chore: some updates to naming

rcmerci 2024-05-01 16:30:51 +08:00
parent acf8509154
commit 4ccd16dbe1
2 changed files with 58 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -561,9 +561,9 @@
[this repo token dev-mode?]

View File

@ -27,18 +27,18 @@
(def ^:private sentinel (js-obj))
(defn get-remote-updates
"Return a flow: receive messages from mws, and filter messages with :req-id=`push-updates`."
"Return a flow: receive messages from ws, and filter messages with :req-id=`push-updates`."
(loop []
(let [mws (m/? get-mws-create-task)
(let [ws (m/? get-ws-create-task)
x (try
(m/?> (m/eduction
(keep (fn [data]
(when (= "push-updates" (:req-id data))
(rtc-const/data-from-ws-coercer data))))
(ws/recv-flow mws)))
(ws/recv-flow ws)))
(catch js/CloseEvent _
(if (identical? x sentinel)
@ -60,53 +60,53 @@
"Return a flow that emits all kinds of events:
`:remote-update`: remote-updates data from server
`:local-update-check`: event to notify to check if there're some new local-updates, then push to remote."
[repo get-mws-create-task *auto-push?]
[repo get-ws-create-task *auto-push?]
(let [remote-updates-flow (m/eduction
(map (fn [data] {:type :remote-update :value data}))
(get-remote-updates get-mws-create-task))
(get-remote-updates get-ws-create-task))
local-updates-check-flow (m/eduction
(map (fn [data] {:type :local-update-check :value data}))
(create-local-updates-check-flow repo *auto-push? 2000))]
(c.m/mix remote-updates-flow local-updates-check-flow)))
(def ^:private *url->*current-mws
"Atom of url-> atom-*current-mws"
(def ^:private *url->*current-ws
"Atom of url-> atom-*current-ws"
(atom {}))
(defn- create-get-mws-create-task
"Return a task that get current mws, create one if needed(closed or not created yet)"
(defn- create-get-ws-create-task
"Return a task that get current ws, create one if needed(closed or not created yet)"
[url & {:keys [retry-count open-ws-timeout]
:or {retry-count 10 open-ws-timeout 10000}}]
(let [*current-mws (or (@*url->*current-mws url) (atom nil))
mws-create-task (ws/mws-create url {:retry-count retry-count :open-ws-timeout open-ws-timeout})]
(when-not (@*url->*current-mws url)
(swap! *url->*current-mws assoc url *current-mws))
(let [*current-ws (or (@*url->*current-ws url) (atom nil))
ws-create-task (ws/mws-create url {:retry-count retry-count :open-ws-timeout open-ws-timeout})]
(when-not (@*url->*current-ws url)
(swap! *url->*current-ws assoc url *current-ws))
(let [mws @*current-mws]
(if (and mws
(not (ws/closed? mws)))
(let [mws (m/? mws-create-task)]
(reset! *current-mws mws)
(let [ws @*current-ws]
(if (and ws
(not (ws/closed? ws)))
(let [ws (m/? ws-create-task)]
(reset! *current-ws ws)
(defn- create-mws-state-flow
(defn- create-ws-state-flow
(if-let [mws (m/?< (m/watch *current-mws))]
(m/?< (ws/create-mws-state-flow mws))
(if-let [ws (m/?< (m/watch *current-ws))]
(m/?< (ws/create-mws-state-flow ws))
(defn- create-rtc-state-flow
(fn [mws-state]
(fn [ws-state]
{:post [(rtc-state-validator %)]}
(cond-> {}
mws-state (assoc :ws-state mws-state)))
(m/reductions {} nil mws-state-flow)))
ws-state (assoc :ws-state ws-state)))
(m/reductions {} nil ws-state-flow)))
(def ^:private *rtc-lock (atom nil))
(defn- holding-rtc-lock
@ -136,14 +136,14 @@
*log (atom nil)
started-dfv (m/dfv)
add-log-fn #(reset! *log [(js/Date.) %])
get-mws-create-task (r.client/ensure-register-graph-updates
