feat(sync): add sync history

rcmerci 2022-01-11 15:58:22 +08:00
parent 6537eb9672
commit 3c9c500959
3 changed files with 46 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -61,7 +61,9 @@
not-syncing? (or (nil? sync-state) (fs-sync/-stopped? sync-state))
*existed-graphs (::existed-graphs state)
_ (rum/react file-sync-handler/refresh-file-sync-component)
graph-txid-exists? (file-sync-handler/graph-txid-exists?)]
graph-txid-exists? (file-sync-handler/graph-txid-exists?)
uploading-files (state/sub :file-sync/sync-uploading-files)
downloading-files (state/sub :file-sync/sync-downloading-files)]
(when-not config/publishing?
(when (user-handler/logged?)
(when-not (file-sync-handler/graph-txid-exists?)
@ -88,8 +90,18 @@
{:title "create graph"
:options {:on-click #(file-sync-handler/create-graph (path/basename (state/get-current-repo)))}}])
(conj {:title "toggle file sync"
:options {:on-click #(if not-syncing? (fs-sync/sync-start) (fs-sync/sync-stop))}}))
[{:title "toggle file sync"
:options {:on-click #(if not-syncing? (fs-sync/sync-start) (fs-sync/sync-stop))} }]
[{:hr true}]
(map (fn [f] {:title f
:icon (ui/icon "arrow-narrow-up")}) uploading-files)
(map (fn [f] {:title f
:icon (ui/icon "arrow-narrow-down")}) downloading-files)
(when sync-state
(map (fn [f] (:time f)
{:title [:div [:div (:path f)] [:div (util/time-ago (:time f))]]})
(take 10 (.-history sync-state))))))
(cond-> {}
(not graph-txid-exists?) (assoc :links-header [:div.font-medium.text-sm.opacity-60.px-4.pt-2

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns frontend.fs.sync
(:require ["path" :as path]
[cljs-http.client :as http]
[cljs-time.core :as t]
[cljs.core.async :as async :refer [go timeout go-loop offer! poll! chan <! >!]]
[cljs.core.async.interop :refer [p->c]]
[clojure.set :as set]
@ -712,6 +713,13 @@
(deftype SyncState [^:mutable state ^:mutable current-local->remote-files ^:mutable current-remote->local-files
^:mutable history]
(add-to-history [_ fs]
(let [now (t/now)]
(->> fs
(map (fn [p] {:path p :time now}))
(apply conj history)
(set! history))))
(update-state! [this v]
(set! state v)
(state/set-file-sync-state v))
@ -723,9 +731,11 @@
(state/set-file-sync-downloading-files current-remote->local-files))
(remove-current-local->remote-files! [this fs]
(set! current-local->remote-files (set/difference current-local->remote-files (set fs)))
(.add-to-history this fs)
(state/set-file-sync-uploading-files current-local->remote-files))
(remove-current-remote->local-files! [this fs]
(set! current-remote->local-files (set/difference current-remote->local-files (set fs)))
(.add-to-history this fs)
(state/set-file-sync-downloading-files current-remote->local-files))
(reset-current-local->remote-files! [this]
(set! current-local->remote-files #{})

View File

@ -1453,3 +1453,24 @@
(defn atom? [v]
(instance? Atom v)))
;; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32511405/how-would-time-ago-function-implementation-look-like-in-clojure
(defn time-ago [time]
(let [units [{:name "second" :limit 60 :in-second 1}
{:name "minute" :limit 3600 :in-second 60}
{:name "hour" :limit 86400 :in-second 3600}
{:name "day" :limit 604800 :in-second 86400}
{:name "week" :limit 2629743 :in-second 604800}
{:name "month" :limit 31556926 :in-second 2629743}
{:name "year" :limit js/Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER :in-second 31556926}]
diff (t/in-seconds (t/interval time (t/now)))]
(if (< diff 5)
"just now"
(let [unit (first (drop-while #(or (>= diff (:limit %))
(not (:limit %)))
(-> (/ diff (:in-second unit))
(#(str % " " (:name unit) (when (> % 1) "s") " ago"))))))))