Add tests for :current-block and :parent-block

Remove before-ms and after-ms if we don't have a good use case for it
Gabriel Horner 2023-01-06 17:44:34 -05:00 committed by Gabriel Horner
parent 657d83e4ae
commit 506faa89c7
3 changed files with 70 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
([input current-block-uuid]
(= :right-now-ms input) (util/time-ms)
(= :start-of-today-ms input) (util/date-at-local-ms 0 0 0 0)
(= :end-of-today-ms input) (util/date-at-local-ms 24 0 0 0)
(= :start-of-today-ms input) (util/today-at-local-ms 0 0 0 0)
(= :end-of-today-ms input) (util/today-at-local-ms 24 0 0 0)
(= :today input)
(date->int (t/today))
@ -38,34 +38,22 @@
(:db/id (db-utils/entity [:block/uuid current-block-uuid]))
(and current-block-uuid (= :parent-block input))
(:db/id (model/get-block-parent current-block-uuid))
;; :3d-before-ms
(and (keyword? input)
(re-find #"^\d+d(-before-ms)?$" (name input)))
(let [input (name input)
days (parse-long (re-find #"^\d+" input))]
(util/date-at-local-ms (t/minus (t/today) (t/days days)) 0 0 0 0))
;; :3d-after-ms
(and (keyword? input)
(re-find #"^\d+d(-after-ms)?$" (name input)))
(let [input (name input)
days (parse-long (re-find #"^\d+" input))]
(util/date-at-local-ms (t/plus (t/today) (t/days days)) 24 0 0 0))
;; :3d-before
;; e.g. :3d-before
(and (keyword? input)
(re-find #"^\d+d(-before)?$" (name input)))
(let [input (name input)
days (parse-long (re-find #"^\d+" input))]
(date->int (t/minus (t/today) (t/days days))))
;; :3d-after
;; e.g. :3d-after
(and (keyword? input)
(re-find #"^\d+d(-after)?$" (name input)))
(let [input (name input)
days (parse-long (re-find #"^\d+" input))]
(date->int (t/plus (t/today) (t/days days))))
(and (string? input) (page-ref/page-ref? input))
(-> (page-ref/get-page-name input)
(and (string? input) (page-ref/page-ref? input))
(-> (page-ref/get-page-name input)

View File

@ -766,11 +766,8 @@
;; For example, if you run this function at 10pm EDT in the EDT timezone on May 31st,
;; it will return 1622433600000, which is equivalent to Mon May 31 2021 00 :00:00.
(defn date-at-local-ms
([hours mins secs millisecs]
(date-at-local-ms (.now js/Date) hours mins secs millisecs))
([date hours mins secs millisecs]
(.setHours (js/Date. date) hours mins secs millisecs))))
(defn today-at-local-ms [hours mins secs millisecs]
(.setHours (js/Date. (.now js/Date)) hours mins secs millisecs)))
(defn d
[k f]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
(ns frontend.db.query-react-test
(:require [cljs.test :refer [deftest is use-fixtures]]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.test.helper :as test-helper :refer [load-test-files]]
[frontend.db.query-custom :as query-custom]
[frontend.db.utils :as db-utils]
[frontend.db.react :as react]))
(use-fixtures :each {:before test-helper/start-test-db!
:after test-helper/destroy-test-db!})
(defn- custom-query
"Use custom-query over react-query for testing since it handles rules the way users
[query & [opts]]
(when-let [result (query-custom/custom-query test-helper/test-db query opts)]
(map first (deref result))))
(deftest resolve-input
(load-test-files [{:file/path "pages/"
"- parent
- child 1
- child 2"}])
(is (= ["child 2" "child 1" "parent"]
(with-redefs [state/get-current-page (constantly "page1")]
(map :block/content
(custom-query {:inputs [:current-page]
:query '[:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?current-page
:where [?b :block/page ?bp]
[?bp :block/name ?current-page]]}))))
":current-page input resolves to current page name")
(is (= ["child 1" "child 2"]
(let [block-uuid (-> (db-utils/q '[:find (pull ?b [:block/uuid])
:where [?b :block/content "parent"]])
(map :block/content
(custom-query {:inputs [:current-block]
:query '[:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?current-block
:where [?b :block/parent ?current-block]]}
{:current-block-uuid block-uuid}))))
":current-block input resolves to current block's :db/id")
(is (= ["parent"]
(let [block-uuid (-> (db-utils/q '[:find (pull ?b [:block/uuid])
:where [?b :block/content "child 1"]])
(map :block/content
(custom-query {:inputs [:parent-block]
:query '[:find (pull ?parent-block [*])
:in $ ?parent-block
:where [?parent-block :block/parent]]}
{:current-block-uuid block-uuid}))))
":parent-block input resolves to parent of current blocks's :db/id"))