fix(test): use e2e to test hashtag

Andelf 2022-11-21 20:56:59 +08:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent f5731065a4
commit 40366f6dbf
2 changed files with 35 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -29,6 +29,41 @@ test('hashtag and quare brackets in same line #4178', async ({ page }) => {
test('hashtag search page auto-complete', async ({ page, block }) => {
await createRandomPage(page)
await block.activeEditing(0)
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', '#', { delay: 100 })
await page.waitForSelector('text="Search for a page"', { state: 'visible' })
await'Escape', { delay: 50 })
await block.mustFill("done")
await enterNextBlock(page)
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', 'Some#', { delay: 100 })
await page.waitForSelector('text="Search for a page"', { state: 'visible' })
await'Escape', { delay: 50 })
await block.mustFill("done")
await enterNextBlock(page)
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', 'Some #', { delay: 100 })
await page.waitForSelector('text="Search for a page"', { state: 'visible' })
await'Escape', { delay: 50 })
await block.mustFill("done")
await enterNextBlock(page)
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', 'SomeInner', { delay: 100 })
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
await'textarea >> nth=0', 'ArrowLeft', { delay: 50 })
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', '#', { delay: 50 })
await page.waitForSelector('text="Search for a page"', { state: 'visible' })
await'Escape', { delay: 50 })
test('disappeared children #4814', async ({ page, block }) => {
await createRandomPage(page)

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@ -45,56 +45,6 @@
"[[][logseq]] is #awesome :)" 0 editor/url-regex))
"Finds url in org link correctly"))
(defn- keydown-not-matched-handler
"Spied version of editor/keydown-not-matched-handler"
[{:keys [value key format cursor-pos] :or {key "#" format "markdown"}}]
;; Reset editor action in order to test result
(state/set-editor-action! nil)
;; Default cursor pos to end of line
(let [pos (or cursor-pos (count value))]
(with-redefs [util/get-selected-text (constantly false)
state/get-input (constantly #js {:value value})
cursor/pos (constantly pos)
cursor/get-caret-pos (constantly {})]
((editor/keydown-not-matched-handler format)
#js {:key key} nil))))
(deftest keydown-not-matched-handler-test
(testing "Tag autocompletion"
(keydown-not-matched-handler {:value "Some words "})
(is (= :page-search-hashtag (state/get-editor-action))
"Autocomplete tags if starting new word")
(keydown-not-matched-handler {:value ""})
(is (= :page-search-hashtag (state/get-editor-action))
"Autocomplete tags if starting a new line")
(keydown-not-matched-handler {:value "Some words" :cursor-pos 0})
(is (= :page-search-hashtag (state/get-editor-action))
"Autocomplete tags if there is are existing words and cursor is at start of line")
(keydown-not-matched-handler {:value "Some words" :cursor-pos 5})
(is (= :page-search-hashtag (state/get-editor-action))
"Autocomplete tags if there is whitespace before cursor")
(keydown-not-matched-handler {:value "String"})
(is (= nil (state/get-editor-action))
"Don't autocomplete tags if at end of word")
(keydown-not-matched-handler {:value "String" :cursor-pos 3})
(is (= nil (state/get-editor-action))
"Don't autocomplete tags if in middle of word")
(keydown-not-matched-handler {:value "`One backtick "})
(is (= :page-search-hashtag (state/get-editor-action))
"Autocomplete tags if only one backtick")
(keydown-not-matched-handler {:value "`String#gsub and String`"
:cursor-pos (dec (count "`String#gsub and String`"))})
(is (= nil (state/get-editor-action))
"Don't autocomplete tags within backticks")
(state/set-editor-action! nil)))
(defn- set-marker
"Spied version of editor/set-marker"
[marker content format]