enhance: add a --dev mode to publishing that pairs with shadow's watch

Gabriel Horner 2024-01-22 14:35:36 -05:00 committed by Gabriel Horner
parent ce2341506d
commit 3cd7b2d762
4 changed files with 29 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ can be passed:
can be icon, name, alias, title, description and url
* :default-notification-fn - Configure how errors are reported when creating the export.
Default is to throw an exception when it occurs."
[db static-dir graph-dir output-dir {:keys [notification-fn]
[db static-dir graph-dir output-dir {:keys [notification-fn dev?]
:or {notification-fn default-notification-fn}
:as options}]
(let [options' (cond-> options
@ -28,4 +28,5 @@ can be passed:
(assoc-in [:app-state :ui/radix-color] (:ui/radix-color options)))
{:keys [html asset-filenames]} (publish-html/build-html db options')]
(publish-export/create-export html static-dir graph-dir output-dir {:asset-filenames asset-filenames
:notification-fn notification-fn})))
:notification-fn notification-fn
:dev? dev?})))

View File

@ -22,21 +22,30 @@
(defn- cleanup-js-dir
"Moves used js files to the correct dir and removes unused js files"
[output-static-dir source-static-dir {:keys [dev?]}]
(let [publishing-dir (node-path/join output-static-dir "js" "publishing")]
(p/let [_ (p/all (map (fn [file]
(fs/rmSync (node-path/join output-static-dir "js" file) #js {:force true}))
_ (when dev?
(fse/remove (node-path/join output-static-dir "js" "cljs-runtime")))
_ (p/all (map (fn [file]
(node-path/join publishing-dir file)
(node-path/join output-static-dir "js" file)))
(if dev?
(node-path/join source-static-dir "js" "publishing" file)
(node-path/join output-static-dir "js" file))
(node-path/join publishing-dir file)
(node-path/join output-static-dir "js" file))))
_ (when dev?
(fs/symlinkSync (node-path/join source-static-dir "js" "publishing" "cljs-runtime")
(node-path/join output-static-dir "js" "cljs-runtime")))
;; remove publishing-dir
_ (p/all (map (fn [file]
(fs/rmSync (node-path/join publishing-dir file)))
(fs/readdirSync publishing-dir)))
_ (fs/rmdirSync publishing-dir)
_ (when-not dev? (p/all (map (fn [file]
(fs/rmSync (node-path/join publishing-dir file)))
(fs/readdirSync publishing-dir))))
_ (when-not dev? (fs/rmdirSync publishing-dir))
;; remove source map files
_ (p/all (map (fn [file]
(fs/rmSync (node-path/join output-static-dir "js" (str file ".map")) #js {:force true}))
@ -90,7 +99,7 @@
_ (fs/writeFileSync (node-path/join output-static-dir "css" "custom.css") custom-css)
custom-js (if (fs/existsSync custom-js-path) (str (fs/readFileSync custom-js-path)) "")
_ (fs/writeFileSync (node-path/join output-static-dir "js" "custom.js") custom-js)
_ (cleanup-js-dir output-static-dir)]
_ (cleanup-js-dir output-static-dir static-dir options)]
(notification-fn {:type "success"
:payload (str "Export public pages and publish assets to " output-dir " successfully 🎉")}))
(p/catch (fn [error]

View File

@ -307,10 +307,14 @@ point out:
# One time setup
$ cd scripts && yarn install && cd -
# Build the export
# Build a release export
$ bb dev:publishing /path/to/graph-dir tmp/publish
# OR build a dev export with `clojure -M:cljs watch publishing` and then
$ bb dev:publishing /path/to/graph-dir tmp/publish --dev
# View the app in a browser
$ open tmp/publish/index.html
$ python3 -m http.server 8080 -d tmp/db-publish &; open http://localhost:8080
There are also some tasks under `nbb:` which are useful for inspecting database

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
(defn -main
[& args]
(when-not (= 3 (count args))
(when (< (count args) 3)
(println "Usage: $0 STATIC-DIR GRAPH-DIR OUT-DIR")
(js/process.exit 1))
(let [[static-dir graph-dir output-path]
@ -23,4 +23,4 @@
{:repo-config repo-config :ui/theme "dark" :ui/radix-color :purple})))
{:repo-config repo-config :ui/theme "dark" :ui/radix-color :purple :dev? (contains? (set args) "--dev")})))