fix: don't re-render the unrelated blocks when inserting a new block

Tienson Qin 2020-11-13 21:08:05 +08:00
parent db30822b0a
commit 3c18e0ef84
6 changed files with 95 additions and 146 deletions

View File

@ -1195,7 +1195,10 @@
collapsed? (:block/collapsed? block)]
(when collapsed?
(expand/collapse! block))
:should-update (fn [old-state new-state]
(not= (:block/content (second (:rum/args old-state)))
(:block/content (second (:rum/args new-state)))))}
[config {:block/keys [uuid title level body meta content dummy? page format repo children collapsed? pre-block? idx properties] :as block}]
(let [ref? (boolean (:ref? config))
breadcrumb-show? (:breadcrumb-show? config)
@ -1699,83 +1702,6 @@
[config col]
(map #(markup-element-cp config %) col))
(rum/defcs build-blocks < rum/reactive
{:init (fn [state]
(let [blocks (first (:rum/args state))
segment-data (if (> (count blocks) max-blocks-per-page)
(take max-blocks-per-page blocks)
(assoc state
::segment (atom segment-data)
::idx (atom 0))))
:did-update (fn [state]
(let [blocks (first (:rum/args state))
segment (get state ::segment)
idx (get state ::idx)]
(when (and
(seq @segment)
(> (count blocks) max-blocks-per-page))
(reset! segment (->> blocks
(drop @idx)
(take max-blocks-per-page))))
[state blocks config]
(let [segment (get state ::segment)
idx (get state ::idx)
custom-query? (:custom-query? config)
ref? (:ref? config)]
(let [blocks-cp (fn [blocks segment?]
(let [first-block (first blocks)
blocks' (if (and (:block/pre-block? first-block)
(db/pre-block-with-only-title? (:block/repo first-block) (:block/uuid first-block)))
(rest blocks)
first-id (:block/uuid (first blocks'))]
(for [item blocks']
(let [item (-> (if (:block/dummy? item)
(dissoc item :block/meta)))
item (if (= first-id (:block/uuid item))
(assoc item :block/idx 0)
config (assoc config :block/uuid (:block/uuid item))]
(block-container config item)
(:block/uuid item))))))
blocks->vec-tree #(if (or custom-query? ref?) % (db/blocks->vec-tree %))]
(if (> (count blocks) max-blocks-per-page)
(blocks-cp (blocks->vec-tree (rum/react segment)) true)
{:on-load (fn []
(when (= (count @segment) max-blocks-per-page)
(if (zero? @idx)
(reset! idx (dec max-blocks-per-page))
(swap! idx + virtual-list-scroll-step))
(let [tail (take-last virtual-list-previous @segment)
new-segment (->> blocks
(drop (inc @idx))
(take virtual-list-scroll-step))]
(reset! segment
(->> (concat tail new-segment)
(remove nil?))))))
:on-top-reached (fn []
(when (> @idx 0)
(if (> @idx (dec max-blocks-per-page))
(swap! idx - max-blocks-per-page)
(reset! idx 0))
(if (zero? @idx)
(reset! segment
(take max-blocks-per-page blocks))
(let [tail (take virtual-list-previous @segment)
prev (->> blocks
(drop (inc @idx))
(take virtual-list-scroll-step))]
(reset! segment
(->> (concat prev tail)
(remove nil?)))
(util/scroll-to 100)))))})
(blocks-cp (blocks->vec-tree blocks) false)))))
(defn build-slide-sections
([blocks config]
(build-slide-sections blocks config nil))
@ -1813,12 +1739,14 @@
(editor-handler/insert-new-block-without-save-previous! config last-block))}
(rum/defc blocks-container < rum/static
(defn blocks-container
[blocks config]
(let [blocks (map #(dissoc % :block/children) blocks)
sidebar? (:sidebar? config)
ref? (:ref? config)
custom-query? (:custom-query? config)]
custom-query? (:custom-query? config)
blocks->vec-tree #(if (or custom-query? ref?) % (db/blocks->vec-tree %))
blocks (blocks->vec-tree blocks)]
(when (seq blocks)
{:style {:margin-left (cond
@ -1826,31 +1754,44 @@
(build-blocks blocks config)
(let [first-block (first blocks)
blocks' (if (and (:block/pre-block? first-block)
(db/pre-block-with-only-title? (:block/repo first-block) (:block/uuid first-block)))
(rest blocks)
first-id (:block/uuid (first blocks'))]
(for [item blocks']
(let [item (-> (if (:block/dummy? item)
(dissoc item :block/meta)))
item (if (= first-id (:block/uuid item))
(assoc item :block/idx 0)
config (assoc config :block/uuid (:block/uuid item))]
(block-container config item)
(:block/uuid item)))))
;; (add-button config ref? custom-query? blocks)
;; headers to hiccup
(rum/defc ->hiccup < rum/reactive
(defn ->hiccup
[blocks config option]
(let [document-mode? (state/sub [:document/mode?])
config (assoc config
:document/mode? document-mode?)]
(cond-> option
(assoc :class "doc-mode"))
(if (:group-by-page? config)
(for [[page blocks] blocks]
(let [page (db/entity (:db/id page))]
[ (cond-> {:key (str "page-" (:db/id page))}
(:ref? config)
(assoc :class "bg-base-2 px-7 py-2 rounded"))
(page-cp config page)
(blocks-container blocks config))]))]
(blocks-container blocks config))]))
(cond-> option
(:document/mode? config)
(assoc :class "doc-mode"))
(if (:group-by-page? config)
(for [[page blocks] blocks]
(let [page (db/entity (:db/id page))]
[ (cond-> {:key (str "page-" (:db/id page))}
(:ref? config)
(assoc :class "bg-base-2 px-7 py-2 rounded"))
(page-cp config page)
(blocks-container blocks config))]))]
(blocks-container blocks config))])
;; timestamps

