diff --git a/src/main/frontend/components/repo.cljs b/src/main/frontend/components/repo.cljs index 2b3c97161..9bad064b5 100644 --- a/src/main/frontend/components/repo.cljs +++ b/src/main/frontend/components/repo.cljs @@ -185,14 +185,18 @@ :options (cond-> {:on-click (fn [] - (state/pub-event! [:graph/ask-for-re-index *multiple-windows?]))})}] + (state/pub-event! [:graph/ask-for-re-index *multiple-windows?]))})} + new-window-link (when (util/electron?) + {:title (t :open-new-window) + :options {:on-click #(state/pub-event! [:graph/open-new-window nil])}})] (->> (concat repo-links [(when (seq repo-links) {:hr true}) {:title (t :new-graph) :options {:on-click #(page-handler/ls-dir-files! shortcut/refresh!)}} {:title (t :all-graphs) :options {:href (rfe/href :repos)}} refresh-link - reindex-link]) + reindex-link + new-window-link]) (remove nil?)))) (rum/defcs repos-dropdown < rum/reactive diff --git a/src/main/frontend/dicts.cljc b/src/main/frontend/dicts.cljc index 13f0aba8a..bf4bf0216 100644 --- a/src/main/frontend/dicts.cljc +++ b/src/main/frontend/dicts.cljc @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ :re-index-detail "Rebuild the graph" :re-index-multiple-windows-warning "You need to close the other windows before re-index this graph." :re-index-discard-unsaved-changes-warning "Re-index will discard the current graph, and then processes all the files again as they are currently stored on disk. You will lose unsaved changes and it might take a while. Continue?" + :open-new-window "New window" :sync-from-local-files "Refresh" :sync-from-local-files-detail "Import changes from local files" :sync-from-local-changes-detected "Refresh detects and processes files modified on your disk and diverged from the actual Logseq page content. Continue?" @@ -523,6 +524,7 @@ :graph-view "Graph anzeigen" :more "Mehr" :no "Nein" + :open-new-window "Neues Fenster" :page-search "In der aktuellen Seite suchen" :plugins "Plugins" :re-index-detail "Graph neu aufbauen" @@ -669,6 +671,7 @@ :on "Aan" :open "Open" :open-a-directory "Open een lokale map" + :open-new-window "Nieuwe venster" :or "of" :page-search "Zoek in de huidige pagina" :parsing-files "Bestanden analyseren" @@ -1302,6 +1305,7 @@ :re-index-detail "重新建立索引" :re-index-multiple-windows-warning "在重建当前图谱索引前,你需要先关闭其它窗口" :re-index-discard-unsaved-changes-warning "重建索引将丢弃当前图谱,之后重新导入保存在磁盘上的所有文件。此操作将丢弃未保存的更改,同时可能需要一段时间。是否继续?" + :open-new-window "打开新窗口" :sync-from-local-files "刷新(读取本地最新文件)" :sync-from-local-files-detail "读取本地最新文件" :sync-from-local-changes-detected "执行刷新操作将会导入磁盘上修改过的、或是与实际Logseq页面内容不同的文件。是否继续?" @@ -1931,6 +1935,7 @@ :re-index-detail "Reconstruir el grafo" :re-index-multiple-windows-warning "Debe cerrar las otras ventanas antes de reindexar este grafo." :re-index-discard-unsaved-changes-warning "Al reindexar se descartará el grafo actual y se procesarán nuevamente todos los archivos según como están actualmente almacenados en disco. Perderá los cambios no guardados y puede tardar un poco. ¿Continuar?" + :open-new-window "Nueva ventana" :sync-from-local-files "Refrescar" :sync-from-local-files-detail "Importar cambios de los archivos locales" :sync-from-local-changes-detected "Refrescar detecta y procesa los archivos modificados en su disco que difieren del contenido actual de la página en Logseq. ¿Continuar?" @@ -2235,6 +2240,7 @@ :delete "Slett" :re-index "Indekser på nytt" :re-index-detail "Bygg grafen på nytt" + :open-new-window "Nytt vindu" :sync-from-local-files "Oppfrisk" :sync-from-local-files-detail "Importer endringer fra lokale filer" :unlink "koble fra" @@ -2592,6 +2598,7 @@ :re-index-detail "Re-indexar gráfico" :open "Abrir" :open-a-directory "Abrir uma pasta local" + :open-new-window "Nova janela" :user/delete-account "Excluir conta" :user/delete-your-account "Apague a sua conta" :user/delete-account-notice "Todas as suas páginas publicadas em logseq.com serão apagadas." @@ -2866,6 +2873,7 @@ :delete "Apagar" :re-index "Re-indexar" :re-index-detail "Reconstruir o grafo" + :open-new-window "Nova Janela" :sync-from-local-files "Atualizar" :sync-from-local-files-detail "Importar alterações de ficheiros locais" :unlink "remover ligação" @@ -3212,6 +3220,7 @@ :sync-from-local-files "Обновить" :sync-from-local-changes-detected "При обновлении будут найдены и обработаны файлы, изменённые на диске и отличающиеся от текущего содержимого страниц Logseq. Продолжить?" :sync-from-local-files-detail "Импортировать изменения из локальных файлов" + :open-new-window "Новое окно" :unlink "отвязать" :search/publishing "Искать" :search "Искать или создать страницу" @@ -3533,6 +3542,7 @@ :re-index-detail "グラフ再構築" :re-index-multiple-windows-warning "このグラフのインデックスを再構築する前に、Logseq で開いている他のウィンドウを閉じる必要があります。" :re-index-discard-unsaved-changes-warning "インデックスの再構築は現在のグラフをいったん破棄し、現在ディスク上にある全てのファイルから再構築します。未保存の内容は失われます。また、少し時間がかかります。実行してもよいですか?" + :open-new-window "新規ウィンドウ" :sync-from-local-files "再表示" :sync-from-local-files-detail "ローカルファイルの変更点をインポート" :sync-from-local-changes-detected " 再表示は、ディスク上で変更されて Logseq 上のページと内容が変わってしまったファイルを検出し、読み込みます。実行してもよいですか?" @@ -3853,6 +3863,7 @@ :re-index-detail "Ricostruisci il grafo" :re-index-multiple-windows-warning "È necessario chiudere le altre finestre prima di reindicizzare questo grafo." :re-index-discard-unsaved-changes-warning "La reindicizzazione elimina il grafo corrente, quindi elabora nuovamente tutti i file poiché sono attualmente archiviati su disco. Perderai le modifiche non salvate e potrebbe volerci del tempo. Continuare?" + :open-new-window "Nuova finestra" :sync-from-local-files "Ricarica" :sync-from-local-files-detail "Importa cambiamenti da un file locale" :sync-from-local-changes-detected "Il ricaricamento rileva ed elabora i file modificati sul disco e divergenti dal contenuto effettivo della pagina Logseq. Continuare?" @@ -4184,6 +4195,7 @@ :re-index-detail "Grafiği yeniden oluştur" :re-index-multiple-windows-warning "Bu grafik için yeniden dizin oluşturmadan önce diğer pencereleri kapatmanız gerekiyor." :re-index-discard-unsaved-changes-warning "Yeniden dizin oluşturmak mevcut grafiği siler ve ardından tüm dosyaları o anda diskte depolandıkları şekilde yeniden işler. Kaydedilmemiş değişiklikleri kaybedeceksiniz ve bu biraz zaman alabilir. Devam edilsin mi?" + :open-new-window "Yeni pencere" :sync-from-local-files "Yenile" :sync-from-local-files-detail "Yerel dosyalardan değişiklikleri içeri aktarın" :sync-from-local-changes-detected "Yenile, diskinizde değiştirilen ve gerçek Logseq sayfa içeriğinden ayrılan dosyaları algılar ve işler. Devam edilsin mi?" @@ -4509,6 +4521,7 @@ :re-index-detail "그래프 다시 빌드" :re-index-multiple-windows-warning "그래프를 다시 인덱싱 전 다른 윈도우를 모두 닫아야 합니다." :re-index-discard-unsaved-changes-warning "인덱싱을 다시 하게 되면 현재 나타나 있는 그래프가 사라지며, 하드 디스크에 저장된 파일대로 그래프를 재구성하게 됩니다. 저장되지 않은 변경사항들이 삭제되며 약간의 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다. 계속하시겠습니까?" + :open-new-window "새 창" :sync-from-local-files "새로고침" :sync-from-local-files-detail "로컬 파일로부터 변경 사항 불러오기" :sync-from-local-changes-detected "그래프를 새로 고치면 로컬 디스크에서 Logseq과는 다르게 변경된 파일들을 감지하고 처리합니다. 계속하시겠습니까?" @@ -4834,6 +4847,7 @@ :re-index-detail "Przebuduj graf od nowa" :re-index-multiple-windows-warning "Musisz zamknąć inne okna zanim rozpoczniesz proces ponownej indeksacji" :re-index-discard-unsaved-changes-warning "Ponowna indeksacja odrzuci zmiany w obecnym grafie a następnie przejdzie po wszystkich plikach zapisanych na dysku. Utracisz wszystkie niezapisane zmiany a sam proces może trochę potrwać. Kontynuować?" + :open-new-window "Nowe okno" :sync-from-local-files "Odśwież" :sync-from-local-files-detail "Importuj zmiany z lokalnych plików" :sync-from-local-changes-detected "Funkcja Odśwież wykrywa i procesuje pliki zmianione na dysku. Wszystkie pliki różniące się od tych w Logseq zostaną ponownie wczytane. Kontynuować?"