test(rtc): remove :fix-me for gen-remote-ops-test

rcmerci 2024-05-28 17:54:59 +08:00
parent e6280cd35c
commit 4a0f95c79f
1 changed files with 8 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
(is (empty? r)))))
(deftest ^:fix-me gen-remote-ops-test
(deftest gen-remote-ops-test
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
conn (conn/get-db repo false)
[uuid1 uuid2 uuid3 uuid4] (repeatedly random-uuid)
@ -91,23 +91,22 @@
[{:block/uuid uuid2 :block/content "uuid2-block"}
{:block/uuid uuid3 :block/content "uuid3-block"
:block/left [:block/uuid uuid2]
:block/parent [:block/uuid uuid1]}
{:block/uuid uuid4 :block/content "uuid4-block"
:block/left [:block/uuid uuid3]
:block/parent [:block/uuid uuid1]}]
(ldb/get-page @conn "gen-remote-ops-test")
{:sibling? true :keep-uuid? true}))
(op-mem-layer/init-empty-ops-store! repo)
(op-mem-layer/add-ops! repo [["move" {:block-uuid (str uuid2) :epoch 1}]
["move" {:block-uuid (str uuid4) :epoch 2}]
["move" {:block-uuid (str uuid3) :epoch 3}]
["update" {:block-uuid (str uuid4) :epoch 4}]])
(op-mem-layer/add-ops! repo [[:move 1 {:block-uuid uuid2}]
[:move 2 {:block-uuid uuid4}]
[:move 3 {:block-uuid uuid3}]
[:update 4 {:block-uuid uuid4
:av-coll [[:block/content (ldb/write-transit-str "uuid4-block") 4 true]]}]])
(let [_ (op-mem-layer/new-branch! repo)
r1 (#'r.client/gen-block-uuid->remote-ops repo conn "user-uuid" :n 1)
r1 (#'r.client/gen-block-uuid->remote-ops repo conn :n 1)
_ (op-mem-layer/rollback! repo)
r2 (#'r.client/gen-block-uuid->remote-ops repo conn "user-uuid" :n 2)]
r2 (#'r.client/gen-block-uuid->remote-ops repo conn :n 2)]
(is (= {uuid2 [:move]}
(update-vals r1 keys)))
(is (= {uuid2 [:move]