/pull [:block/uuid (uuid (get op "block-uuid"))])]
(outliner-core/delete-blocks! [block] {:children? false})))))
[state remove-ops]
{:pre [(some? @(:*repo state))]}
(let [repo @(:*repo state)]
{:persist-op? false}
(prn :remove-ops remove-ops)
(doseq [op remove-ops]
(when-let [block (db/entity repo [:block/uuid (uuid (:block-uuid op))])]
(outliner-core/delete-blocks! [block] {:children? false})
(prn :apply-remote-remove-ops (:block-uuid op)))))))
(defn <query-blocks-env
@ -80,32 +92,43 @@
(defn align-parent&left
[block-uuid remote-parents remote-left]
{:pre [(seq remote-parents) (some? remote-left)]}
(let [first-remote-parent (first remote-parents)
local-parent* (db/pull [:block/uuid (uuid first-remote-parent)])
local-left* (db/pull [:block/uuid (uuid remote-left)])
self (db/pull [:block/uuid (uuid block-uuid)])
local-parent (some-> (:db/id (:block/parent self)) (db/pull '[:block/uuid]) :block/uuid str)
local-left (some-> (:db/id (:block/left self)) (db/pull '[:block/uuid]) :block/uuid str)]
(if (and local-parent* local-left*
(or (not= first-remote-parent local-parent)
(not= remote-left local-left)))
(let [[target-block sibling?]
(if (= first-remote-parent remote-left)
[local-parent* false]
[local-left* true])]
(defn- insert-or-move-block
[state block-uuid-str remote-parents remote-left-uuid-str content move?]
{:pre [(some? @(:*repo state))]}
(let [repo @(:*repo state)
local-left (db/entity repo [:block/uuid (uuid remote-left-uuid-str)])
first-remote-parent (first remote-parents)
local-parent (db/entity repo [:block/uuid (uuid first-remote-parent)])
b (db/entity repo [:block/uuid (uuid block-uuid-str)])]
(case [(some? local-parent) (some? local-left)]
[false true]
{:persist-op? false}
(if move?
(outliner-core/move-blocks! [b] local-left true)
(outliner-core/insert-blocks! [{:block/uuid (uuid block-uuid-str) :block/content content}]
local-left {:sibling? true :keep-uuid? true})))
[true true]
(let [sibling? (= (:block/uuid local-parent) (:block/uuid local-left))]
{:persist-op? false}
(if self
(outliner-core/move-blocks! [self] target-block sibling?)
(outliner-core/insert-blocks! [{:block/uuid (uuid block-uuid)
:block/content (str "from server: " block-uuid)}]
{:sibling? sibling?
:keep-uuid? true}))))
(throw (ex-info "TODO: local-parent*, local-left* not exist yet" {})))))
(if move?
(outliner-core/move-blocks! [b] local-left sibling?)
(outliner-core/insert-blocks! [{:block/uuid (uuid block-uuid-str) :block/content content}]
local-left {:sibling? sibling? :keep-uuid? true}))))
[true false]
{:persist-op? false}
(if move?
(outliner-core/move-blocks! [b] local-parent false)
(outliner-core/insert-blocks! [{:block/uuid (uuid block-uuid-str) :block/content content}]
local-parent {:sibling? false :keep-uuid? true})))
[false false]
(throw (ex-info "Don't know where to insert" {:block-uuid block-uuid-str :remote-parents remote-parents
:remote-left remote-left-uuid-str})))))
(defn- move-ops-map->sorted-move-ops
@ -130,25 +153,78 @@
"3" {:parents [] :left nil :x "3"}})
(move-ops-map->sorted-move-ops move-ops-map))
(defn apply-remote-move-ops
[_state sorted-move-ops]
{:persist-op? false}
(doseq [{parents "parents" left "left" self "self" first-child "first-child" sibling "sibling"} sorted-move-ops]
(align-parent&left self parents left))))
(defn- check-block-pos
[state block-uuid-str remote-parents remote-left-uuid-str]
{:pre [(some? @(:*repo state))]}
(let [repo @(:*repo state)
local-b (db/entity repo [:block/uuid (uuid block-uuid-str)])
remote-parent-uuid-str (first remote-parents)]
(nil? local-b)
(defn apply-remote-data
(not (and (= (str (:block/uuid (:block/parent local-b))) remote-parent-uuid-str)
(= (str (:block/uuid (:block/left local-b))) remote-left-uuid-str)))
:else nil)))
(defn apply-remote-move-ops
[state sorted-move-ops]
(prn :sorted-move-ops sorted-move-ops)
(doseq [{:keys [parents left self first-child sibling content]}
(case (check-block-pos state self parents left)
(insert-or-move-block state self parents left content false)
(insert-or-move-block state self parents left content true)
nil ; do nothing
(prn :apply-remote-move-ops self)))
(defn apply-remote-update-ops
[state update-ops]
(prn :update-ops update-ops)
(doseq [{:keys [parents left self first-child sibling content]}
