Merge branch 'master' into feat/chrome-native-fs

Tienson Qin 2020-12-05 16:39:51 +08:00
commit 37f0f11a34
8 changed files with 110 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -1455,3 +1455,10 @@ a.tag:hover {
.hide-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;
.left {
float: left;
.right {
float: right;

View File

@ -382,6 +382,28 @@
[ {:title "Block ref invalid"}
(util/format "((%s))" id)]))))
(defn inline-text
[format v]
(when (string? v)
(let [inline-list (mldoc/inline->edn v (mldoc/default-config format))]
[ (map-inline {} inline-list)])))
(defn- render-macro
[config name arguments macro-content format]
(if macro-content
(let [ast (->> (mldoc/->edn macro-content (mldoc/default-config format))
(map first))
block? (contains? #{"Paragraph"
(ffirst ast))]
(if block?
(markup-elements-cp (assoc config :block/format format) ast)]
(inline-text format macro-content)))
[:span.warning {:title (str "Unsupported macro name: " name)}
(macro->text name arguments)]))
(defn inline
[{:keys [html-export?] :as config} item]
(match item
@ -650,7 +672,8 @@
(if-let [block-uuid (:block/uuid config)]
(let [macro-content (or
(let [format (get-in config [:block :block/format] :markdown)
macro-content (or
(-> (db/entity [:block/uuid block-uuid])
@ -658,18 +681,16 @@
(get name))
(get-in (state/get-config) [:macros name])
(get-in (state/get-config) [:macros (keyword name)]))]
(if (and (seq arguments) macro-content)
(block/macro-subs macro-content arguments)
[:span.warning {:title (str "Unsupported macro name: " name)}
(macro->text name arguments)]))])
(get (state/get-macros) name)
(get (state/get-macros) (keyword name)))
macro-content (if (and (seq arguments) macro-content)
(block/macro-subs macro-content arguments)
(render-macro config name arguments macro-content format))
(macro->text name arguments)])))
(when-let [macro-txt (macro->text name arguments)]
(let [format (get-in config [:block :block/format] :markdown)]
(render-macro config name arguments macro-txt format))))))
@ -978,12 +999,6 @@
(markup-elements-cp (assoc config :block/format format) ast)]))
(defn property-value
[format v]
(when (string? v)
(let [inline-list (mldoc/inline->edn v (mldoc/default-config format))]
[ (map-inline {} inline-list)])))
(rum/defc properties-cp
(let [properties (apply dissoc (:block/properties block) text/hidden-properties)]
@ -993,7 +1008,7 @@
[:b k]
[ ":"]
(property-value (:block/format block) v)])])))
(inline-text (:block/format block) v)])])))
(rum/defcs timestamp-cp < rum/reactive
(rum/local false ::show?)
@ -1580,14 +1595,14 @@
(if (or (= k :tags)
(= k :alias))
(if (string/includes? item "[[")
(property-value format item)
(inline-text format item)
(let [tag (-> item
(string/replace "[" "")
(string/replace "]" ""))]
[ {:href (rfe/href :page {:name tag})}
(property-value format item)))
(property-value format v))])))]
(inline-text format item)))
(inline-text format v))])))]
["Paragraph" l]
;; TODO: speedup

View File

@ -177,6 +177,8 @@
(fn [{:keys [id url]}]
{:title (get-repo-name url)
:options {:on-click (fn []
(repo-handler/push-if-auto-enabled! (state/get-current-repo))
(state/set-current-repo! url)
(when-not (= :draw (state/get-current-route))

View File

@ -39,9 +39,7 @@
(defn git-pull-secs
(if dev?
(* 60 5)
(or 60 (get-in @state/state [:config :git-pull-secs]))))
(or 60 (get-in @state/state [:config :git-pull-secs])))
(defn git-push-secs

