fix: db import of deadline and scheduled

Part of LOG-3176
Gabriel Horner 2024-07-01 17:45:20 -04:00
parent e80f16731a
commit 3622a83024
3 changed files with 82 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[datascript.core :as d]
[logseq.graph-parser.extract :as extract]
[logseq.common.uuid :as common-uuid]
[logseq.common.path :as path]
[logseq.common.util :as common-util]
[logseq.common.config :as common-config]
@ -176,24 +177,27 @@
":block/content doesn't contain DEADLINE.* text so unable to detect timestamp
or repeater usage and notify user that they aren't supported"
[block db {:keys [user-config]}]
(if-let [deadline (:block/deadline block)]
(let [deadline-prop (:block/uuid (d/entity db :logseq.task/deadline))
deadline-page (or (ffirst (d/q '[:find (pull ?b [:block/uuid])
(if-let [date-int (or (:block/deadline block) (:block/scheduled block))]
(let [existing-journal-page (ffirst (d/q '[:find (pull ?b [:block/uuid])
:in $ ?journal-day
:where [?b :block/journal-day ?journal-day]]
db deadline))
db date-int))
deadline-page (or existing-journal-page
;; FIXME: Register new pages so that two different refs to same new page
;; don't create different uuids and thus an invalid page
(assoc (sqlite-util/build-new-page
(date-time-util/int->journal-title deadline (common-config/get-date-formatter user-config)))
(date-time-util/int->journal-title date-int (common-config/get-date-formatter user-config)))
:block/uuid (common-uuid/gen-uuid date-int)
:block/type "journal"
:block/journal-day deadline))]
:block/journal-day date-int))]
(-> block
(update :block/properties assoc deadline-prop (:block/uuid deadline-page))
(update :block/refs (fnil into []) [:logseq.task/deadline deadline-page])
(update :block/path-refs (fnil into []) [:logseq.task/deadline deadline-page])
(dissoc :block/deadline)))
(assoc :logseq.task/deadline [:block/uuid (:block/uuid deadline-page)])
(update :block/refs (fnil into []) [:logseq.task/deadline [:block/uuid (:block/uuid deadline-page)]])
(update :block/path-refs (fnil into []) [:logseq.task/deadline [:block/uuid (:block/uuid deadline-page)]])
(dissoc :block/deadline :block/scheduled))
:properties-tx (when-not existing-journal-page [deadline-page])})
{:block block :properties-tx []}))
(defn- text-with-refs?
"Detects if a property value has text with refs e.g. `#Logseq is #awesome`
@ -546,7 +550,9 @@
;; TODO: Handle refs for whiteboard block which has none
(->> (:block/refs block)
(remove ref-to-ignore?)
(remove #(or (ref-to-ignore? %)
;; ignore deadline related refs that don't affect content
(and (keyword? %) (db-malli-schema/internal-ident? %))))
(map #(add-uuid-to-page-map % page-names-to-uuids)))))
@ -588,7 +594,8 @@
(let [;; needs to come before update-block-refs to detect new property schemas
{:keys [block properties-tx]}
(handle-block-properties block* db page-names-to-uuids (:block/refs block*) options)
block' (-> block
{block-after-built-in-props :block deadline-properties-tx :properties-tx} (update-block-deadline block db options)
block' (-> block-after-built-in-props
(fix-pre-block-references pre-blocks)
(fix-block-name-lookup-ref db page-names-to-uuids)
(update-block-macros db page-names-to-uuids)
@ -596,13 +603,12 @@
(update-block-tags tag-classes page-names-to-uuids)
(update-block-marker db options)
(update-block-priority db options)
(update-block-deadline db options)
;; ((fn [x] (prn :block-out x) x))
;; TODO: org-mode content needs to be handled
(assoc :block/format :markdown))]
;; Order matters as properties are referenced in block
(concat properties-tx [block'])))
(concat properties-tx deadline-properties-tx [block'])))
(defn- build-new-page
[m tag-classes page-names-to-uuids page-tags-uuid]
@ -741,7 +747,7 @@
pages that are now properties"
[pages-tx old-properties existing-pages import-state]
(let [new-properties (set/difference (set (keys @(:property-schemas import-state))) (set old-properties))
_ (prn :new-properties new-properties existing-pages)
_ (prn :new-properties new-properties)
[properties-tx pages-tx'] ((juxt filter remove)
#(contains? new-properties (keyword (:block/name %))) pages-tx)
property-pages-tx (map (fn [{:block/keys [original-name uuid]}]

View File

@ -105,14 +105,15 @@
(is (= "logseq.api.show_msg('hello good sir!');\n"
(ffirst (d/q '[:find ?content :where [?b :file/path "logseq/custom.js"] [?b :file/content ?content]] @conn)))))
(testing "user content"
(is (= 3 (count (d/q '[:find ?b :where [?b :block/type "journal"]] @conn))))
(testing "graph wide counts"
;; Includes 2 journals from logseq.task/deadline
(is (= 6 (count (d/q '[:find ?b :where [?b :block/type "journal"]] @conn))))
;; Count includes Contents
(is (= 3
(count (d/q '[:find (pull ?b [*]) :where [?b :block/original-name ?name] (not [?b :block/type])] @conn))))
(is (= 1 (count @assets)))
(is (= 1 (count @assets))))
(testing "properties"
(testing "user properties"
(is (= #{{:db/ident :block/schema {:type :checkbox}}
{:db/ident :block/schema {:type :default}}
{:db/ident :block/schema {:type :number}}
@ -149,4 +150,17 @@
(update-vals (db-property/properties (find-page-by-name @conn "some page"))
(fn [ref]
(db-property/ref->property-value-content @conn ref))))
"Existing page has correct properties")))))
"Existing page has correct properties"))
(testing "built-in properties"
(is (= {:logseq.task/deadline "Nov 25th, 2022"}
(update-vals (db-property/properties (find-block-by-content @conn "only scheduled"))
(fn [ref]
(db-property/ref->property-value-content @conn ref))))
"deadline block has correct journal")
(is (= {:logseq.task/deadline "Nov 25th, 2022"}
(update-vals (db-property/properties (find-block-by-content @conn "only scheduled"))
(fn [ref]
(db-property/ref->property-value-content @conn ref))))
"scheduled block converted to deadline"))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
- only deadline
DEADLINE: <2022-11-26 Sat>
- only scheduled
SCHEDULED: <2022-11-25 Fri>