refactor(ios): refine ios initial appOpenUrl handling using preinit-homepage

Andelf 2023-08-24 01:26:47 +08:00
parent 74eea4bb1e
commit 4dd753d265
5 changed files with 42 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
(defn preload-graph-homepage-files!
"Preload the homepage file for the current graph.
"Preload the homepage file for the current graph. Return loaded file paths.
- current graph is set
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
(str parent-dir "/" file-name "." ext)))]
(prn ::preload-homepage repo-dir file-rpath)
(prn ::preload-homepage file-rpath)
(p/let [file-exists? (fs/file-exists? repo-dir file-rpath)
_ (when file-exists?
;; BUG: avoid active-editing block content overwrites incoming fs changes
@ -170,23 +170,29 @@
db-content (if-not db-empty?
(db/get-file repo file-rpath)
(and file-exists?
(handle-add-and-change! repo file-rpath file-content db-content file-mtime false)
(and file-exists?
(handle-add-and-change! repo file-rpath file-content db-content file-mtime false)
(and file-exists?
(not db-empty?)
(not= file-content db-content))
(handle-add-and-change! repo file-rpath file-content db-content file-mtime true))
(and file-exists?
(not db-empty?)
(not= file-content db-content))
(handle-add-and-change! repo file-rpath file-content db-content file-mtime true))
(defn load-graph-files!
"This fn replaces the former initial fs watcher"
[graph exclude-files]
(when graph
(let [repo-dir (config/get-repo-dir graph)
db-files (->> (db/get-files graph)
(map first))]
(map first))
exclude-files (set (or exclude-files []))]
;; read all files in the repo dir, notify if readdir error
(p/let [[files deleted-files]
(-> (fs/readdir repo-dir :path-only? true)
@ -200,7 +206,8 @@
(string/lower-case f)]))))
(fn [files]
(let [deleted-files (set/difference (set db-files) (set files))]
[(->> files
(remove #(contains? exclude-files %)))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(when-not (config/demo-graph? graph)

View File

@ -380,12 +380,13 @@
(when (and (not dir-exists?)
(not util/nfs?))
(state/pub-event! [:graph/dir-gone dir]))))
;; FIXME: an ugly implementation for redirecting to page on new window is restored
(repo-handler/graph-ready! repo)
;; This replaces the former initial fs watcher
(fs-watcher/load-graph-files! repo))
(p/let [loaded-homepage-files (fs-watcher/preload-graph-homepage-files!)
;; re-render-root is async and delegated to rum, so we need to wait for main ui to refresh
_ (js/setTimeout #(mobile/mobile-postinit) 1000)
;; FIXME: an ugly implementation for redirecting to page on new window is restored
_ (repo-handler/graph-ready! repo)
_ (fs-watcher/load-graph-files! repo loaded-homepage-files)]
;; TODO(junyi): Notify user to update filename format when the UX is smooth enough
;; (when-not config/test?
;; (js/setTimeout
@ -397,7 +398,7 @@
;; (not= filename-format :triple-lowbar))
;; (state/pub-event! [:ui/notify-outdated-filename-format []]))))
;; 3000))
(defmethod handle :notification/show [[_ {:keys [content status clear?]}]]
(notification/show! content status clear?))

View File

@ -530,4 +530,5 @@
(defn graph-ready!
;; FIXME: Call electron that the graph is loaded, an ugly implementation for redirect to page when graph is restored
(ipc/ipc "graphReady" graph))
(when (util/electron?)
(ipc/ipc "graphReady" graph)))

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.handler.repo :as repo-handler]))
(def *url (atom nil))
(def *init-url (atom nil))
;; FIXME: `appUrlOpen` are fired twice when receiving a same intent.
;; The following two variable atoms are used to compare whether
;; they are from the same intent share.
@ -29,6 +29,15 @@
;; Caution: This must be called before any file accessing
(defn mobile-postinit
"postinit logic of mobile platforms: handle deeplink and intent"
(when (mobile-util/native-ios?)
(when @*init-url
(deeplink/deeplink @*init-url)
(reset! *init-url nil))))
(defn- ios-init
"Initialize iOS-specified event listeners"
@ -44,19 +53,11 @@
(when (not (config/demo-graph?))
(state/pub-event! [:validate-appId]))
(.addEventListener js/window
(fn [_event]
(when @*url
(js/setTimeout #(deeplink/deeplink @*url)
;; keep this the same logic as src/main/electron/listener.cljs
(.addListener mobile-util/file-sync "debug"
(fn [event]
(js/console.log "🔄" event)
(let [event (js->clj event :keywordize-keys true)
payload (:data event)]
(when (or (= (:event event) "download:progress")
@ -115,7 +116,7 @@
(fn [^js data]
(when-let [url (.-url data)]
(if-not (= (.-readyState js/document) "complete")
(reset! *url url)
(reset! *init-url url)
(when-not (and (= @*last-shared-url url)
(<= (- (.getSeconds (js/Date.)) @*last-shared-seconds) 1))
(reset! *last-shared-url url)

View File

@ -46,12 +46,10 @@
(protocol/rebuild-blocks-indice! e1)))
(transact-blocks! [_this data]
(println "D:Search > Transact blocks!:" repo)
(doseq [e (get-flatten-registered-engines repo)]
(protocol/transact-blocks! e data)))
(transact-pages! [_this data]
(println "D:Search > Transact pages!:" repo)
(doseq [e (get-flatten-registered-engines repo)]
(protocol/transact-pages! e data)))