enhance: page graph will auto-refresh when redirecting to a new page

Tienson Qin 2021-03-30 21:49:57 +08:00
parent c95dc0f604
commit 4132d9ed1f
5 changed files with 64 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -484,35 +484,35 @@
(let [block (and (util/uuid-string? id)
(db/pull-block (uuid id)))]
(if block
{:on-click (fn [e]
(util/stop e)
(if (gobj/get e "shiftKey")
(:db/id block)
{:block block})
(route-handler/redirect! {:to :page
:path-params {:name id}})))}
(fn [e]
(util/stop e)
(if (gobj/get e "shiftKey")
(:db/id block)
{:block block})
(route-handler/redirect! {:to :page
:path-params {:name id}})))}
(let [title (let [title (:block/title block)]
(if (empty? title)
;; display the content
(block-content config block nil (:block/uuid block) (:slide? config))]
(map-inline config title))))]
(if label
:span.block-ref {:title (some->
(:block/content block)
(text/remove-level-spaces (:block/format block))
(text/remove-properties!))} ; TODO: replace with a popup
(map-inline config label))
(let [title (let [title (:block/title block)]
(if (empty? title)
;; display the content
(block-content config block nil (:block/uuid block) (:slide? config))]
(map-inline config title))))]
(if label
:span.block-ref {:title (some->
(:block/content block)
(text/remove-level-spaces (:block/format block))
(text/remove-properties!))} ; TODO: replace with a popup
(map-inline config label))
[:span.warning.mr-1 {:title "Block ref invalid"}
(util/format "((%s))" id)]))))

View File

@ -39,9 +39,13 @@
:sidebar? true
:repo repo}))
(rum/defc page-graph < db-mixins/query
(let [theme (:ui/theme @state/state)
(rum/defc page-graph < db-mixins/query rum/reactive
(let [page (or
(and (= :page (state/sub [:route-match :data :name]))
(state/sub [:route-match :path-params :name]))
theme (:ui/theme @state/state)
dark? (= theme "dark")
graph (if (util/uuid-string? page)
(graph-handler/build-block-graph (uuid page) theme)
@ -100,8 +104,8 @@
[(t :right-side-bar/help) (onboarding/help)]
[(str (t :right-side-bar/graph-ref) (db-model/get-page-original-name block-data))
(page-graph block-data)]
[(str (t :right-side-bar/page-graph))
(when-let [block (db/entity repo [:block/uuid (:block/uuid (:block block-data))])]
@ -183,7 +187,7 @@
(if collapse?
(close #(state/sidebar-remove-block! idx))]
[:div {:class (if collapse? "hidden" "initial")}

View File

@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ title: How to take dummy notes?
:right-side-bar/page "Page graph"
:right-side-bar/recent "Recent"
:right-side-bar/contents "Contents"
:right-side-bar/graph-ref "Graph of "
:right-side-bar/page-graph "Page graph"
:right-side-bar/block-ref "Block reference"
:git/set-access-token "Set Github personal access token"
:git/token-is-encrypted "The token will be encrypted and stored in the browser local storage"
@ -421,7 +421,6 @@ title: How to take dummy notes?
:right-side-bar/page "Seiten-Graph"
:right-side-bar/recent "Neueste"
:right-side-bar/contents "Inhalt"
:right-side-bar/graph-ref "Graph von "
:right-side-bar/block-ref "Blockreferenz"
:git/set-access-token "Persönliches Github-Zugangs-Token festlegen"
:git/token-is-encrypted "Das Token wird verschlüsselt und im lokalen Speicher des Browsers gespeichert"
@ -650,7 +649,6 @@ title: How to take dummy notes?
:right-side-bar/page "Graphe de la page"
:right-side-bar/recent "Récents"
:right-side-bar/contents "Contenus"
:right-side-bar/graph-ref "Graphe de "
:right-side-bar/block-ref "Référence des blocs"
:git/set-access-token "Définir un jeton d'accès personnel GitHub"
:git/token-is-encrypted "Le jeton sera chiffré et gardé dans le stockage local du navigateur (local storage)"
@ -912,7 +910,7 @@ title: How to take dummy notes?
:right-side-bar/page "页面图谱"
:right-side-bar/recent "最近"
:right-side-bar/contents "目录"
:right-side-bar/graph-ref "图谱:"
:right-side-bar/page-graph "页面图谱:"
:right-side-bar/block-ref "块引用"
:git/set-access-token "设定 Github 个人访问令牌"
:git/token-is-encrypted "令牌将被加密并存储在浏览器本地存储"
@ -1191,7 +1189,6 @@ title: How to take dummy notes?
:right-side-bar/page "頁面圖譜"
:right-side-bar/recent "最近"
:right-side-bar/contents "目錄"
:right-side-bar/graph-ref "圖譜:"
:right-side-bar/block-ref "塊引用"
:git/set-access-token "設定 Github 個人訪問令牌"
:git/token-is-encrypted "令牌將被加密並存儲在瀏覽器本地存儲"
@ -1446,7 +1443,6 @@ title: How to take dummy notes?
:right-side-bar/page "Grafiek bladsy"
:right-side-bar/recent "Onlangs"
:right-side-bar/contents "Inhoud"
:right-side-bar/graph-ref "Grafiek van "
:right-side-bar/block-ref "Blok verwysing"
:git/set-access-token "Set Github personal access token"
:git/token-is-encrypted "The token will be encrypted and stored in the browser local storage"

View File

@ -76,10 +76,19 @@
(when (and
(string? page)
(not (string/blank? page)))
(string/trim page))))
(string? page)
(text/block-ref? page))
(text/block-ref-un-brackets! page)
(string? page)
(not (string/blank? page)))
(string/trim page)
(defn get-block-reference

View File

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.date :as date]
[frontend.state :as state]
[clojure.set :as set]))
[clojure.set :as set]
[medley.core :as medley]))
(defn- build-edges
@ -28,16 +29,19 @@
(mapv (fn [p]
(when p
(let [current-page? (= p current-page)
color (case [dark? current-page?] ; FIXME: Put it into CSS
[false false] "#222222"
[false true] "#045591"
[true false] "#8abbbb"
[true true] "#ffffff")
block? (and p (util/uuid-string? p))
color (if block?
(case [dark? current-page?] ; FIXME: Put it into CSS
[false false] "#222222"
[false true] "#045591"
[true false] "#8abbbb"
[true true] "#ffffff"))
color (if (contains? tags (string/lower-case (str p)))
(if dark? "orange" "green")
{:id p
:name p
:name name
:val (get-connections p edges)
:autoColorBy "group"
:group (js/Math.ceil (* (js/Math.random) 12))