Tienson Qin 2021-12-27 12:36:14 +08:00
parent fc690ef31d
commit 4cae0f9ebd
2 changed files with 32 additions and 46 deletions

View File

@ -11,32 +11,24 @@
(defn insert-property
[format content key value]
(when (string? content)
(let [ast (mldoc/->edn content (mldoc/default-config format))
key-exists? (fn [k] (boolean (k (last (ffirst ast)))))
key (if (string? key) (keyword key) key)
old-value (key (last (ffirst ast)))
new-value (case key
:title value
(-> (if (coll? old-value)
(concat old-value [value])
(conj [old-value] value))
build-property-fn (fn [value]
(util/format (case format
:org "#+%s: %s"
"%s:: %s")
(name key)
(if (coll? value)
(->> (remove nil? value)
(string/join ", "))
old-property-str (when old-value (build-property-fn old-value))
new-property-str (build-property-fn new-value)]
(if (key-exists? key)
(string/replace content old-property-str new-property-str)
(string/join "\n" (remove #(= "" %)
[new-property-str content]))))))
(when (and (string? content) (not (string/blank? (name key))))
(let [key (if (string? key) (keyword key) key)
key-part (util/format (case format
:org "#+%s: "
"%s:: ") (name key))
new-property-line (str key-part value)
lines (string/split-lines content)
key-exists? (atom false)
lines (doall
(map (fn [line]
(if (and (string/starts-with? line key-part) (not @key-exists?)) ; only replace the first match
(reset! key-exists? true)
line)) lines))
lines (if (= lines [""]) nil lines)
lines (if @key-exists? lines (cons new-property-line lines))]
(string/join "\n" lines))))
(defn insert-properties
[format content kvs]

View File

@ -15,19 +15,13 @@
"#+title: new title\nhello"
(property/insert-property :org "#+title: title\nhello" :alias "alias1")
"#+title: title\n#+alias: alias1\nhello"
"#+alias: alias1\n#+title: title\nhello"
(property/insert-property :org "#+title: title\n#+alias: alias1\nhello" :alias "alias2")
"#+title: title\n#+alias: alias1, alias2\nhello"
"#+title: title\n#+alias: alias2\nhello"
(property/insert-property :org "#+title: title\n#+alias: alias1, alias2\nhello" :alias "alias3")
"#+title: title\n#+alias: alias1, alias2, alias3\nhello"
(property/insert-property :org "#+title: title\n#+alias: alias1, alias2\nhello" :aliases "aliases1")
"#+title: title\n#+alias: alias1, alias2\n#+aliases: aliases1\nhello"
(property/insert-property :org "#+title: title\n#+alias: alias1, alias2\n#+aliases: aliases1\nhello" :aliases "aliases2")
"#+title: title\n#+alias: alias1, alias2\n#+aliases: aliases1, aliases2\nhello"))
"#+title: title\n#+alias: alias3\nhello"))
(testing "add markdown page property"
(are [x y] (= x y)
@ -41,19 +35,19 @@
"title:: new title\nhello"
(property/insert-property :markdown "title:: title\nhello" :alias "alias1")
"title:: title\nalias:: alias1\nhello"
"alias:: alias1\ntitle:: title\nhello"
(property/insert-property :markdown "title:: title\nalias:: alias1\nhello" :alias "alias2")
"title:: title\nalias:: alias1, alias2\nhello"
"title:: title\nalias:: alias2\nhello"
(property/insert-property :markdown "title:: title\nalias:: alias1, alias2\nhello" :alias "alias3")
"title:: title\nalias:: alias1, alias2, alias3\nhello"
"title:: title\nalias:: alias3\nhello"
(property/insert-property :markdown "title:: title\nalias:: alias1, alias2\nhello" :aliases "aliases1")
"title:: title\nalias:: alias1, alias2\naliases:: aliases1\nhello"
"aliases:: aliases1\ntitle:: title\nalias:: alias1, alias2\nhello"
(property/insert-property :markdown "title:: title\nalias:: alias1, alias2\naliases:: aliases1\nhello" :aliases "aliases2")
"title:: title\nalias:: alias1, alias2\naliases:: aliases1, aliases2\nhello")))
"title:: title\nalias:: alias1, alias2\naliases:: aliases2\nhello")))
(deftest test-insert-properties
(testing "add org page properties"
@ -68,19 +62,19 @@
(property/insert-properties :org "#+title: title\nhello"
{:title "new title"
:alias "alias1"})
"#+title: new title\n#+alias: alias1\nhello"
"#+alias: alias1\n#+title: new title\nhello"
(property/insert-properties :org "#+title: title\n#+alias: alias1\nhello"
{:title "new title"
:alias "alias2"
:aliases "aliases1"})
"#+title: new title\n#+alias: alias1, alias2\n#+aliases: aliases1\nhello"
"#+aliases: aliases1\n#+title: new title\n#+alias: alias2\nhello"
(property/insert-properties :org "#+title: title\n#+alias: alias1, alias2\n#+aliases: aliases1\nhello"
{:title "new title"
:alias "alias2"
:aliases "aliases1"})
"#+title: new title\n#+alias: alias1, alias2\n#+aliases: aliases1\nhello"))
"#+title: new title\n#+alias: alias2\n#+aliases: aliases1\nhello"))
(testing "add markdown page properties"
(are [x y] (= x y)
@ -93,18 +87,18 @@
(property/insert-properties :markdown "title:: title\nhello"
{:title "new title"
:alias "alias1"})
"title:: new title\nalias:: alias1\nhello"
"alias:: alias1\ntitle:: new title\nhello"
(property/insert-properties :markdown "title:: title\nalias:: alias1\nhello"
{:title "new title"
:alias "alias2"
:aliases "aliases1"})
"title:: new title\nalias:: alias1, alias2\naliases:: aliases1\nhello"
"aliases:: aliases1\ntitle:: new title\nalias:: alias2\nhello"
(property/insert-properties :markdown "title:: title\nalias:: alias1, alias2\naliases:: aliases1\nhello"
{:title "new title"
:alias "alias2"
:aliases "aliases1"})
"title:: new title\nalias:: alias1, alias2\naliases:: aliases1\nhello")))
"title:: new title\nalias:: alias2\naliases:: aliases1\nhello")))