(case (check-block-pos state self parents left)
(insert-or-move-block state self parents left content false)
(insert-or-move-block state self parents left content true)
(when content
{:persist-op? false}
(outliner-core/save-block! {:block/uuid (uuid self) :block/content content}))))
(prn :apply-remote-update-ops self)))
(defn <apply-remote-data
[state data-from-ws]
{:pre [(data-from-ws-validator data-from-ws)]}
(let [affected-blocks-map (get data-from-ws "affected-blocks")
{remove-ops-map "remove" move-ops-map "move"}
(group-by (fn [[_ env]] (get env "op")) affected-blocks-map)
(partial into {}))
remove-ops (vals remove-ops-map)
sorted-move-ops (move-ops-map->sorted-move-ops move-ops-map)]
(apply-remote-remove-ops state remove-ops)
(apply-remote-move-ops state sorted-move-ops)))
{:pre [(data-from-ws-validator data-from-ws)
(some? @(:*repo state))]}
(let [affected-blocks-map (update-keys (:affected-blocks data-from-ws) str)
remote-t (:t data-from-ws)
{remove-ops-map "remove" move-ops-map "move" update-ops-map "update-attrs"}
(group-by (fn [[_ env]] (get env :op)) affected-blocks-map)
(partial into {}))
remove-ops (vals remove-ops-map)
sorted-move-ops (move-ops-map->sorted-move-ops move-ops-map)
update-ops (vals update-ops-map)]
(prn :start-apply-remote-remove-ops)
(apply-remote-remove-ops state remove-ops)
(prn :start-apply-remote-move-ops)
(apply-remote-move-ops state sorted-move-ops)
(prn :start-apply-remote-update-ops)
(apply-remote-update-ops state update-ops)
(<! (p->c (op/<update-local-tx! @(:*repo state) remote-t))))))
(defn- push-data-from-ws-handler
[state push-data-from-ws]
@ -214,19 +290,32 @@
update-ops* (->> update-block-uuids
(keep (fn [block-uuid]
(when-let [b (db/entity repo [:block/uuid (uuid block-uuid)])]
["update" {:block-uuid block-uuid :content (:block/content b)}]))))]
[move-ops* remove-ops* update-ops*]))
(let [left-uuid (some-> b :block/left :block/uuid str)
parent-uuid (some-> b :block/parent :block/uuid str)]
["update" {:block-uuid block-uuid
:target-uuid left-uuid :sibling? (not= left-uuid parent-uuid)
:content (:block/content b)}])))))]
[remove-ops* move-ops* update-ops*]))
(defn- <client-op-update-handler
[state ops t-before]
{:pre [(some? @(:*graph-uuid state))]}
{:pre [(some? @(:*graph-uuid state))
(some? @(:*repo state))]}
(let [ops-for-remote (client-ops->remote-ops state ops)
(let [repo @(:*repo state)
{:keys [ops local-tx]} (<! (p->c (op/<get-ops&local-tx repo)))
ops* (mapv second ops)
op-keys (mapv first ops)
ops-for-remote (apply concat (client-ops->remote-ops state ops*))
r (with-sub-data-from-ws state
(<! (ws/<send! state {:action "apply-ops" :graph-uuid @(:*graph-uuid state)
:ops ops-for-remote :t-before t-before}))
(<! (ws/<send! state {:req-id (get-req-id)
:action "apply-ops" :graph-uuid @(:*graph-uuid state)
:ops ops-for-remote :t-before (or local-tx 1)}))
(<! (get-result-ch)))]
(<! (p->c (op/<clean-ops repo op-keys)))
(<! (<apply-remote-data state r))
(prn :<client-op-update-handler r))))
(defn <loop-for-rtc
@ -254,7 +343,7 @@
(do (push-data-from-ws-handler state push-data-from-ws)
(do (prn :client-op-update client-op-update)
(do (<! (<client-op-update-handler state))
@ -285,5 +374,6 @@
(def global-state (<! (<init))))
(reset! (:*graph-uuid global-state) "00e016b1-cab1-4eea-bf74-a02d9e4910f8")
(reset! (:*repo global-state) (state/get-current-repo)))
(reset! (:*graph-uuid global-state) "ed4520d5-7985-49bd-a2d7-cf28694e4f03")
(reset! (:*repo global-state) (state/get-current-repo))

View File

@ -48,3 +48,14 @@
(defn <clean-ops
[repo keys]
(op-store/<clear-ops! repo keys))
(defn <update-local-tx!
[repo t]
{:pre [(pos-int? t)]}
(op-store/<update-local-tx! repo t))
(defn <update-graph-uuid!
[repo graph-uuid]
{:pre [(some? graph-uuid)]}
(op-store/<update-graph-uuid! repo graph-uuid))

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
(defn <update-local-tx!
[repo tx]
(idb-keyval/set "local-tx" (clj->js {:local-tx tx}) (ensure-store repo)))
(idb-keyval/set "local-tx" tx (ensure-store repo)))
(defn <update-graph-uuid!
[repo graph-uuid]
@ -50,8 +50,7 @@
(defn <clear-ops!
[repo keys]
(let [store (ensure-store repo)]
(doseq [k keys]
(idb-keyval/del k store))))
(p/all (map #(idb-keyval/del % store) keys))))
(defn <get-all-ops