View File

@ -340,15 +340,17 @@
(log/error :git/pull-error error)))))))))))))
(defn push
[repo-url {:keys [commit-message merge-push-no-diff?]
:or {commit-message "Logseq auto save"
[repo-url {:keys [commit-message merge-push-no-diff? custom-commit?]
:or {custom-commit false
commit-message "Logseq auto save"
merge-push-no-diff? false}}]
(spec/validate :repos/url repo-url)
(let [status (db/get-key-value repo-url :git/status)]
(if (and
(db/cloned? repo-url)
(state/input-idle? repo-url)
(not= status :pushing))
(or (not= status :pushing)
(-> (p/let [files (js/window.workerThread.getChangedFiles (util/get-repo-dir (state/get-current-repo)))]
(when (or (seq files) merge-push-no-diff?)
;; auto commit if there are any un-committed changes
@ -358,7 +360,8 @@
(p/let [commit-oid (git/commit repo-url commit-message)
token (helper/get-github-token repo-url)
status (db/get-key-value repo-url :git/status)]
(when (and token (not= status :pushing))
(when (and token (or (not= status :pushing)
(git-handler/set-git-status! repo-url :pushing)
(git/push repo-url token merge-push-no-diff?)
@ -474,27 +477,21 @@
(state/set-db-restoring! false)))
(js/setTimeout setup-local-repo-if-not-exists! 100)))
(defn periodically-pull
[repo-url pull-now?]
(spec/validate :repos/url repo-url)
(p/let [token (helper/get-github-token repo-url)]
(when token
(when pull-now? (pull repo-url nil))
(js/setInterval #(pull repo-url nil)
(* (config/git-pull-secs) 1000)))))
(defn periodically-pull-current-repo
(fn []
(p/let [repo-url (state/get-current-repo)
token (helper/get-github-token repo-url)]
(when token
(pull repo-url nil))))
(* (config/git-pull-secs) 1000)))
(defn periodically-push-tasks
(js/setInterval #(push-if-auto-enabled! repo-url)
(defn periodically-push-current-repo
(js/setInterval #(push-if-auto-enabled! (state/get-current-repo))
(* (config/git-push-secs) 1000)))
(defn periodically-pull-and-push
[repo-url {:keys [pull-now?]
:or {pull-now? true}}]
(spec/validate :repos/url repo-url)
(periodically-pull repo-url pull-now?)
(periodically-push-tasks repo-url))
(defn create-repo!
[repo-url branch]
(spec/validate :repos/url repo-url)
@ -510,14 +507,13 @@
(println "Something wrong!")
(js/console.dir error))))
(defn- clone-and-pull
(defn- clone-and-load-db
(spec/validate :repos/url repo-url)
(p/let [_ (clone repo-url)
_ (git-handler/git-set-username-email! repo-url (state/get-me))]
(load-db-and-journals! repo-url nil true)
(periodically-pull-and-push repo-url {:pull-now? false}))
(load-db-and-journals! repo-url nil true))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(js/console.error error)))))
@ -525,17 +521,22 @@
(spec/validate :state/me me)
(if (and js/window.git js/window.pfs)
(doseq [{:keys [id url]} (:repos me)]
(let [repo url]
(p/let [config-exists? (fs/file-exists?
(util/get-repo-dir url)
(if (and config-exists?
(db/cloned? repo))
(git-handler/git-set-username-email! repo me)
(periodically-pull-and-push repo {:pull-now? true}))
(clone-and-pull repo)))))
(doseq [{:keys [id url]} (:repos me)]
(let [repo url]
(p/let [config-exists? (fs/file-exists?
(util/get-repo-dir url)
(if (and config-exists?
(db/cloned? repo))
(git-handler/git-set-username-email! repo me)
(pull repo nil))
(clone-and-load-db repo))))))
(js/setTimeout (fn []
(clone-and-pull-repos me))
@ -548,11 +549,12 @@
(-> (p/do! (db/remove-db! url)
(db/remove-files-db! url)
(fs/rmdir (util/get-repo-dir url))
(clone-and-pull url))
(clone-and-load-db url))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(prn "Delete repo failed, error: " error)))))
(defn git-commit-and-push!
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(push repo {:commit-message commit-message})))
(push repo {:commit-message commit-message
:custom-commit? true})))

View File

@ -142,6 +142,15 @@
(get-in @state [:config repo-url])))
(defonce built-in-macros
{"img" "[:img.$4 {:src \"$1\" :style {:width $2 :height $3}}]"})
(defn get-macros
(:macros (get-config))))
(defn sub-config
(sub :config))

View File

@ -18,14 +18,21 @@
(defonce css-transition (r/adapt-class CSSTransition))
(defonce textarea (r/adapt-class (gobj/get TextareaAutosize "default")))
(rum/defc ls-textarea [{:keys [on-change] :as -props}]
(let [composition? (atom false)
(rum/defc ls-textarea < rum/reactive
[{:keys [on-change] :as props}]
(let [skip-composition? (or
(state/sub :editor/show-page-search?)
(state/sub :editor/show-block-search?)
(state/sub :editor/show-template-search?))
composition? (atom false)
set-composition? #(reset! composition? %)
on-composition (fn [e]
(case e.type
"compositionend" (do (set-composition? false) (on-change e))
(set-composition? true)))
props (assoc -props
(if skip-composition?
(on-change e)
(case e.type
"compositionend" (do (set-composition? false) (on-change e))
(set-composition? true))))
props (assoc props
:on-change (fn [e] (when-not @composition?
(on-change e)))
:on-composition-start on-composition

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
(ns frontend.version)
(defonce version "")
(defonce version "")