wip: fix cmdk search

Tienson Qin 2024-07-24 11:05:56 +08:00
parent 3e71cadbe5
commit 42b4b81824
1 changed files with 56 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
[{:filter {:group :current-page} :text "Search only current page" :info "Add filter to search" :icon-theme :gray :icon "page"}
{:filter {:group :blocks} :text "Search only blocks" :info "Add filter to search" :icon-theme :gray :icon "block"}
{:filter {:group :commands} :text "Search only commands" :info "Add filter to search" :icon-theme :gray :icon "command"}
{:filter {:group :whiteboards} :text "Search only whiteboards" :info "Add filter to search" :icon-theme :gray :icon "whiteboard"}
{:filter {:group :files} :text "Search only files" :info "Add filter to search" :icon-theme :gray :icon "file"}
{:filter {:group :themes} :text "Search only themes" :info "Add filter to search" :icon-theme :gray :icon "palette"}])
@ -77,11 +76,7 @@
:info (if class?
(str "Create class called '" (get-class-from-input q) "'")
(str "Create page called '" q "'"))
:source-create :page}
(when-not class?
{:text "Create whiteboard" :icon "new-whiteboard"
:icon-theme :gray
:info (str "Create whiteboard called '" q "'") :source-create :whiteboard})]
:source-create :page}]
(remove nil?)))))
;; Take the results, decide how many items to show, and order the results appropriately
@ -199,26 +194,6 @@
(hash-map :status :success :items)
(swap! !results update group merge)))))
(defmethod load-results :whiteboards [group state]
(let [!input (::input state)
!results (::results state)]
(swap! !results assoc-in [group :status] :loading)
(p/let [whiteboards (->> (model/get-all-whiteboards (state/get-current-repo))
(map :block/title))
pages (search/fuzzy-search whiteboards @!input {:limit 100})
items (->> pages
(remove nil?)
(fn [page]
(let [entity (db/get-page page)
whiteboard? (contains? (:block/type entity) "whiteboard")]
(when whiteboard?
(hash-map :icon "whiteboard"
:icon-theme :gray
:text page
:source-page page))))))]
(swap! !results update group merge {:status :success :items items}))))
(defn highlight-content-query
"Return hiccup of highlighted content FTS result"
[content q]
@ -378,7 +353,7 @@
(load-results :filters state)
(load-results :files state)
;; (load-results :recents state)
(load-results :whiteboards state))))))
(defn- copy-block-ref [state]
(when-let [block-uuid (some-> state state->highlighted-item :source-block :block/uuid)]
@ -574,37 +549,40 @@
show-more #(swap! (::results state) assoc-in [group :show] :more)]
(mouse-active-effect! *mouse-active? [highlighted-item])
[:div {:class "border-b border-gray-06 pb-1 last:border-b-0"
[:div {:class (if (= title "Create")
"border-b border-gray-06 last:border-b-0"
"border-b border-gray-06 pb-1 last:border-b-0")
:on-mouse-move #(reset! *mouse-active? true)}
[:div {:class "text-xs py-1.5 px-3 flex justify-between items-center gap-2 text-gray-11 bg-gray-02 h-8"}
[:div {:class "font-bold text-gray-11 pl-0.5 cursor-pointer select-none"
:on-click (fn [_e]
(when-not (= title "Create")
[:div {:class "text-xs py-1.5 px-3 flex justify-between items-center gap-2 text-gray-11 bg-gray-02 h-8"}
[:div {:class "font-bold text-gray-11 pl-0.5 cursor-pointer select-none"
:on-click (fn [_e]
;; change :less to :more or :more to :less
(swap! (::results state) update-in [group :show] {:more :less
:less :more}))}
(when (not= group :create)
[:div {:class "pl-1.5 text-gray-12 rounded-full"
:style {:font-size "0.7rem"}}
(if (<= 100 (count items))
(str "99+")
(count items))])
(swap! (::results state) update-in [group :show] {:more :less
:less :more}))}
(when (not= group :create)
[:div {:class "pl-1.5 text-gray-12 rounded-full"
:style {:font-size "0.7rem"}}
(if (<= 100 (count items))
(str "99+")
(count items))])
[:div {:class "flex-1"}]
[:div {:class "flex-1"}]
(when (and (= group highlighted-group)
(or can-show-more? can-show-less?)
(empty? filter)
(not sidebar?))
{:on-click (if (= show :more) show-less show-more)}
(if (= show :more)
"Show less"
(shui/shortcut "mod up" nil)]
"Show more"
(shui/shortcut "mod down" nil)])])]
(when (and (= group highlighted-group)
(or can-show-more? can-show-less?)
(empty? filter)
(not sidebar?))
{:on-click (if (= show :more) show-less show-more)}
(if (= show :more)
"Show less"
(shui/shortcut "mod up" nil)]
"Show more"
(shui/shortcut "mod down" nil)])])])
(for [item visible-items
@ -614,35 +592,35 @@
source-page (some-> item :source-page)
hls-page? (and page? (pdf-utils/hls-file? source-page))]]
(let [item (list-item/root
(assoc item
:group group
:query (when-not (= group :create) @(::input state))
:text (if hls-page? (pdf-utils/fix-local-asset-pagename text) text)
:hls-page? hls-page?
:compact true
:rounded false
:hoverable @*mouse-active?
:highlighted highlighted?
(assoc item
:group group
:query (when-not (= group :create) @(::input state))
:text (if hls-page? (pdf-utils/fix-local-asset-pagename text) text)
:hls-page? hls-page?
:compact true
:rounded false
:hoverable @*mouse-active?
:highlighted highlighted?
;; for some reason, the highlight effect does not always trigger on a
;; boolean value change so manually pass in the dep
:on-highlight-dep highlighted-item
:on-click (fn [e]
(reset! (::highlighted-item state) item)
(handle-action :default state item)
(when-let [on-click (:on-click item)]
(on-click e)))
:on-highlight-dep highlighted-item
:on-click (fn [e]
(reset! (::highlighted-item state) item)
(handle-action :default state item)
(when-let [on-click (:on-click item)]
(on-click e)))
;; :on-mouse-enter (fn [e]
;; (when (not highlighted?)
;; (reset! (::highlighted-item state) (assoc item :mouse-enter-triggered-highlight true))))
:on-highlight (fn [ref]
(reset! (::highlighted-group state) group)
(when (and ref (.-current ref)
(not (:mouse-enter-triggered-highlight @(::highlighted-item state))))
(scroll-into-view-when-invisible state (.-current ref)))))
(if (= group :blocks)
(ui/lazy-visible (fn [] item) {:trigger-once? true})
:on-highlight (fn [ref]
(reset! (::highlighted-group state) group)
(when (and ref (.-current ref)
(not (:mouse-enter-triggered-highlight @(::highlighted-item state))))
(scroll-into-view-when-invisible state (.-current ref)))))
(if (= group :blocks)
(ui/lazy-visible (fn [] item) {:trigger-once? true})
(defn move-highlight [state n]
(let [items (mapcat last (state->results-ordered state (:search/mode @state/state)))