enhance(rtc): update <upload-client-op-loop

rcmerci 2024-01-16 00:28:57 +08:00
parent 6fd20c0638
commit 34c1471462
1 changed files with 15 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -9,12 +9,14 @@
[frontend.handler.user :as user]
[frontend.worker.rtc.ws :as ws]
[frontend.worker.async-util :include-macros true :refer [<?]]
[datascript.core :as d]))
[datascript.core :as d]
[frontend.worker.state :as state]))
(def state-schema
[:map {:closed true}
[:*graph-uuid :any]
[:*repo :any]
[:*db-conn :any]
[:*assets-update-state :any]
[:data-from-ws-pub :any]
[:*auto-push-assets-update-ops? :any]
@ -43,14 +45,19 @@
(doseq [[tp _op] min-epoch-asset-ops]
(case tp
(let [asset-entity (d/pull @conn '[*] [:asset/uuid asset-uuid])]
(<? (ws/<send&receive state {:action "update-assets" :graph-uuid graph-uuid
:create [{:asset-uuid asset-uuid
:asset-name (or (some-> asset-entity :asset/meta :name)
(let [asset-entity (d/pull @conn '[*] [:asset/uuid asset-uuid])
r (<? (ws/<send&receive state {:action "update-assets" :graph-uuid graph-uuid
:create [{:asset-uuid asset-uuid
:asset-name (or (some-> asset-entity :asset/meta :name)
(when (:ex-data r)
(throw (ex-info (:ex-message r) (:ex-data r)))))
(<? (ws/<send&receive state {:action "update-assets" :graph-uuid graph-uuid
:delete [asset-uuid]}))))
(let [r (<? (ws/<send&receive state {:action "update-assets" :graph-uuid graph-uuid
:delete [asset-uuid]}))]
(when (:ex-data r)
(throw (ex-info (:ex-message r) (:ex-data r)))))))
(op-mem-layer/remove-asset-ops! repo asset-uuid)
(catch :default e