Peng Xiao 2022-07-15 02:29:50 +08:00
parent 03e79edaa1
commit 4a6ba1b9bc
2 changed files with 19 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -1625,25 +1625,31 @@
(remove nil?))]
(defn- block->shape [block]
(let [properties (:block/properties block)]
(merge block
(let [properties (:block/properties block)
uuid (str (:block/uuid block))]
(merge properties
;; Use the block's id as the shape's id.
{:id (str (:block/uuid block))})))
{:id uuid})))
(defn- shape->block [shape]
(defn- shape->block [shape page-name]
(let [properties shape]
{:block/uuid (uuid (:id shape))
{:block/uuid (uuid (:id properties))
:block/page {:block/name page-name}
:block/properties properties}))
(defn- tldr-page->blocks-tx [page-name tldr-data]
(let [shapes (mapv shape->block (:shapes tldr-data))
page-block {:block/name page-name
(let [page-block {:block/name page-name
:block/whiteboard? true
:block/properties (dissoc tldr-data :shapes)}]
(cons page-block shapes)))
:block/properties (dissoc tldr-data :shapes)}
existing-blocks (get-page-blocks-no-cache page-name)
blocks (mapv #(shape->block % page-name) (:shapes tldr-data))
block-ids (set (map :block/uuid blocks))
delete-shapes (filter (fn [shape]
(not (block-ids (:block/uuid shape))))
delete-shapes-tx (mapv (fn [s] [:db/retractEntity (:db/id s)]) delete-shapes)]
(concat [page-block] blocks delete-shapes-tx)))
(defn- get-whiteboard-clj [page-name]
(let [page-block (get-page page-name)
@ -1654,7 +1660,7 @@
(let [shapes (map block->shape blocks)
page-name (:block/name page-block)
page-properties (:block/properties page-block)]
(clj->js {:currentPageId page-name
(clj->js {:currentPageId "page"
:pages [(merge page-properties
{:id "page"
:name "page"
@ -1667,5 +1673,4 @@
(defn transact-tldr! [page-name tldr]
(let [{:keys [pages]} (js->clj tldr :keywordize-keys true)
tx (tldr-page->blocks-tx page-name (first pages))]
(println tx)
(db-utils/transact! tx)))

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@ -119,6 +119,7 @@
title (string/capitalize (:block/name page))
whiteboard-page? (:block/whiteboard? page)
format (if whiteboard-page? "edn" format)
journal-page? (date/valid-journal-title? title)
filename (if journal-page?
(date/date->file-name journal-page?)