enhance(ui): align popup position for the specific target element trigger

charlie 2024-02-26 22:16:45 +08:00
parent 429617ba8b
commit 49d3c63a89
1 changed files with 10 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -71,8 +71,9 @@
(let [^js rect (.getBoundingClientRect event)
left (.-left rect)
width (.-width rect)
height (.-height rect)
bottom (.-bottom rect)]
[(+ left (/ width 2)) bottom])
[(+ left (/ width 2)) (- bottom height) width height])
:else [0 0])]
(merge opts
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@
(js/setTimeout #(detach-popup! id) 128)))
(when-let [[x y] position]
(when-let [[x y _ height] position]
(let [popup-root (if as-menu? dropdown-menu popover)
popup-trigger (if as-menu? dropdown-menu-trigger popover-trigger)
popup-content (if as-menu? dropdown-menu-content popover-content)]
@ -106,8 +107,13 @@
(merge root-props {:open open?})
{:as-child true}
(button {:class "w-1 h-1 overflow-hidden fixed p-0 opacity-0"
:style {:top y :left x}} ""))
(button {:class "overflow-hidden fixed p-0 opacity-0"
:style {:height (if (and (number? height)
(> height 0))
height 1)
:width 1
:top y
:left x}} ""))
(merge {:onEscapeKeyDown #(hide! id)
:onPointerDownOutside #(hide! id)} content-props)