fix: table v2 properties take effect

Gabriel Horner 2023-08-25 14:35:27 -04:00
parent 400fcdc8ef
commit 46149a22d9
1 changed files with 6 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -295,9 +295,14 @@
table-version (get-shui-component-version :table config)]
(case table-version
2 (let [v2-columns (mapv #(if (uuid? %) (pu/get-property-name %) %) columns)
v2-config (assoc-in config [:block :properties]
(update-keys (get-in config [:block :block/properties])
#(-> (db/entity (state/get-current-repo) [:block/uuid %])
result-as-text (for [row result]
(for [column columns]
(build-column-text row column)))]
(shui/table-v2 {:data (conj [[v2-columns]] result-as-text)}
(make-shui-context config inline)))
(make-shui-context v2-config inline)))
1 (result-table-v1 config current-block sort-result sort-state columns options map-inline page-cp ->elem inline-text)))))