enable custom.js on mobile

llcc 2022-05-26 12:15:47 +08:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent c035f8f8ac
commit 4a10f35e14
1 changed files with 30 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
[goog.object :as gobj]
[clojure.string :as string]
[rum.core :as rum]
[frontend.mobile.util :as mobile]
[electron.ipc :as ipc]))
(defn- get-css-var-value
@ -135,37 +134,36 @@
(defn exec-js-if-exists-&-allowed!
(when-not (mobile/native-platform?)
(when-let [href (or
(let [k (str "ls-js-allowed-" href)
execed #(swap! *js-execed conj href)
execed? (contains? @*js-execed href)
ask-allow #(let [r (js/confirm (t :plugin/custom-js-alert))]
(if r
(storage/set k (js/Date.now))
(storage/set k false))
allowed! (storage/get k)
should-ask? (or (nil? allowed!)
(> (- (js/Date.now) allowed!) 604800000))]
(when (and (not execed?)
(not= false allowed!))
(if (string/starts-with? href "http")
(when (or (not should-ask?)
(load href #(do (js/console.log "[custom js]" href) (execed))))
(fs/read-file (if (util/electron?) "" (config/get-repo-dir (state/get-current-repo))) href)
#(when-let [scripts (and % (string/trim %))]
(when-not (string/blank? scripts)
(when (or (not should-ask?) (ask-allow))
(js/eval scripts)
(catch js/Error e
(js/console.error "[custom js]" e)))))))))))))
(when-let [href (or
(let [k (str "ls-js-allowed-" href)
execed #(swap! *js-execed conj href)
execed? (contains? @*js-execed href)
ask-allow #(let [r (js/confirm (t :plugin/custom-js-alert))]
(if r
(storage/set k (js/Date.now))
(storage/set k false))
allowed! (storage/get k)
should-ask? (or (nil? allowed!)
(> (- (js/Date.now) allowed!) 604800000))]
(when (and (not execed?)
(not= false allowed!))
(if (string/starts-with? href "http")
(when (or (not should-ask?)
(load href #(do (js/console.log "[custom js]" href) (execed))))
(fs/read-file (if (util/electron?) "" (config/get-repo-dir (state/get-current-repo))) href)
#(when-let [scripts (and % (string/trim %))]
(when-not (string/blank? scripts)
(when (or (not should-ask?) (ask-allow))
(js/eval scripts)
(catch js/Error e
(js/console.error "[custom js]" e))))))))))))
(defn toggle-wide-mode!