fix: editor not saved when zoom in/out

Tienson Qin 2024-01-11 14:48:20 +08:00
parent 7a1b1a17f8
commit 3c9d77088b
1 changed files with 57 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -1155,6 +1155,8 @@
(:db/id page)
(declare save-current-block!)
(defn zoom-in! []
(if (state/editing?)
(when-let [id (some-> (state/get-edit-block)
@ -1162,9 +1164,12 @@
((fn [id] [:block/uuid id]))
(let [pos (state/get-edit-pos)]
(let [pos (state/get-edit-pos)]
(route-handler/redirect-to-page! id)
(util/schedule #(edit-block! {:block/uuid id} pos nil))))
(util/schedule #(edit-block! {:block/uuid id} pos nil)))))
(defn zoom-out!
@ -1172,21 +1177,24 @@
(if (state/editing?)
(let [page (state/get-current-page)
block-id (and (string? page) (parse-uuid page))]
(when block-id
(let [block-parent (db/get-block-parent block-id)]
(if-let [id (and
(nil? (:block/name block-parent))
(:block/uuid block-parent))]
(route-handler/redirect-to-page! id)
(util/schedule #(edit-block! {:block/uuid block-id} :max nil)))
(let [page-id (some-> (db/entity [:block/uuid block-id])
(when block-id
(let [block-parent (db/get-block-parent block-id)]
(if-let [id (and
(nil? (:block/name block-parent))
(:block/uuid block-parent))]
(route-handler/redirect-to-page! id)
(util/schedule #(edit-block! {:block/uuid block-id} :max nil)))
(let [page-id (some-> (db/entity [:block/uuid block-id])
(when-let [page-name (:block/name (db/entity page-id))]
(route-handler/redirect-to-page! page-name)
(util/schedule #(edit-block! {:block/uuid block-id} :max nil))))))))
(when-let [page-name (:block/name (db/entity page-id))]
(route-handler/redirect-to-page! page-name)
(util/schedule #(edit-block! {:block/uuid block-id} :max nil)))))))))
(defn cut-block!
@ -1307,39 +1315,41 @@
(save-current-block! {}))
([{:keys [force? skip-properties? current-block] :as opts}]
;; non English input method
(when-not (or (state/editor-in-composition?)
@(:editor/skip-saving-current-block? @state/state))
(when (state/get-current-repo)
(when-not (state/get-editor-action)
(let [input-id (state/get-edit-input-id)
block (state/get-edit-block)
db-block (when-let [block-id (:block/uuid block)]
(db/pull [:block/uuid block-id]))
elem (and input-id (gdom/getElement input-id))
db-content (:block/content db-block)
db-content-without-heading (and db-content
(common-util/safe-subs db-content (:block/level db-block)))
value (if (= (:block/uuid current-block) (:block/uuid block))
(:block/content current-block)
(and elem (gobj/get elem "value")))]
(when value
(save-block-aux! db-block value opts)
(let [result (when-not (or (state/editor-in-composition?)
@(:editor/skip-saving-current-block? @state/state))
(when (state/get-current-repo)
(when-not (state/get-editor-action)
(let [input-id (state/get-edit-input-id)
block (state/get-edit-block)
db-block (when-let [block-id (:block/uuid block)]
(db/pull [:block/uuid block-id]))
elem (and input-id (gdom/getElement input-id))
db-content (:block/content db-block)
db-content-without-heading (and db-content
(common-util/safe-subs db-content (:block/level db-block)))
value (if (= (:block/uuid current-block) (:block/uuid block))
(:block/content current-block)
(and elem (gobj/get elem "value")))]
(prn :debug :value value)
(when value
(save-block-aux! db-block value opts)
(and skip-properties?
(db-model/top-block? block)
(when elem (thingatpt/properties-at-point elem)))
(and skip-properties?
(db-model/top-block? block)
(when elem (thingatpt/properties-at-point elem)))
(and block value db-content-without-heading
(not= (string/trim db-content-without-heading)
(string/trim value)))
(save-block-aux! db-block value opts))))
(catch :default error
(log/error :save-block-failed error))))))
(state/set-state! :editor/skip-saving-current-block? false)))
(and block value db-content-without-heading
(not= (string/trim db-content-without-heading)
(string/trim value)))
(save-block-aux! db-block value opts))))
(catch :default error
(log/error :save-block-failed error))))))]
(state/set-state! :editor/skip-saving-current-block? false)
(defn- clean-content!
[repo format content]