improve(marketplace): change sort-by to filter behavior from installed plugins

charlie 2022-01-12 17:54:44 +08:00 committed by Andelf
parent d863b10705
commit 4bcc4f4b86
3 changed files with 47 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
(when (and (not market?) unpacked?)
[ "unpacked"])]
[ (t :plugin/unpacked)])]
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
(rum/defc panel-control-tabs
< rum/static
[t search-key *search-key category *category
sort-by *sort-by selected-unpacked-pkg
sort-or-filter-by *sort-or-filter-by selected-unpacked-pkg
market? develop-mode? reload-market-fn]
(let [*search-ref (rum/create-ref)]
@ -351,38 +351,46 @@
:value (or search-key "")}]]
;; sorter
;; sorter & filter
(fn [{:keys [toggle-fn]}]
[:span (ui/icon "arrows-sort")]
:class (str (when-not (contains? #{:enabled :downloads} sort-by) "picked ") "sort-by")
[:span (ui/icon (if market? "arrows-sort" "filter"))]
:class (str (when-not (contains? #{:default :downloads} sort-or-filter-by) "picked ") "sort-or-filter-by")
:on-click toggle-fn
:intent "link"))
(let [aim-icon #(if (= sort-by %) "check" "circle")]
(let [aim-icon #(if (= sort-or-filter-by %) "check" "circle")]
(if market?
[{:title (t :plugin/downloads)
:options {:on-click #(reset! *sort-by :downloads)}
:options {:on-click #(reset! *sort-or-filter-by :downloads)}
:icon (ui/icon (aim-icon :downloads))}
{:title (t :plugin/stars)
:options {:on-click #(reset! *sort-by :stars)}
:options {:on-click #(reset! *sort-or-filter-by :stars)}
:icon (ui/icon (aim-icon :stars))}
{:title (str (t :plugin/title) " (A - Z)")
:options {:on-click #(reset! *sort-by :letters)}
:options {:on-click #(reset! *sort-or-filter-by :letters)}
:icon (ui/icon (aim-icon :letters))}]
[{:title (t :plugin/enabled)
:options {:on-click #(reset! *sort-by :enabled)}
[{:title (t :plugin/all)
:options {:on-click #(reset! *sort-or-filter-by :default)}
:icon (ui/icon (aim-icon :default))}
{:title (t :plugin/enabled)
:options {:on-click #(reset! *sort-or-filter-by :enabled)}
:icon (ui/icon (aim-icon :enabled))}
{:title (t :plugin/disabled)
:options {:on-click #(reset! *sort-by :disabled)}
:options {:on-click #(reset! *sort-or-filter-by :disabled)}
:icon (ui/icon (aim-icon :disabled))}
{:title (t :plugin/unpacked)
:options {:on-click #(reset! *sort-or-filter-by :unpacked)}
:icon (ui/icon (aim-icon :unpacked))}
{:title (t :plugin/update-available)
:options {:on-click #(reset! *sort-by :update-available)}
:options {:on-click #(reset! *sort-or-filter-by :update-available)}
:icon (ui/icon (aim-icon :update-available))}]))
@ -520,7 +528,7 @@
(rum/defcs installed-plugins
< rum/static rum/reactive
(rum/local "" ::search-key)
(rum/local :enabled ::sort-by) ;; enabled / disabled / letters / update-available
(rum/local :default ::filter-by) ;; default / enabled / disabled / unpacked / update-available
(rum/local :plugins ::category)
(let [installed-plugins (state/sub :plugin/installed-plugins)
@ -529,13 +537,24 @@
develop-mode? (state/sub :ui/developer-mode?)
selected-unpacked-pkg (state/sub :plugin/selected-unpacked-pkg)
coming-updates (state/sub :plugin/updates-coming)
*sort-by (::sort-by state)
*filter-by (::filter-by state)
*search-key (::search-key state)
*category (::category state)
default-filter-by? (= :default @*filter-by)
filtered-plugins (when (seq installed-plugins)
(if (= @*category :themes)
(filter #(:theme %) installed-plugins)
(filter #(not (:theme %)) installed-plugins)))
filtered-plugins (if-not default-filter-by?
(filter (fn [it]
(let [disabled (get-in it [:settings :disabled])]
(case @*filter-by
:enabled (not disabled)
:disabled disabled
:unpacked (not (:iir it))
:update-available (state/plugin-update-available? (:id it))
true))) filtered-plugins)
filtered-plugins (if-not (string/blank? @*search-key)
(if-let [author (and (string/starts-with? @*search-key "@")
(subs @*search-key 1))]
@ -545,15 +564,13 @@
:limit 30
:extract-fn :name))
sorted-plugins (->> filtered-plugins
(reduce #(let [k (if (get-in %2 [:settings :disabled]) 1 0)
k (if (= @*sort-by :disabled) (if (zero? k) 1 0) k)]
(update %1 k conj %2)) [[] []])
(#(update % 0 (fn [coll]
(if (= @*sort-by :update-available)
(sort-by (fn [it] (if (state/plugin-update-available? (:id it)) -1 1)) coll)
(sort-by :iir coll)))))
sorted-plugins (if default-filter-by?
(->> filtered-plugins
(reduce #(let [k (if (get-in %2 [:settings :disabled]) 1 0)]
(update %1 k conj %2)) [[] []])
(#(update % 0 (fn [coll] (sort-by :iir coll))))
[[t] i18n/*tongue-context*]
@ -563,7 +580,7 @@
@*search-key *search-key
@*category *category
@*sort-by *sort-by
@*filter-by *filter-by
false develop-mode? nil)

View File

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
background: transparent;
&.sort-by, &.more-do {
&.sort-or-filter-by, &.more-do {
padding: 0 4px;

View File

@ -362,6 +362,8 @@
:plugin/downloads "Downloads"
:plugin/stars "Stars"
:plugin/title "Title"
:plugin/all "All"
:plugin/unpacked "Unpacked"
:plugin/delete-alert "Are you sure uninstall plugin [{1}]?"
:plugin/open-settings "Open settings"
:plugin/open-package "Open package"
@ -1145,6 +1147,8 @@
:plugin/downloads "下载量"
:plugin/stars "收藏数"
:plugin/title "名称"
:plugin/all "全部"
:plugin/unpacked "未打包"
:plugin/open-settings "打开配置项"
:plugin/open-package "打开包目录"
:plugin/load-unpacked "手动载入插件"