(create-get-mws-create-task ws-url)
get-ws-create-task (r.client/ensure-register-graph-updates
(create-get-ws-create-task ws-url)
*current-mws (@*url->*current-mws ws-url)
mixed-flow (create-mixed-flow repo get-mws-create-task *auto-push?)]
(assert (some? *current-mws))
*current-ws (@*url->*current-ws ws-url)
mixed-flow (create-mixed-flow repo get-ws-create-task *auto-push?)]
(assert (some? *current-ws))
{:rtc-log-flow (m/buffer 100 (m/watch *log))
:rtc-state-flow (create-rtc-state-flow (create-mws-state-flow *current-mws))
:rtc-state-flow (create-rtc-state-flow (create-ws-state-flow *current-ws))
:*rtc-auto-push? *auto-push?
:onstarted-task started-dfv
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
;; init run to open a ws
(m/? get-mws-create-task)
(m/? get-ws-create-task)
(let [event (m/?> mixed-flow)]
(case (:type event)
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
(m/? (r.client/create-push-local-ops-task
repo conn user-uuid graph-uuid date-formatter
get-mws-create-task add-log-fn))))
get-ws-create-task add-log-fn))))
(m/reduce {} nil)
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
(when-let [canceler (:canceler @*rtc-loop-metadata)]
(defn rtc-toggle-sync
(defn rtc-toggle-auto-push
(when-let [*auto-push? (:*rtc-auto-push? @*rtc-loop-metadata)]
(swap! *auto-push? not)))
@ -213,16 +213,16 @@
(defn create-get-graphs-task
(let [get-mws-create-task (create-get-mws-create-task (get-ws-url token))]
(:graphs (m/? (r.client/send&recv get-mws-create-task {:action "list-graphs"}))))))
(let [get-ws-create-task (create-get-ws-create-task (get-ws-url token))]
(:graphs (m/? (r.client/send&recv get-ws-create-task {:action "list-graphs"}))))))
(defn create-delete-graph-task
"Return a task that return true if succeed"
[token graph-uuid]
(let [get-mws-create-task (create-get-mws-create-task (get-ws-url token))
(let [get-ws-create-task (create-get-ws-create-task (get-ws-url token))
{:keys [ex-data]} (m/?
(r.client/send&recv get-mws-create-task
(r.client/send&recv get-ws-create-task
{:action "delete-graph" :graph-uuid graph-uuid}))]
(when ex-data (prn ::delete-graph-failed graph-uuid ex-data))
(boolean (nil? ex-data)))))
@ -232,20 +232,30 @@
FIXME: remote api hasn't support yet."
[token graph-uuid]
(let [get-mws-create-task (create-get-mws-create-task (get-ws-url token))]
(let [get-ws-create-task (create-get-ws-create-task (get-ws-url token))]
(m/? (r.client/send&recv get-mws-create-task
(m/? (r.client/send&recv get-ws-create-task
{:action "get-users-info" :graph-uuid graph-uuid}))))))
(defn create-grant-access-to-others-task
[token graph-uuid & {:keys [target-user-uuids target-user-emails]}]
(let [get-mws-create-task (create-get-mws-create-task (get-ws-url token))]
(r.client/send&recv get-mws-create-task
(let [get-ws-create-task (create-get-ws-create-task (get-ws-url token))]
(r.client/send&recv get-ws-create-task
(cond-> {:action "grant-access"
:graph-uuid graph-uuid}
target-user-uuids (assoc :target-user-uuids target-user-uuids)
target-user-emails (assoc :target-user-emails target-user-emails)))))
(defn create-get-block-content-task
"Return a task that return map [:ex-data :ex-message :versions]"
[token graph-uuid block-uuid]
(let [get-ws-create-task (create-get-ws-create-task (get-ws-url token))]
(r.client/send&recv get-ws-create-task
{:action "query-block-content-versions"
:block-uuids [block-uuid]
:graph-uuid graph-uuid})))