View File

@ -39,24 +39,25 @@
[blocks encoded-page-name page]
(let [start-level (or (:block/level (first blocks)) 1)]
[blocks encoded-page-name page document-mode?]
(let [start-level (or (:block/level (first blocks)) 1)
config {:id encoded-page-name
:start-level 2
:editor-box editor/box
:document/mode? document-mode?}]
{:hiccup (block/->hiccup blocks
{:id encoded-page-name
:start-level 2
:editor-box editor/box}
{:hiccup (block/->hiccup blocks config {})})))
(rum/defc blocks-cp < rum/reactive db-mixins/query
[repo page encoded-page-name format]
(let [raw-blocks (db/get-page-blocks repo page)
document-mode? (state/sub :document/mode?)
blocks (->>
(db/with-dummy-block raw-blocks format nil true)
(db/with-block-refs-count repo))]
(blocks-inner blocks encoded-page-name page)))
(blocks-inner blocks encoded-page-name page document-mode?)))
(rum/defc journal-cp < rum/reactive
[[title format]]

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
[frontend.handler.file :as file]
[ :as page-handler]
[frontend.handler.ui :as ui-handler]
[frontend.handler.common :as common-handler]
[frontend.handler.route :as route-handler]
[frontend.handler.notification :as notification]
[frontend.handler.editor :as editor-handler]
@ -69,6 +70,7 @@
:sidebar? sidebar?
:block? block?
:editor-box editor/box}
hiccup-config (common-handler/config-with-document-mode hiccup-config)
hiccup (block/->hiccup page-blocks hiccup-config {})]
(content/content encoded-page-name

View File

@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
(case key
(list :block/change :block/insert)
(when (seq data)
(let [blocks data
pre-block? (:block/pre-block? (first blocks))
@ -317,7 +317,8 @@
(fn [block]
(when-let [page-id (:db/id (:block/page block))]
[[:blocks (:block/uuid block)]
[:page/blocks page-id]
(when (not= key :block/insert) ; already reseted
[:page/blocks page-id])
[:page/ref-pages page-id]]))

