enhance(electron): options to disable file watcher

Andelf 2024-05-16 13:31:32 +08:00
parent 7ba72aee75
commit 3c44dca67d
3 changed files with 26 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -110,6 +110,12 @@
(cfgs/get-item :feature/enable-automatic-chmod?)))
(defn- file-watcher-enabled?
(if (= nil (cfgs/get-item :feature/enable-file-watcher?))
(cfgs/get-item :feature/enable-file-watcher?)))
(defmethod handle :copyFile [_window [_ _repo from-path to-path]]
(logger/info ::copy-file from-path to-path)
(fs-extra/copy from-path to-path))
@ -589,7 +595,9 @@
;; Only close file watcher when:
;; 1. there is no one window on the same dir
;; 2. reset file watcher to resend `add` event on window refreshing
(when dir
(when (and dir
(or (file-watcher-enabled?)
(:global-dir options)))
(logger/debug ::watch-dir {:path dir})
(watcher/watch-dir! dir options)

View File

@ -681,6 +681,20 @@
(ipc/ipc :userAppCfgs :feature/enable-automatic-chmod? (not enabled?)))
[:span.text-sm.opacity-50 (t :settings-page/auto-chmod-desc)])))
(rum/defcs file-watcher-switcher-row < rum/reactive
[state t]
(let [enabled? (if (= nil (state/sub [:electron/user-cfgs :feature/enable-file-watcher?]))
(state/sub [:electron/user-cfgs :feature/enable-file-watcher?]))]
(t :settings-page/file-watcher)
(state/set-state! [:electron/user-cfgs :feature/enable-file-watcher?] (not enabled?))
(ipc/ipc :userAppCfgs :feature/enable-file-watcher? (not enabled?)))
[:span.text-sm.opacity-50 (t :settings-page/file-watcher-desc)])))
(defn filename-format-row []
{:left-label (t :settings-page/filename-format)
@ -789,6 +803,7 @@
(when-not (mobile-util/native-platform?) (developer-mode-row t developer-mode?))
(when (util/electron?) (https-user-agent-row https-agent-opts))
(when (util/electron?) (auto-chmod-row t))
(when (util/electron?) (file-watcher-switcher-row t))
(when (and (util/electron?) (not (config/demo-graph? current-repo))) (filename-format-row))
(clear-cache-row t)

View File

@ -367,9 +367,10 @@
:settings-page/update-error-1 "⚠️ Oops, Something Went Wrong!"
:settings-page/update-error-2 " Please check out the "
:settings-permission/start-granting "Grant"
:settings-page/auto-chmod "Automatically change file permissions"
:settings-page/auto-chmod-desc "Disable to allow editing by multiple users with permissions granted by group membership."
:settings-page/file-watcher "File changes watcher"
:settings-page/file-watcher-desc "Disable to prevent Logseq from watching local file changes, for compatibility with third-party disk management software. Restart Logseq to apply changes."
:yes "Yes"
:submit "Submit"