chore: remove unused code

Tienson Qin 2022-11-08 23:30:11 +08:00
parent f90e8ee7d5
commit 4aeaaeb01e
6 changed files with 8 additions and 135 deletions

View File

@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
[frontend.util.keycode :as keycode]
[frontend.util.list :as list]
[frontend.util.marker :as marker]
[frontend.util.priority :as priority]
[ :as property]
[frontend.util.text :as text-util]
[frontend.util.thingatpt :as thingatpt]
@ -756,17 +755,6 @@
(util/format "[#%s]" new-priority))]
(save-block-if-changed! block new-content)))
(defn cycle-priority!
(when (state/get-edit-block)
(let [format (or (db/get-page-format (state/get-current-page))
input-id (state/get-edit-input-id)
content (state/get-edit-content)
new-priority (priority/cycle-priority-state content)
new-value (priority/add-or-update-priority content format new-priority)]
(state/set-edit-content! input-id new-value))))
(defn delete-block-aux!
[{:block/keys [uuid repo] :as _block} children?]
(let [repo (or repo (state/get-current-repo))
@ -2251,55 +2239,6 @@
(state/set-edit-content! (state/get-edit-input-id) value')
(cursor/move-cursor-to input cursor'))))))))))))
(defn toggle-list!
(when-not (auto-complete?)
(let [{:keys [block]} (get-state)]
(when block
(let [input (state/get-input)
format (or (db/get-page-format (state/get-current-page)) (state/get-preferred-format))
new-unordered-bullet (case format :org "-" "*")
current-pos (cursor/pos input)
content (state/get-edit-content)
pos (atom current-pos)]
(if-let [item (thingatpt/list-item-at-point input)]
(let [{:keys [ordered]} item
list-beginning-pos (list/list-beginning-pos input)
list-end-pos (list/list-end-pos input)
list (subs content list-beginning-pos list-end-pos)
items (string/split-lines list)
splitter-reg (if ordered #"[\d]*\.\s*" #"[-\*]{1}\s*")
items-without-bullet (vec (map #(last (string/split % splitter-reg 2)) items))
new-list (string/join "\n"
(if ordered
(map #(str new-unordered-bullet " " %) items-without-bullet)
(map-indexed #(str (inc %1) ". " %2) items-without-bullet)))
index-of-current-item (inc (.indexOf items-without-bullet
(last (string/split (:raw-content item) splitter-reg 2))))
numbers-length (->> (map-indexed
#(str (inc %1) ". ")
(subvec items-without-bullet 0 index-of-current-item))
pos-diff (- numbers-length (* 2 index-of-current-item))]
(delete-and-update input list-beginning-pos list-end-pos)
(insert new-list)
(reset! pos (if ordered
(- current-pos pos-diff)
(+ current-pos pos-diff))))
(let [prev-item (list/get-prev-item input)]
(cursor/move-cursor-down input)
(cursor/move-cursor-to-line-beginning input)
(if prev-item
(let [{:keys [bullet ordered]} prev-item
current-bullet (if ordered (str (inc bullet) ".") bullet)]
(insert (str current-bullet " "))
(reset! pos (+ current-pos (count current-bullet) 1)))
(do (insert (str new-unordered-bullet " "))
(reset! pos (+ current-pos 2))))))
(cursor/move-cursor-to input @pos))))))
(defn toggle-page-reference-embed
(let [{:keys [block]} (get-state)]

View File

@ -103,30 +103,17 @@
(defn <refresh-id-token&access-token
"refresh id-token and access-token, if refresh_token expired, clear all tokens
return true if success, else false"
"Refresh id-token and access-token"
(when-let [refresh-token (state/get-auth-refresh-token)]
(let [resp (<! (http/get (str "https://" config/API-DOMAIN "/auth_refresh_token?refresh_token=" refresh-token)
{:with-credentials? false}))]
;; e.g. api return 500, server internal error
;; we shouldn't clear tokens if they aren't expired yet
;; the `refresh-tokens-loop` will retry soon
(and (not (http/unexceptional-status? (:status resp)))
(not (-> (state/get-auth-id-token) parse-jwt expired?)))
nil ; do nothing
(not (http/unexceptional-status? (:status resp)))
:else ; ok
(when (and (:id_token (:body resp)) (:access_token (:body resp)))
(set-tokens! (:id_token (:body resp)) (:access_token (:body resp))))))))
(defn restore-tokens-from-localstorage
"restore id-token, access-token, refresh-token from localstorage,
"Restore id-token, access-token, refresh-token from localstorage,
and refresh id-token&access-token if necessary.
return nil when tokens are not available."

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
(:require [dommy.core :as dom]
[frontend.commands :as commands]
[ :as date]
[frontend.handler.config :as config-handler]
[frontend.handler.editor :as editor-handler]
[frontend.handler.history :as history]
[ :as page-handler]
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@
(ui/icon icon {:size ui/icon-size})]])
(rum/defc command
[command-handler icon & [count? event?]]
[command-handler icon & [event?]]
{:on-mouse-down (fn [e]

View File

@ -120,9 +120,9 @@
(move-cursor-to input (line-end-pos input)))
(defn move-cursor-to-line-beginning
(move-cursor-to input (line-beginning-pos input)))
;; (defn move-cursor-to-line-beginning
;; [input]
;; (move-cursor-to input (line-beginning-pos input)))
(defn move-cursor-to-end

View File

@ -1,44 +1,6 @@
(ns frontend.util.list
"High level list operations for use in editor"
(:require [frontend.util.thingatpt :as thingatpt]
[frontend.util.cursor :as cursor]
[clojure.string :as string]))
(defn get-prev-item [& [input]]
(when-not (cursor/textarea-cursor-first-row? input)
(if-let [item (thingatpt/list-item-at-point input)]
(let [{:keys [bullet ordered]} item]
(when-not (and ordered (= bullet "1"))
(cursor/move-cursor-up input)))
(cursor/move-cursor-up input))
(thingatpt/list-item-at-point input)))
(defn get-next-item [& [input]]
(when-let [item (thingatpt/list-item-at-point input)]
(let [{:keys [_bullet _ordered]} item]
(when-not (cursor/textarea-cursor-last-row? input)
(cursor/move-cursor-down input)
(thingatpt/list-item-at-point input)))))
(defn list-beginning-pos [& [input]]
(when-let [item (thingatpt/list-item-at-point input)]
(let [current-pos (cursor/pos input)
item-start (:start item)
beginning-pos (atom item-start)]
(while (when-let [prev-item (get-prev-item input)]
(reset! beginning-pos (:start prev-item))))
(cursor/move-cursor-to input current-pos)
(defn list-end-pos [& [input]]
(when-let [item (thingatpt/list-item-at-point input)]
(let [current-pos (cursor/pos input)
item-end (:end item)
end-pos (atom item-end)]
(while (when-let [next-item (get-next-item input)]
(reset! end-pos (:end next-item))))
(cursor/move-cursor-to input current-pos)
(:require [clojure.string :as string]))
(defn- newline?

View File

@ -4,20 +4,6 @@
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.util.marker :as marker]))
(defn cycle-priority-state
(let [priority-reg #"\[#([ABC]{1})\]\s{1}"
priority (last (util/safe-re-find priority-reg content))
next-priority (case priority
"A" "B"
"B" "C"
"C" nil
(and next-priority (util/format "[#%s]" next-priority))))
(defn add-or-update-priority
[content format priority]
(let [priority-pattern #"(\[#[ABC]\])?\s?"