View File

@ -48,6 +48,11 @@
(util/copy-to-clipboard! (text/remove-id-property content)))
(defn config-with-document-mode
(assoc config
:document/mode? (state/sub [:document/mode?])))
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(p/let [remote-oid (get-remote-ref repo)

View File

@ -453,8 +453,8 @@
;; create the file
(let [content (str (util/default-content-with-title format
(or (:page/original-name page)
(:page/name page)))
(or (:page/original-name page)
(:page/name page)))
(text/remove-level-spaces value (keyword format)))]
(p/let [_ (fs/create-if-not-exists dir file-path content)]
(db/reset-file! repo path content)
@ -618,10 +618,11 @@
{:key :block/change
{:key :block/insert
:data (map (fn [block] (assoc block :block/page page)) blocks)}
[[file-path new-content]])
(state/set-editor-op! nil))]
;; Replace with batch transactions
(state/add-tx! transact-fn)
@ -654,9 +655,7 @@
(reset! blocks-atom (->> (concat before-part blocks after-part)
(remove nil?))))))
(when ok-handler
(let [first-block (first blocks)
last-block (last blocks)]
(ok-handler [first-block last-block snd-block-text]))))))]
(ok-handler (last blocks))))))]
(and (not file) page)
;; TODO: replace with!
@ -776,7 +775,7 @@
{:create-new-block? true
(fn [[_first-block last-block _new-block-content]]
(fn [last-block]
(let [last-id (:block/uuid last-block)]
(edit-block! last-block 0 format id)
@ -797,7 +796,7 @@
(:block/content last-block)
{:create-new-block? true
(fn [[_first-block last-block _new-block-content]]
(fn [last-block]
(js/setTimeout #(edit-last-block-for-new-page! last-block :max) 50))
:with-level? true
:new-level new-level
@ -1590,33 +1589,33 @@
[state direction]
(state/set-editor-op! :indent-outdent)
(let [{:keys [block block-parent-id value config]} (get-state state)
start-level (:start-level config)
format (:block/format block)
block-pattern (config/get-block-pattern format)
level (:block/level block)
previous-level (or (get-previous-block-level block-parent-id) 1)
[add? remove?] (case direction
:left [false true]
:right [true false]
[(<= level previous-level)
(and (> level previous-level)
(> level 2))])
final-level (cond
add? (inc level)
remove? (if (> level 2)
(dec level)
:else level)
new-value (block/with-levels value format (assoc block :block/level final-level))]
(when (and
(not (and (= direction :left)
(get config :id)
(util/uuid-string? (get config :id)))
(<= final-level start-level)))
(<= (- final-level previous-level) 1))
(save-block-if-changed! block new-value
{:indent-left? (= direction :left)})))
start-level (:start-level config)
format (:block/format block)
block-pattern (config/get-block-pattern format)
level (:block/level block)
previous-level (or (get-previous-block-level block-parent-id) 1)
[add? remove?] (case direction
:left [false true]
:right [true false]
[(<= level previous-level)
(and (> level previous-level)
(> level 2))])
final-level (cond
add? (inc level)
remove? (if (> level 2)
(dec level)
:else level)
new-value (block/with-levels value format (assoc block :block/level final-level))]
(when (and
(not (and (= direction :left)
(get config :id)
(util/uuid-string? (get config :id)))
(<= final-level start-level)))
(<= (- final-level previous-level) 1))
(save-block-if-changed! block new-value
{:indent-left? (= direction :left)})))
(state/set-editor-op! nil))
(defn adjust-blocks-level!
@ -1664,7 +1663,7 @@
hc2 (if (or move-upwards-to-parent? move-down-to-higher-level?)
(db/get-block-and-children-no-cache repo (:block/uuid sibling-block)))]
;; Same page and next to the other
;; Same page and next to the other
(when (and
(= (:db/id (:block/page block))
(:db/id (:block/page sibling-block)))