fix: /query /calculator not works

We still need to save block content changes when exiting the editor,
previously, we handled both :on-blur and :Escape, but not editor

Also disabled /Zotero and /Draw for db graphs.
Tienson Qin 2024-06-07 17:27:16 +08:00
parent 33977ee836
commit 43bd6cacb5
4 changed files with 52 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -329,18 +329,20 @@
["Zotero" (zotero-steps) "Import Zotero journal article"]
(when-not db?
["Zotero" (zotero-steps) "Import Zotero journal article"])
["Query function" [[:editor/input "{{function }}" {:backward-pos 2}]] "Create a query function"]
["Calculator" [[:editor/input "```calc\n\n```" {:type "block"
:backward-pos 4}]
[:codemirror/focus]] "Insert a calculator"]
["Draw" (fn []
(let [file (draw/file-name)
path (str common-config/default-draw-directory "/" file)
text (page-ref/->page-ref path)]
(p/let [_ (draw/create-draw-with-default-content path)]
(println "draw file created, " path))
text)) "Draw a graph with Excalidraw"]
(when-not db?
["Draw" (fn []
(let [file (draw/file-name)
path (str common-config/default-draw-directory "/" file)
text (page-ref/->page-ref path)]
(p/let [_ (draw/create-draw-with-default-content path)]
(println "draw file created, " path))
text)) "Draw a graph with Excalidraw"])
(and (util/electron?) (config/local-file-based-graph? (state/get-current-repo)))
@ -360,8 +362,9 @@
["Embed Twitter tweet" [[:editor/input "{{tweet }}" {:last-pattern command-trigger
:backward-pos 2}]]]
["Add new property" [[:editor/clear-current-slash]
(when db?
["Add new property" [[:editor/clear-current-slash]
(let [commands (cond->> @*extend-slash-commands
@ -814,9 +817,7 @@
(.click input-file)))
(defmethod handle-step :editor/exit [[_]]
(state/pub-event! [:editor/save-current-block])
(defmethod handle-step :editor/new-property [[_]]
(state/pub-event! [:editor/new-property]))

View File

@ -2482,7 +2482,7 @@
(when-let [container (gdom/getElement "app-container")]
(dom/remove-class! container "blocks-selection-mode"))
(editor-handler/save-block! (editor-handler/get-state) value)
(editor-handler/save-block! repo (:block/uuid block) value)
(when-not (and edit-next-block? (not select?))
(editor-handler/escape-editing select?))
(some-> config :on-escape-editing

View File

@ -808,8 +808,10 @@
(defn- editor-on-blur
[^js e *ref]
(when-not (= @*ref js/document.activeElement)
[^js e *ref & {:keys [unmount? block *blur?]}]
(when (or (not= @*ref js/document.activeElement) ; same activeElement when switching apps
;; handle unmount if only on-blur and ESC not handled
(and unmount? (and (:db/id block) (nil? (:db/id (state/get-edit-block))))))
(let [action (state/get-editor-action)]
(or (contains?
@ -829,12 +831,14 @@
(let [{:keys [on-hide value]} (editor-handler/get-state)]
(when on-hide
(when *blur? (reset! *blur? true))
(on-hide value :blur))))))
(rum/defcs box < rum/reactive
{:init (fn [state]
(assoc state ::id (str (random-uuid))
::ref (atom nil)))
::ref (atom nil)
::blur? (atom false)))
:did-mount (fn [state]
(state/set-editor-args! (:rum/args state))
@ -842,8 +846,10 @@
[state {:keys [format block parent-block on-hide]} id config]
(let [*ref (::ref state)
*blur? (::blur? state)
content (state/sub-edit-content (:block/uuid block))
heading-class (get-editor-style-class block content format)
on-blur (get config :on-blur editor-on-blur)
opts (cond->
{:id id
:ref #(reset! *ref %)
@ -854,14 +860,18 @@
:on-change (editor-handler/editor-on-change! block id search-timeout)
:on-paste (paste-handler/editor-on-paste! id)
:on-blur (fn [e]
(if-let [on-blur (:on-blur config)]
(on-blur e)
(editor-on-blur e *ref)))
(on-blur e *ref {:*blur? *blur?}))
:on-unmount (fn []
(when-not @*blur?
(on-blur nil *ref {:unmount? true
:block block
:*blur? *blur?})))
:on-key-down (fn [e]
(if-let [on-key-down (:on-key-down config)]
(on-key-down e)
(when (and (= (util/ekey e) "Escape") on-hide)
(when-not (exist-editor-commands-popup?)
(reset! *blur? true)
(on-hide content :esc)))))
:auto-focus true
:class heading-class}

View File

@ -95,19 +95,23 @@
(.setAttribute el "aria-label" "editing block")
(doto el
(.addEventListener "select"
#(let [start (util/get-selection-start el)
end (util/get-selection-end el)]
(when (and start end)
(when-let [e (and (not= start end)
(let [caret-pos (cursor/get-caret-pos el)]
{:caret caret-pos
:start start :end end
:text (. (.-value el) substring start end)
:point (select-keys (or @*mouse-point caret-pos) [:x :y])}))]
(plugin-handler/hook-plugin-editor :input-selection-end (bean/->js e))
(vreset! *mouse-point nil)))))
#(let [start (util/get-selection-start el)
end (util/get-selection-end el)]
(when (and start end)
(when-let [e (and (not= start end)
(let [caret-pos (cursor/get-caret-pos el)]
{:caret caret-pos
:start start :end end
:text (. (.-value el) substring start end)
:point (select-keys (or @*mouse-point caret-pos) [:x :y])}))]
(plugin-handler/hook-plugin-editor :input-selection-end (bean/->js e))
(vreset! *mouse-point nil)))))
(.addEventListener "mouseup" #(vreset! *mouse-point {:x (.-x %) :y (.-y %)}))))
:will-unmount (fn [state]
(when-let [on-unmount (:on-unmount (first (:rum/args state)))]
[{:keys [on-change] :as props}]
(let [skip-composition? (state/sub :editor/action)
on-composition (fn [e]
@ -119,11 +123,11 @@
(on-change e))
(state/set-editor-in-composition! true))))
props (assoc props
:on-change (fn [e] (when-not (state/editor-in-composition?)
(on-change e)))
:on-composition-start on-composition
:on-composition-update on-composition
:on-composition-end on-composition)]
:on-change (fn [e] (when-not (state/editor-in-composition?)
(on-change e)))
:on-composition-start on-composition
:on-composition-update on-composition
:on-composition-end on-composition)]
(textarea props)))
(rum/defc dropdown-content-wrapper