enhance: add script to build large graphs with configurable sizes

Gabriel Horner 2024-02-06 12:51:02 -05:00
parent 757104b737
commit 42c1785bb8
2 changed files with 103 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -31,6 +31,25 @@ properties. Read the docs in
[logseq.tasks.db-graph.create-graph](src/logseq/tasks/db_graph/create_graph.cljs) [logseq.tasks.db-graph.create-graph](src/logseq/tasks/db_graph/create_graph.cljs)
for specifics on the EDN map. for specifics on the EDN map.
To create large graphs with varying size:
$ yarn -s nbb-logseq src/logseq/tasks/db_graph/create_graph_with_large_sizes.cljs large
Building tx ...
Built 21000 tx, 1000 pages and 20000 blocks ...
Transacting chunk 1 of 21 starting with block: #:block{:name "page-0"}
Created graph large with 187810 datoms!
# To see options available
$ yarn -s nbb-logseq src/logseq/tasks/db_graph/create_graph_with_large_sizes.cljs -h
-h, --help Print help
-p, --pages 1000 Number of pages to create
-b, --blocks 20 Number of blocks to create
Another example is the `create_graph_with_schema_org.cljs` script which creates a graph Another example is the `create_graph_with_schema_org.cljs` script which creates a graph
with the https://schema.org/ ontology with as many of the classes and properties as possible: with the https://schema.org/ ontology with as many of the classes and properties as possible:

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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
(ns logseq.tasks.db-graph.create-graph-with-large-sizes
"Script that generates graphs at large sizes"
(:require [logseq.tasks.db-graph.create-graph :as create-graph]
[clojure.string :as string]
[datascript.core :as d]
[babashka.cli :as cli]
["path" :as node-path]
["os" :as os]
[nbb.core :as nbb]))
(def *ids (atom #{}))
(defn get-next-id
(let [id (random-uuid)]
(if (@*ids id)
(swap! *ids conj id)
(defn build-pages
[start-idx n]
(let [ids (repeatedly n get-next-id)]
(fn [idx id]
{:block/uuid id
:block/name (str "page-" (+ start-idx idx))})
(defn build-blocks
(vec (repeatedly size
(fn []
(let [id (get-next-id)]
{:block/uuid id
:block/content (str id)})))))
(defn- create-init-data
(let [pages (build-pages 0 (:pages options))]
(mapv #(hash-map :page % :blocks (build-blocks (:blocks options)))
(def spec
"Options spec"
{:help {:alias :h
:desc "Print help"}
:pages {:alias :p
:default 1000
:desc "Number of pages to create"}
:blocks {:alias :b
:default 20
:desc "Number of blocks to create"}})
(defn -main [args]
(let [graph-dir (first args)
options (cli/parse-opts args {:spec spec})
_ (when (or (nil? graph-dir) (:help options))
(println (str "Usage: $0 GRAPH-NAME [OPTIONS]\nOptions:\n"
(cli/format-opts {:spec spec})))
(js/process.exit 1))
[dir db-name] (if (string/includes? graph-dir "/")
((juxt node-path/dirname node-path/basename) graph-dir)
[(node-path/join (os/homedir) "logseq" "graphs") graph-dir])
conn (create-graph/init-conn dir db-name)
_ (println "Building tx ...")
blocks-tx (create-graph/create-blocks-tx (create-init-data options))]
(println "Built" (count blocks-tx) "tx," (count (filter :block/name blocks-tx)) "pages and"
(count (filter :block/content blocks-tx)) "blocks ...")
;; Vary the chunking with page size for now
(let [tx-chunks (partition-all (:pages options) blocks-tx)]
(loop [chunks tx-chunks
chunk-num 1]
(when-let [chunk (first chunks)]
(println "Transacting chunk" chunk-num "of" (count tx-chunks)
"starting with block:" (pr-str (select-keys (first chunk) [:block/content :block/name])))
(d/transact! conn chunk)
(recur (rest chunks) (inc chunk-num)))))
#_(d/transact! conn blocks-tx)
(println "Created graph" (str db-name " with " (count (d/datoms @conn :eavt)) " datoms!"))))
(when (= nbb/*file* (:file (meta #'-main)))
(-main *command-line-args*))