[wip] fix duplicated :block/left when insert nodes

rcmerci 2021-04-30 00:45:42 +08:00
parent 3624ca290d
commit 42bdc88af5
1 changed files with 78 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -221,54 +221,106 @@
(defn insert-node
([new-node target-node sibling?]
(insert-node new-node target-node sibling? nil))
([new-node target-node sibling? {:keys [blocks-atom skip-transact?]
([new-node target-node sibling? {:keys [blocks-atom skip-transact? txs-state]
:or {skip-transact? false}}]
[txs-state (ds/new-outliner-txs-state)] {:outliner-op :insert-node
:skip-transact? skip-transact?}
(let [result (if sibling?
(if txs-state
(let [result (if sibling?
(insert-node-as-sibling txs-state new-node target-node)
(insert-node-as-first-child txs-state new-node target-node))]
(when blocks-atom
(swap! blocks-atom concat result))
(first result)))))
(first result))
[txs-state (ds/new-outliner-txs-state)]
{:outliner-op :insert-node
:skip-transact? skip-transact?}
(let [result (if sibling?
(insert-node-as-sibling txs-state new-node target-node)
(insert-node-as-first-child txs-state new-node target-node))]
(when blocks-atom
(swap! blocks-atom concat result))
(first result))))))
(defn- walk-&-insert-nodes
[loc target-node sibling?]
[loc target-node sibling? transact]
(let [update-node-fn
(fn [node] (block
(db/pull (or (:block/repo node)
[:block/uuid (tree/-get-id node)])))]
(when-not (zip/end? loc)
(fn [node new-node] new-node)]
(if (zip/end? loc)
(if (vector? (zip/node loc))
(recur (zip/next loc) target-node sibling?)
(recur (zip/next loc) target-node sibling? transact)
(let [left1 (zip/left loc)
left2 (zip/left (zip/left loc))]
(if-let [left (or (and left1 (not (vector? (zip/node left1))) left1)
(and left2 (not (vector? (zip/node left2))) left2))]
;; found left sibling loc
(insert-node (zip/node loc) (zip/node left) true)
(recur (zip/next (zip/edit loc update-node-fn)) target-node sibling?))
(let [new-node
(insert-node (zip/node loc) (zip/node left) true {:txs-state transact})]
(recur (zip/next (zip/edit loc update-node-fn new-node)) target-node sibling? transact))
;; else: need to find parent loc
(if-let [parent (-> loc zip/up zip/left)]
(insert-node (zip/node loc) (zip/node parent) false)
(recur (zip/next (zip/edit loc update-node-fn)) target-node sibling?))
(let [new-node
(insert-node (zip/node loc) (zip/node parent) false {:txs-state transact})]
(recur (zip/next (zip/edit loc update-node-fn new-node)) target-node sibling? transact))
;; else: not found parent, it should be the root node
(insert-node (zip/node loc) target-node sibling?)
(recur (zip/next (zip/edit loc update-node-fn)) target-node sibling?)))))))))
(let [new-node
(insert-node (zip/node loc) target-node sibling? {:txs-state transact})]
(recur (zip/next (zip/edit loc update-node-fn new-node)) target-node sibling? transact)))))))))
(defn- get-node-tree-topmost-last-loc
(let [result-loc-or-vec (zip/rightmost (zip/down loc))]
(if (vector? (zip/node result-loc-or-vec))
(zip/left result-loc-or-vec)
(defn- get-node-tree-sub-topmost-last-loc
(let [topmost-last-loc (get-node-tree-topmost-last-loc loc)
result-vec-or-nil (zip/right topmost-last-loc)]
(when (and (some? result-vec-or-nil)
(vector? (zip/node result-vec-or-nil)))
(get-node-tree-topmost-last-loc result-vec-or-nil))))
(defn insert-nodes
"Insert nodes as children(or siblings) of target-node.
new-nodes-tree is an vector of blocks, e.g [1 [2 3] 4 [5 [6 7]]]"
[new-nodes-tree target-node sibling?]
(let [loc (zip/vector-zip new-nodes-tree)]
;; TODO: validate new-nodes-tree structure
(walk-&-insert-nodes loc target-node sibling?)))
[txs-state (ds/new-outliner-txs-state)] {:outliner-op :insert-node}
(let [loc (zip/vector-zip new-nodes-tree)]
;; TODO: validate new-nodes-tree structure
(let [updated-nodes (walk-&-insert-nodes loc target-node sibling? txs-state)
loc (zip/vector-zip (zip/root updated-nodes))
;; topmost-last-loc=4, new-nodes-tree=[1 [2 3] 4 [5 [6 7]]]
topmost-last-loc (get-node-tree-topmost-last-loc loc)
;; sub-topmost-last-loc=5, new-nodes-tree=[1 [2 3] 4 [5 [6 7]]]
sub-topmost-last-loc (get-node-tree-sub-topmost-last-loc loc)
right-node (tree/-get-right target-node)
down-node (tree/-get-down target-node)]
;; update node's left&parent after inserted nodes
(and (not sibling?) (some? right-node))
nil ;ignore
(and sibling? (some? right-node) topmost-last-loc) ;; right-node.left=N
(let [topmost-last-node (zip/node topmost-last-loc)
updated-node (tree/-set-left-id right-node (tree/-get-id topmost-last-node))]
(tree/-save updated-node txs-state))
(and (not sibling?) (some? down-node) topmost-last-loc) ;; down-node.left=N
(let [topmost-last-node (zip/node topmost-last-loc)
updated-node (tree/-set-left-id down-node (tree/-get-id topmost-last-node))]
(tree/-save updated-node txs-state))
(and sibling? (some? down-node) topmost-last-loc) ;; down-node.parent=N, down-node.left=N
(let [topmost-last-node-id (tree/-get-id (zip/node topmost-last-loc))
updated-node (tree/-set-parent-id (tree/-set-left-id down-node topmost-last-node-id) topmost-last-node-id)]
(tree/-save updated-node txs-state))
(and sibling? (some? down-node) sub-topmost-last-loc) ;; down-node.left=N, down-node.parent=N.parent
(let [sub-topmost-last-node (zip/node sub-topmost-last-loc)
updated-node (tree/-set-parent-id
(tree/-set-left-id down-node (tree/-get-id sub-topmost-last-node))
(tree/-get-parent-id sub-topmost-last-node))]
(tree/-save updated-node txs-state)))))))
(defn move-node
[node up?]